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    Protein Skimmer

    hi guys, call me a noob if you want but i wondered whether it was ok to run a protein skimmer in a freshwater tropical tank? thanks :good:
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    Severum Fry

    Hi, recently my Green Severums have bred. :hyper: so i have litttle fry swimming in a group.I really want as many as i can to survive, the parents aren't letting anything near them but, there are fish in the tank given the opportunity will fancy a little fry as a snack. i currently have another...
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    there is more than one step so a cocktail of enzymes is needed plus special conditions
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    Trout Pellets

    hi everyone, i know this is random but i got home today and found my grandad (a keen angler) had fed my oscar and jd's trout pellets, is this harmful in any way? and is there any way the trout pellets could actually have been 'good' for them? many thanks
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    Nitrate Filter

    hi, i have been having problems lately with high nitrate levels, at the minute i have 2 fluval 4plus filters in a 450l tank, i just wondered whether there was a nitrate sponge available for this filter, or whether i could use the green juwel ones in my filter. Just to save on the amount of water...
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    Filters On Ebay

    i thought that, thanks for the advice :good:
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    Filters On Ebay

    hi, i wasnt quite sure where to put this, i have been browsing ebay lately for a new filter and came across ones from hong kong that are quite cheap and claim to filter 1750l/hr, just wondered if anyone has bought one of these and if what peoples thoughts are about them, its just i am a student...
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    Convict Fry

    i have a spare 55 gallon tank and i was going to raise them :good:
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    Convict Fry

    hi if anyone has any unwanted convict fry i would gladly take them of your hands, i live in sheffield UK
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    Senegal Birchirs

    just out of interest how much is a good price for senegal bichirs in the uk
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    Oscars In Community Tank?

    just wondered if oscars can be put into a large community tank? my lfs has a number of them (2") in with tinfoil barbs, gouramis, clown loaches and bala sharks
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    gotta be adult congo tetras amazing fish