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  1. D

    Amazon Sword Growth

    Thanks for the replies. They do reach the top and kind of curve over since it hits the top. I didn't know if it was cause I was giving it too much light, or if there was another reason. Thanks again.
  2. D

    Amazon Sword Growth

    I bought an Amazon sword to put in my 30 gal tank. It has a low light since I was informed it was sufficient for that type of plant. My question is, are the leaves supposed to grow all the way up and out of the tank? 
  3. D

    Switching From Plastic To Live.

    LOL.........I know it's been awhile now and I actually planted the Mondo outside. It's actually thriving and spreading. Go figure. I recently put some amazon swords in the tank and doing quite well. Gonna add some narrow leaf java fern, and eventually I want to add some rocks and driftwood. 
  4. D

    Male Sword Needs Help

    I did have the liquid test 2 days ago. According to the tester my water was fine, except a trace of nitrite. But 1st thing on my agenda is to buy 1 for myself. Thanks anyways
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    Male Sword Needs Help

    Unfortunately, I don't have a tester right now :( When I did get it tested my ph was 7. Nitrite was "trace of it". I do know that when I was topping off......I didn't dechlorinate my water. It was after the fact that I learned even topping off needed to be dechlorinated.
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    Male Sword Needs Help

    Hello fellow members, I just found my male sword (red wag) floating and struggling to swim. It also appears that he's losing color (or scales). He's in a 30 gallon tank with 2 other females and a Rainbow Shark. Last week I did have a problem with heater and water got to 91 degrees. Was...
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    Switching From Plastic To Live.

    Should've done that but I bought first since I was already there. And it looked so nice in the tank. I have it planted outside in front next to my ferns now......see if it does any better there. Since i have a large "Roman Arena" type decoration in my there a plant or moss that will...
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    Switching From Plastic To Live.

    OK.....gonna pull out grass and plant in my front yard. I have a 30 gallon tank with a 15w Actinic blue light. It has a window about 50 feet in front, but no other windows in the room, so guess you could say its a dark area. It does have bright spot light above but hardly use those lights.Not...
  9. D

    Switching From Plastic To Live.

    Ok....just saw that you mentioned it being non aquatic, so did some research. It is non aquatic but I pulled it out of a tank and bought it at my local pet store. How funny. It's already planted so we'll see. Thanks
  10. D

    Switching From Plastic To Live.

    Ok so made the decision to go to live plants and eventually weed out the plastic ones. Today I got some Mondo grass, and am looking for suggestions on what else to put. The tank has been running for about 1.5 months and has had fish for about 1 month. It has 3 Red Wag swordtails and 1 Rainbow...
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    My New Tank And Fish

    Well I started to change it up a bit. I added some Mondo grass......and in the next few months will add some more. If you have any suggestions.....please feel free to let me know
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    Took A Hacksaw To The Skulls :)

    Me personally, I like the after much it a natural kinda look.
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    Thanks for all the "welcomes" . I look forward to learning from you guys, and expanding my knowledge.
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    My New Tank And Fish

    It didn't quite come out the way I had envisioned it, but It's a start. After looking at other tanks and reading on different options, I'll probably change it up. I wish I had found this site before I started, but I'm sure I will learn more as I go. Thanks
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    Just getting started

    Just getting started
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    My New Tank And Fish

    Here is a pic of my tank. Fish pics are taken with a phone camera so sorry for brightness. Also a small glimpse of female Red Wag in tank.
  18. mytank.jpg


  19. D


    Stopping by to say hello. New to the tank and fish community so hoping to get some good insight on how to manage and take care of tank and fish. Thanks and hope to chat with you all soon. Guess I should put this in. I have a 30 gallon tank with: 1 male Red Wag Sword and 2 females...