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    Salt Baths!

    how do i do a salt bath! and what do you use them for? :) :P :shifty:
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    Betta Food!

    well yesterday i got fish food and saw the thing! a 7 day fish food suplement! it is calld pro balance & day betta blocks! they are suposed to feed your betta for 7 days! i would like to know if is good for me o use! i would really like to know! the ingredients below: alcium culafate...
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    Fin Rot! Help!

    well my fish has fin rot and i need to know what i can do to help and what meds to get it!!!!!!!1 sorry for the bad pic Q
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    i have a 10g tank and i dont know what to do with it. Q #1) what type of fish are good for it? Q#2) what sort of landscape is good? Q#3) i only have the tank, what els do i need for the talk to keep it good? i need help!
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    1og Tank!

    i have got a 10g tank and would like to know what fish and howmany i can put into it. if anyome can help my out with it i would really like it tanx!!!!!!!!
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    How Do I Do That?

    i need to take some good pics of my bettas and i don't know how to! can someone help me out here? p.s emmergency fish has fin rot
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    Where To Put It!

    well i have a betta and he is in a 1.5 g tank at the moment. i want to move him to the 10 g tank i have but i dont have anywere to put it! can you give me some help with the best places to but the tank! ooh and is their any tankmates i can put with them. (i know i cant put them with anybody...
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    Sudden Betta Death

    #1 never have a divided tank. this can couse stress and my shorten his life. #2 i would get a tank heater.
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    Betta Help Pleasssss!

    i have a betta in a 2g tank. i has fin rot!! :( i want to move it to a 10g tank but for 1 i have nowhere to put it and i have non of the things i need to clean it . but befor i start with that i have a bigger problem!!! my fish has had it for a week now and i a afraid it is getting wors by...