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  4. G

    Did a tank clean... Change them?

    I would say that it stressed them, the new environment and everything. A lot of fish have a stress coloration and a relaxed coloration, they are schooling together because they feel threatened on the new tank since they don't know it yet, give them time since fish may take anywhere from a day up...
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  7. G

    shrimps/prawns from sumatra?

    Thanks, i will search them, maybe my water is of their taste
  8. G

    shrimps/prawns from sumatra?

    thanks a lot. i will
  9. G

    shrimps/prawns from sumatra?

    sounds like a good substitute, but could you tell me some of the species you were talking about? maybe they are available in my area.
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    my future pond

    repost from tropical discussion (I think I should have posted it here first) Hello, again friends. Today I want to hear (or rather read) your opinions on an idea I have. I currently have a 55-gallon pond with 1 tilapia, 1 goodea atripinnis, and 1 red ear turtle I know it is small for everyone...
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    Something is growing in guppy’s tank

    it could be mold, or if you are lucky it could be a freshwater sponge, they only grow on clean pure water so if it is a sponge then good job!
  12. G

    my future pond.

    Hello, again friends. Today I want to hear (or rather read) your opinions on an idea I have. I currently have a 55-gallon pond with 1 tilapia, 1 goodea atripinnis, and 1 red ear turtle I know it is small for everyone except the goodea and I will make it bigger as soon as I have the money, I will...
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    Help - New to the tropical world

    I will assume you mean dechlorinator in which case whatever the manufacturer says it's ok. sadly it's too small for them so you might need to rehome them. If by black tetra you mean this then you will need at least 15 of them and at least a 100 liters tank, the neon tetra will at least need 60...
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    My Angelfish just died....

    they need taller than normal tanks because they are tall fish thanks to their long dorsal and ventral fins, but that doesn't mean they will enjoy a cylindrical tank for example as it leaves no swimming space, they need a tank that is long and wide for them to properly school on while being tall...
  15. G

    My Angelfish just died....

    they do thrive in aquariums taller than normal but that's because they are tall fish not necessarily because they enjoy swimming up and down, so you still need a long tank for them so swim in but it also has to be tall enough for them
  16. G

    My Angelfish just died....

    it's ok I was confused by angelfish at the start too for 1 maximum of 2 you need 200 liters for any extra angel you will need 25 liters more, this is because of swimming space rather than water quality.
  17. G

    Favourite Floaty Fish?

    at least 30 gallons also get a school of at least 10 to get better results
  18. G

    My Angelfish just died....

    I hate to say this but maybe they died because they felt too cramped since they need at least 200 liters and you had them in 100. as for the tetra I would say to get more so they are at least 10 of them, and for the corydoras, get 8, not 6. a good south American centerpiece fish would be an...
  19. G

    "There's no such thing as too much filtration"...

    agreed, imagine putting the fish coming from stagnant swamps into a high flow space, surface agitation is especially dangerous since they are a top-water fish that breaths atmospheric oxygen so a lot of movement on the surface will tear its fins up and scare it so it will go for oxygen less...
  20. G

    "There's no such thing as too much filtration"...

    I agree, there is such a thing as too much filtration, the key to make as little water changes as possible isn't the number of filters nor the amount of filter media but rather your fish feeding habits, your stocking, your plants, and the surface area for your bacteria. Just as you said its a...
  21. G

    Quarantining Kuhli Loaches (and other loach stuff)

    hey thats cool, i keep a similar quarantine tank, a constantly running aquarium with a bit of sand and small rounded rocks (more for the surface area than for anything else with some stem plants, aquaiums safe wood and sticks and some salvinia and water lettuce
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    Quarantining Kuhli Loaches (and other loach stuff)

    Also the tanins kill fungi so appart from adding the refuge for the kulhis and the low ph they like its also an easy anti fungal
  23. G

    Quarantining Kuhli Loaches (and other loach stuff)

    If you can get them (i can't :( ) get some indian almond leaves, as they sink to the bottom they add tanins and refuge
  24. G

    Quarantining Kuhli Loaches (and other loach stuff)

    Maybe, i mean if you dont mind getting all the substrate out then do it, just use lots of floating plants, the loaches love them
  25. G

    Quarantining Kuhli Loaches (and other loach stuff)

    ok so i would say to buy 5 so that you have 8, that is the least amount of fish i recommend when talking bottom dwellers. now, in case you can just buy a 5 gallon plastic tub and use that, since ya know it has no substrate, if you cant do that then use kulhi mentality to your advantage. the more...
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Get more, i would say at least 8, i also had 3 at the start and they hid away all day but since i bought more they are in the front of the tank in full view 24/7
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Yes they are, also they can predict rain
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Lol I imagine the dude that said that bought a vapire tetra under the name otocinclus and didn't have any clue about fish
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I really like the phillipine blue ones
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    So are my otocinclus
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    how? I am genuinely intrigued, have they ever attacked your other fish?
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    no, I don't mind people liking them, I just feel something against most corydoras, the only corydoras I don't hate is the habrosus which is quite popular
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    Collecting daphnia?

    you can start by getting a 5-gallon bucket, drill some small holes 5 centimeters under the top of the bucket to work as an overflow, in case you feel like you need it drill another hole for an air line and air pump, and fill it with water, to that water you add some organic matter like cow...
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    Collecting daphnia?

    I should clarify that your medicine should only be for parasites, NEVER use a bacteria medicine unless you know the exact bacteria strain if you do you risk creating an unkillable super-bug (and we don't want that, do we?)