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  3. F

    Advice on water temperature for community tank?

    Hi folks, I have a 37 gal tank (waterfall filter, bubble wall, sand/plant substrate bottom, rock and plants) that has 3 bronze corys, one pleco, and assorted guppies (2 adult, 2 juv, 6 baby). Guppies like warmer water, corys cooler water, but the ranges do overlap. Does anyone have advice on the...
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    Whirling guppy

    That’s a good idea. Does the whirling behavior help with diagnosis?
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    Whirling guppy

    Thank you Colin. I finally got a good picture of the fish doing the whirling behavior. I found something with malachite green, which will be delivered next Saturday. It might be kinder to euthanize him, though, than wait.
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    Whirling guppy

    What I have is metonidazole and praziquantel (General Cure), which is aimed at parasites. If it's skin flukes it will help. The LFS doesn't stock any malachite green medications. The salt hasn't helped, so maybe it isn't the external protozoans? If it's a virus, nothing I do is going to help...
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    Whirling guppy

    Well, he has been in salt of increasing salinity for about five days now (up to somewhere around 3T/20L), and continues to decline. Given that he is a live bearer, can I medicate with salt in the water? I’m not sure he will still be around after the suggested slow desalination (looks like it...
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    Whirling guppy

    Spinning guppy videos: and . In the second video the clearest example is between 30 sec and the end of the 38 sec video. I've moved the guppy into our 3.5 gal hospital tank. It is very ill. It can rest, but can't swim much without going into a spasm of circling. It doesn't look like whirling...
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    Whirling guppy

    Hi folks, one of that batch of guppies in rough shape has started having spasms of tumbling/whirling. For the last few weeks, his tail has been drooping, and now he intermittently somersaults or goes into a tumbling dive. He seems disoriented for a bit after each attack. He has been eating well...
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    Guppy fry and short trip

    Thanks, Colin! You were right; they were totally fine. 😊
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    That would explain why Lime Green is being constantly harassed! We are down to 1 female to 2 males. Until the fry grow up and join the tank, that is.
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    Guppy fry and short trip

    Hi folks, I have two 1/2” guppy fry in a separate tank, and we are leaving town for 48 hours today. Will they be ok without food for that long? Would they be better off in the community tank? Stocking is 3 guppies, 3 corys, 1 plecostomus. All purchased about a month ago, so not very big. So...
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Hi all, I’m happy to report that after salt application, everyone seems recovered and healthy! Current fish are now 3 guppies, 3 bronze corys, 1 unk plecostomus. The Quickrete sand isn’t available nearby (supply chain issues, maybe) so I got some pH neutral aquarium sand, enough to build a beach...
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    New fish! Whoops, impulse buy...!

    Congratulations on your lovely new fish! I hope they continue to settle in well.
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Here’s an alternate view.
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Thanks so much, everyone; I will look for Quickrete. What do you-all thing of this fascinating production from the yellow guppy? The face wound looks much better, but I’m wondering what this might be.Sorry for the crummy photo quality. The other guppies are still pestering this one so she/he...
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Here it is :) what’s the verdict? Warning in lower right of photo.
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Update: the guppy with the head wound is still with us, is eating a little, and the wound is smaller. The most aggressive of the other guppies still chases her and tries to nip her head, though, so I still have her in the makeshift isolation box. Our grey blue guppy Ocean died unexpectedly...
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Thanks, AdoraBella. Does this look ok for isolation?
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Thanks so much for all this information and for the words of encouragement. I absolutely feel like a fish murderer. We got all the fish from the ‘smart’ of the pet big box stores, and will look elsewhere if we get any more. We do have two fry from these, which are unfortunately in our other...
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    AdoraBelle Dearheart: I don’t think so. That one is the healthiest of them, and seems like it’s trying to nip at the yellow one’s wound. Similar poop from the grey one, though, and also a brief view of red protruding from its anus.
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite O Nitrate 5 pH 7.8 Kh 180 Gh 180 37 gal tank, now 3 (was 7) guppies, 3 corys, 1 pleco. Small weekly H20 change but will do 50% from now as recommended by Captain Barnicles in a related thread, weekly or twice weekly vacuum.
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    Part of guppy head missing?

    Is this viral, parasitic, or damage from other fish?
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    Guppies in distress

    Yes, I removed the filter before treatment. I have put a fresh one in, after the 75%water change. Thank you! In that case, the medication is being removed now.
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    Guppies in distress

    Another worm symptom?
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    Guppies in distress

    Sorry to get down in the weeds, but the filter I bought is a four stage with charcoal. I also got some charcoal beads. Are both necessary?
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    Guppies in distress

    Emeraldking, about three weeks, two for some of the guppies. The large chain store where they were purchased had many sick fish, and pulled a dead one out of the tank we chose one of the guppies from. We returned one that sickened two days after purchase. Our tank had been empty and cycling for...
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    Guppies in distress

    Ok, 75% water change underway. Using Seachem Prime. Do we know enough for me to get any medication while I’m in town for the carbon? We lost another guppy overnight.
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