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  1. 11gatorgal11

    Mixing Possible?

    Definitely agree with a 29g not having enough room for a malawi tank. The smallest I would go for a malawi tank is 40g.
  2. 11gatorgal11

    New 75 Gallon

    Ok I use to have a 75g African cichlid tank and absolutely loved it. The stocking question really depends on do you want to have breeding or want a flashy looking tank? My 75g was an all male tank where you didn't have the aggression as much because there were no females to fight over and their...
  3. 11gatorgal11

    Setting Up My New Tank

    Ok since you are moving your fish, if you could move anything from the tank they are currently in to the larger tank that would definitely help, whether it be a filter cartridge, gravel/rocks, any decorations, and so forth. As far as I know the bacteria live on the things in the water, so the...
  4. 11gatorgal11

    Household Ammonia

    I completely agree. Think about it for a second. A bottle claims to have the benefical bacteria that fish need to survive in a tank. The major food source of these bacteria is ammonia. So they take the water from a cycled tank and put it in a bottle. Now when you get to the store you buy the...
  5. 11gatorgal11

    How Will I Know When My Filter Is Working Effectively?

    Well first you ammonia hasn't leveled off yet. If you are still doing these WC's every other day and more than 50% at a time then either A) you may have traces of ammonia coming out of your faucet, or B) it's not close enough to being done with the cycle. Obviously a fish-in cycle is a pain in...
  6. 11gatorgal11

    Cycling Nitrite

    Fishless cycling does indeed take awhile. I do not believe in buying the bacteria in a bottle, which is suppose to help cycle the tank. With that said I wouldn't go and buy another bottle of this stuff you speak of, it's just a waste of money, but that is my opinion. It sounds like your cycling...
  7. 11gatorgal11

    Most Peaceful Cichlids

    Yes they do! I absolutely loved my 75g all male african cichlid tank.... and to me they weren't as aggressive as normal because there were no females to fight over... If anyone chooses to go that route only one male per species. I had 2 yellow labs in the tank and one of them died, but everyone...
  8. 11gatorgal11

    Most Peaceful Cichlids

    The red devil that you speak of is actually an Central American Cichlid, and the question this person asked is in the African Cichlid section, so I assume they wanted to know what the most peaceful African Cichlid is, which would technically be a yellow lab, a rusty cichlid, an acei, or a couple...
  9. 11gatorgal11

    Most Peaceful Cichlids

    Obviously Yellow Labs are one of the most docile of African Cichlids. I don't suggest adding any african cichlid to a tropical tank other than strictly other african cichlids. What size tank do you have? If it's not large enough then I wouldn't suggest having any african's in it. I always find...
  10. 11gatorgal11

    "ocean Rock" For Mbuna Tank

    Those are awesome, especially the way they are stacked. I would probably boil them, not washing them, to get anything you don't want on them gone just in case.... but those definitely cool!
  11. 11gatorgal11

    Suitable Mbuna For A 55 Gal.

    I have absolutely no idea on the bichir issue, since I have no experience with them. In a 55g I would stay with 2 species instead of 3, and making sure you have 1 male for each. Overstocking in cichlids is always better, but I had 10 different species all males in a 75g and I think it was...
  12. 11gatorgal11


    I would not mix these guys together. Any type of African of cichlid should be in a larger tank more like a 55g and housed with more Mbuna. Maybe getting rid of the yellow labs, picking either the multies or brevis and then housing some other fish you want around the one you choose.
  13. 11gatorgal11

    African Cichlid Question?

    Yellow labs are considered the least aggressive species of African Cichlids, but that does not mean they are peaceful. They would still be too aggressive for a community tank. My suggestion would be to not house them in your community tank, they are just too aggressive.