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  1. W

    Red Tail cat

    i have a lovely red tail catfish i have only had him a week, but he hasntt eaten all the time i have had him... now my local expert said only feed him when he swims around looking for food... but now i'm getting worried and wonder if i should defrost some beef heart and give him a try... i know...
  2. W

    Catfish for 90 gallon outdoor pond?

    urm well i'm not shaw will your tank be heated as i dont think there are many cats that could take that low of a tempyure.. i know claruis can take a temp as low as 10oc i bleive but there will probaly eat your goldfish if there not a decent size .... why dont you just get a sturgeon :dunno:
  3. W

    whats this fish?

    i have four yellow labs there great there colour is brilliant... we bought them from a shop that just had them up as "assorte Chichlids" i knew what there were though i got a good baragin on them B)
  4. W

    What Catfish can go with African Cichlids?

    hi sorry to hi-jack again :*) i'm quite susprised you cant get Synos there i'm in east Yorkshire and have no problems dont you have a small specialst tropical shop???? have a good look round i'm sure you'll be able to find one Clare