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  1. F

    New family to fish, new FW community tank

    Thank you for the kind welcome! I have been doing ~10% water changes weekly, with gentle substrate vacuuming once or twice a week. I'm happy to adjust based on your recommendations.
  2. F

    Guppies in distress

    I have been doing a gentle substrate vacuum twice a week, and about 10% water changes weekly, with a 25% change yesterday after our fish died. We've only had them for a few weeks.
  3. F

    Guppies in distress

    Hello CaptainBarnicles, Thank you for the advice. I would normally be right there with you on only treating for the right thing, but was feeling desperate to help the little guys and saw a few things that pointed to some kind of infection (the fin rot I believe I saw on the orange tail guppy...
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    Guppies in distress

    It looks more like a straight stick with no bristles. I'll reply to the antibiotics under Captain Barnacle's comment.
  9. F

    Guppies in distress

    It was straight and did not appear bristled. pH is 7.8; I don’t currently have a way to test pH 7.8; I don't currently have a way to test for gh and kh but would be happy to obtain that. I'm using the API FW master test kit.
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  11. F

    Guppies in distress

    And now one of them has something red protruding from its anus! Some kind of worm infestation? Everyone in the tank looks stressed.
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  13. F

    Guppies in distress

    We had 7 guppies two days ago; we lost two yesterday and now two more are on the bottom of the tank. One had white stringy poop last night. I dosed the tank last night with the first of 4 days of antibiotics b/c one of the deceased guppies had fin rot. What should I do for the guppies? Tank...
  14. F

    New family to fish, new FW community tank

    Hello, we are a small family that has started trying to keep fish over the last few months. We currently have 3 Cory catfish of a muted grey (green or bronze, maybe?), five assorted guppies, and one plecostomus of undetermined species. 37 gallon tank, heater (79-80), plant media substrate, live...
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