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  1. S

    T5 Led Conversion

    Hi everyone, I need to replace the T5 tubes in my Aquamanta 80 tank, and was considering changing over to LED lighting. I have been reading the threads about LED lighting and perusing the massive selection of systems available on the web but I am struggling to choose a suitable replacement...
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    Java Moss, Large Portion. Haverhill

    Would you sell a smaller portion, I'm not sure I have the space for all of it!   Cheers Simon
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    What Are These?

    That's ok then, I just need to keep the numbers under control. Yeah the snails . My assassins seem more interested in each other   than munching their way through my small pest snail population.  
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    What Are These?

    Got another pic     He is a fast little chap
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    What Are These?

    Last week I bought some new plants from my LFS (I washed off the free snails / eggs) and I have now started to notice tiny singular white spots. These are different to the assassin snail eggs that are numerous around the tank.  Some of them are moving at a reasonable speed. I have a USB...
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    Lights, Plants And Other Stuff

    Thanks SO19firearms, my goodies arrive from aqua essentials tomorrow so that should make a big difference. What's your opinion on the powerhead I suggested. Do think its too powerful? The tank is 80cm long.
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    Lights, Plants And Other Stuff

    Thanks for the information, I have been reading up on EI dosing. I think I will buy a pre mixed fert until I have a better understanding of looking after plants and then change to mixing my own. I was having a look at the flow through the tank and noticed in some parts there didn't seem much...
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    Lights, Plants And Other Stuff

    Thanks Lunar Jetman, I'm in sunny Bournemouth so some details about what you buy would be good. At the moment I'm doing weekly water changes about 25% each time. I will increase the lighting time and see how that goes. I have rechecked the nitrate level, but I hate reading these things. Its...
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    Lights, Plants And Other Stuff

    Morning everyone,   I have always wanted a planted tank but my first attempt a few years ago end in disaster. However with a new tank I want to try again and get it right this time. I have read loads of fantastic threads on here but I'm still uncertain about a few things.     Here's some info...