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  1. T


    Alright, let me take a stab at this. I actually am a scientist and spend a lot of my time binding proteins to latex beads, which is essentially what you're asking about. :D As a lot of people have pointed out, the breakdown of ammonia into nitrate is likely a multi-step process and requires...
  2. T

    A Loach Murder Mystery

    For sure, and I'm certain that this will end up as such a case. It just feels good to vent though. Yep, perfectly healthy. Nice and round, no bloating - his normal sociable self. He graciously took bloodworm when I last fed him. Thanks for the responses, everyone.
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    A Loach Murder Mystery

    Nope, he was perfectly healthy-looking with normal behaviour the day before, even eating as per usual.
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    A Loach Murder Mystery

    It's possible. I don't know how the loach would have been injured, though, and the Congos have had one of their own become injured before (she got trapped under a rock and had massive internal injuries from it) but they left her alone.
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    A Loach Murder Mystery

    Something bizarre happened in my planted 60 gallon tank yesterday. It's home to 4 Yoyo Loaches, 5 Congo Tetras, 5 Otos, a Yellow Spiny Eel and a Royal Pleco. Stats, in advance, are: A: 0ppm, NI: 0ppm, NA: 5ppm. My largest loach, approximately 4 inches long and reasonably thick, disappeared...
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    Can Snails Carry Fish Diseases?

    I'm currently enrolled in a university-level parasitology course (Principles of Parasitism). Black Angel is right - unless you got them from a wild source, odds are that they're free of any worm-type parasites. Quarantining for a couple weeks is a good idea to ensure they don't bring anything...
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    Unknown Spiny Eel

    Thanks for the replies, The-Wolf and CFC. I had thought it could be the case that it was an unnamed species of eel, but the Peacock Eel I had bought before just had a 'Macrognathus spp.' label, when it was definitely a Macrognathus siamensis. Guess I just have to sit back and see how big he...
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    Unknown Spiny Eel

    Hello all. First time poster, long time lurker. I've wanted a spiny eel for my 60 Gallon for quite some time. At the start of July I purchased a Peacock Spiny Eel (Macrognathus siamensis) which died a week later (I believe due to an internal bacterial infection), never having eaten under my...