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  1. Darren5591


    Just an update, had my tank set up for a couple of weeks now and had the water tested. It was slightly off but I decided to get a shoal of 6 zebra danio's to see how they get on. I love the little lot, they are really active and seem to be enjoying the tank. I'm going to get a betta in the next...
  2. Darren5591


    Thanks for your replies guys, only reason I suggested the figures above is as this is what the shop had in their 25litre example in store but I think they had about 10 neons in rather than 20. Any advice is useful though, I was under the impression that the smaller (hardy?) fish were more suited...
  3. Darren5591


    Hi guys, Me and my girlfriend have just invested in a nice tank and want to start with some small tropicals. Idea is to have about 15/20 mix of neon tetra's and zebra danio's (this is what the man at the aquarium center suggested) along with a male betta to finish it off. Combining about 4...