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  1. joeyr188

    best fish for 10 gal on

    Can you order online?
  2. joeyr188

    best fish for 10 gal on

    Or maybe a all male Endler/guppy tank
  3. joeyr188

    best fish for 10 gal on

    I think killifish would be cool maybe dwarf pea puffers
  4. joeyr188

    Need help with guppy

    Looks like a bacteria infection that look untreatable sorry
  5. joeyr188

    My 20g long

    That’s What I’m doing I’m going to head to bed, I’ll send update photo tomorrow
  6. joeyr188

    My 20g long

    I would change my water but I’m currently cycling so I don’t want to mess with the cycle but if I wasn’t I would do what you had done 👍
  7. joeyr188

    How much chlorine could a fish take and am i dosing right?

    Hello, so I have a question when I add water to my tank I dose the amount of the tank but should I Or should I dose the amount of the bucket same goes when I change water should I dose the amount of tank or the volume of water I add back?
  8. joeyr188

    My 20g long

    Hello, Today I rinsed and added the substrate but it looks like this 5 hours later 😂 I didn’t realize play sand was this messy but I’m going to let it clear up then I flat the sand out I plan on getting plants for it in the next week or so.
  9. 130AC975-BA8A-4634-B021-B346E3721FEF.jpeg


  10. joeyr188

    I feel like giving up....

    Dang, I’m currently cycling only for 2 weeks already feels so long I’m sorry what are you using for ammonia source and Bacteria
  11. joeyr188

    Heater reccomendations

    I’m using the Fluval M50 it’s decent but I know some people say the heater isn’t good another heater that I don’t personally own yet is the Eheim Jager Heater also heard good things about it.
  12. joeyr188

    Floating plants & Skimmer/Filter

    This one probably work as well with a lid
  13. joeyr188

    Floating plants & Skimmer/Filter
  14. joeyr188

    The beauty of lightly stocked tanks

    I agree! But its hard to have a lightly stocked tank when you have guppies 😣
  15. joeyr188

    Floating plants & Skimmer/Filter

    I’ve been using this they take about 2 week to get but it was worth it
  16. joeyr188

    New female guppies

    More photos!
  17. joeyr188

    My 20g long

    Hello, I’m making this journal for my 20gal long I will be putting photos and videos of the tank on this thread along what I do with it, I’m currently cycling it i plan on adding substrate to it today and then I plan on planting the tank with different types of moss,guppy...
  18. joeyr188

    My order at the wholesaler came in...

    @emeraldking where do you get wholesale for those Snow White guppies I’ve been looking but they are rarely available
  19. joeyr188

    Sailfin or swordtail?

    Loo looks like sailfin but idk I’m not a professional
  20. joeyr188

    How to get rid of duckweed or stop it getting pushed under water by filter flow

    It works fine with me as long as my water is top off or you can get a ring to block it from the flow they are 10-15$ on etsy
  21. joeyr188

    Substrate what should i do

    Ok I understand I got my play sand at ace hardware for 6$ i also might get some root tabs just in case
  22. joeyr188

    Substrate what should i do

    So I shouldn’t I should just use sand?
  23. joeyr188

    Substrate what should i do

    Bumping, for a question currently I’m rising the play sand and I Remembered I have half a bag of a 4 pound bag of Fluval stratum I’m thinking I should do a thin layer of sand sprinkle the rest of the stratum then cap it with the sand I want oppion
  24. joeyr188

    Substrate what should i do

    I just bought a 50 pound bag 😆 of play sand
  25. joeyr188

    What’s up with my ammonia and nitrite

    Hello I’ve been fishless cycling my 20gal long I started 5 days ago at 2ppm ammonia now it’s at 1pp ammonia and 5ppm nitrite and 10pm nitrate I don’t feel that is normal in 5 days but idk any advice?.
  26. joeyr188

    Are marineland heaters decent?

    Hello I was wondering if anyone has used the marineland aquarium heaters and if they are decent?
  27. joeyr188

    Tank upgrade without cycling

    I think you probably could but if you have a spare tank I think you should slowly add fish to the tank like every 3 days or something like that while also monerting the ammonia and nitrite .
  28. joeyr188

    Stocking ideas

    so if you can upgrade that would be preferably so I would try upgrading before returning but if you have to probably return it
  29. joeyr188

    Stocking ideas

    Hello, the the tank Seems to be overstocked but you do weekly water changes the only thing I would recommend it to figure out the corydora problem they should be kept in group of at least 6 but 10 preferably
  30. joeyr188

    Is this normal in the cycle?

    Done I did 25% change ammonia is 1-2 ppm now also can you send the cycle guide I can’t find it
  31. joeyr188

    Budget light and co2,Stable/dp/B083NH7BKQ/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=12CQ019PCE43E&keywords=c02+aquarium+kit&qid=1674850382&sprefix=C02+aqau%2Caps%2C224&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzS1AzOU1VMFY1UFpDJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzUwNjIxMUUwUENTNDQ...
  32. joeyr188

    Guess the word! (Emoji Edition)

    Please vote in the potm
  33. joeyr188

    Potential rotting

    Hello, what litter is your tank and is your tank properly cycled Because that may be the reason for cloudy tank
  34. joeyr188

    Process of removing Ammonia

    Looking a lot better 8.8 is very high! By chance what fish is in the tank
  35. joeyr188

    Substrate what should i do

    Hello, currently I’m cycling a 20gal long to hold guppies or endlers not sure yet some shrimp,snails and possibly a bn pleco and I plan on doing a lot of guppie grass,floaters,Anubis and different types of moss but I’m unsure on what substrate I should pick should I do gravel or a nutrition...
  36. joeyr188

    Best Walmart Brands for Aquarium lights?

    Hello for plants I would suggest floating plants they suck up a lot of “bad things” fast and are effective most don’t need high lighting like water spagles
  37. joeyr188

    Is this normal in the cycle?

    i will change the water should I re add bacteria or not after The wc?
  38. joeyr188

    Why are all my male goldfish chasing my female goldfish everyday?

    Probably because there is only 1 female and more males
  39. joeyr188

    Is this normal in the cycle?

    Hello today I added liquid ammonia and some quick start I let it sit for 6 hours and checked it, it is at 4 - ammonia 1 - nitrite 0 - nitrate now what I’m wondering if it normal for the nitrite is at 1 on day 1 is that normal what should i do?