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  1. F

    Pregnant muppy?!

    I bought her in a very reputable shop and they told me that she is in fact a muppy. I was a little confused later on as I did read online that they’re sterile, but I have read about a few cases of them breeding after much digging around! I will definitely be going back and questioning them on it...
  2. F

    Pregnant muppy?!

    Hi! So 3 weeks ago I bought some new fish including this muppy. 3 days after I got her she gave birth to 18 fry. I noticed a few days ago that she’s started to look very big and boxy again, then today she became very reserved and hidden in the tank. I’ve been reading what I can online and due to...
  3. 04637B66-3F2E-449E-8432-ED9697347C11.jpeg


  4. 9AB77388-5A53-4F45-BB51-23CC0E00E456.jpeg

