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  1. B

    Snails Aren't Aggressive, Right?

    Highly doubt it as Drobbyb said.
  2. B

    Strange Behaviour!?

    Ok, thanks for your help! I considering another tank anyway, for other fish that cant be kept with what I have in the 100L. I also know to be more cautious with advice, as I listed what i had in the tank and our tank size before buying. I should know the tetras were fin nippers anyway! DUH...
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    Strange Behaviour!?

    We have had the shark a year and he's barely grown since I got him... hes about 3/4 inches. AKA Rainbow shark right? Just had a look again, the shark is hiding from the fighter? Other than the shark, we have 2 bloodfins, 3 rummy nosed tetras, 2 neon tetras (VERY old hence why they are no...
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    Strange Behaviour!?

    Been looking online and seeing nothing about these two not getting on? Dont a few compatibility tables and nothing reallh indicates its a bad choice.
  5. B

    Strange Behaviour!?

    Hey guys, Joined this as today I went to my local aquarium. I saw a range of Siamese Fighters that looked amazing. I asked the assistants if they would get on with my Red Fin shark (the only non-communal fish in my tank, I also do not have guppies which I know fighters dislike). He said they in...