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    Saltwater Tank Advice?

    i want to make a saltwater tank with no saltwater experience, any tips/advice? oh is sand mandatory?
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    Saltwater Tank Advice?

    i want to make a saltwater tank with no saltwater experience, any tips/advice?
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    What Fish Can I Mix With Gouramis?

    i dont have any gouramis yet but i was thinking of getting ethier, blue,opaline, flame dwarf, or just dwarf. what other fish will be compatible ? if none can, can i have a species tank with all gourmais?
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    Can Adf's

    live with bamboo shrimp?
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    Anyone Know How To Sterilize Decor?

    it was used in a hermit crab tank a while back, its like a plastic hiding home i was wondering if there anyway i could sterilize this so i can use it in my fish tank?
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    Test Result Help

    im using the API test kit, is it possible to have 0 nitrite but 10 nitrate? my results are: ph 7.0 Ammonia .50ppm Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 10pmm is there a possibility i mess up the nitrite test?
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    Water Clearing Products And Cycling

    can water clearing products affect the cycling?
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    Looking For A Place

    hey thanks that sites perfect, have you ever bought from them? do they have good quailty fish? are they shipped good?
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    Looking For A Place

    an online store in the US that sells fish and african dwarf frogs, ive tried google but no look so far and most of the sites i went on only sell fish
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    Is It Okay To Switch Fish During Cycling?

    actually the tank in my living room is more of an aggressive tank that was filled with chcilds that my brother just gave away to a friend a few days ago, its now mine to be a community tank. so i was going to add the danos in there, but i decided to hold off another 2 weeks or so for the cycle...
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    Afican Dwaft Frogs

    okay thanks it gets confusing trying to figure out what kind of fish can be mix and what fish can't i'll definitely be looking into online fish stores
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    Afican Dwaft Frogs

    I was actually looking into the siamese algae eaters but they dont sell them at the petco by me, they have a limited selection of fish for some reason. they did have the chinese algae eaters (but i heard they get territorial when aged). as for plants my tank is some what planted with some...
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    Afican Dwaft Frogs

    yes my brother has a 65 gallon in the livingroom that would be the repacement home for most of those fish if i got them
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    Afican Dwaft Frogs

    yeah your right those are the fish i would like in my tank, but im guessing all these fish cant live with the frogs (except maybe the danios?)
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    Afican Dwaft Frogs

    can they be in a semi aggressive tank? the tank is housing tiger barb, zebra danios, rainbow shark, bala sharks, and im planning on getting an algae eater maybe some kind of pelco or something the tank is 30gallons (i do realized id have to hand feed the frogs) but are they compatable to live...
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    Is It Okay To Switch Fish During Cycling?

    i was wondering if i could switch my 5zebra danios with 5tiger barb ( i have a community tank id like to make my new home for the zebras). would this affect the cycling in any way?
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    How Many People To Lift The Tank Please Help?

    if its filled with water i heard its 10lb per gallon so i guess that how you'd find out how much it weighs. and make an assumption of how many peopel you need to lift it
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    Im Cycling My Tank

    umm my tank is 30gallons, 5 danios, and my filter is fit for a 30gallon tank (its called aquaclear something). last time i check (yesterday) my ammonia was 0.04 and my niritate was 0.05 with a ph 7.0 im about to go on my 4th week of cycling. i just read an article that says this is normal...
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    Im Cycling My Tank

    with zebra danios and my tank beginning to become cloudy, is this normal? how do i clear the water?
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    Live Plants

    what substrate is best for this? im planning on adding live plants im guessing sand would be the best, right now i have gravel rocks. but heres the catch im in the middle of cycling my tank would this be a problem or no?
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    Personal Opinion

    well my tank is 30gallons, and so far all that i can think of adding are clown loaches, possibly a rainbow shark and maybe a type of pelco or snails or something to keep algae down; any type of tiger barbs are my favorite fish but green tiger barbs are my number 1 favorite
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    Personal Opinion

    i've been fighting with my self over weather to make my tank a semi aggressive tank filled with tiger barb, clown loaches and anything else that fits the catagory, or a community tank with all peaceful fish(mainly because bamboo shrimp fasincate me). do you prefer community tanks? or aggressive...
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    Bamboo Shrimp?

    can they be put in a 'semi'-aggressive tank mainly with tiger barbs?
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    Is It Good To Give Fish A Straving Day?

    like not feed them for a day i heard this is good i just wanted to see if it was true
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    What Fish Eat Algae?

    that aren't aggressive and can be put in a community tank of 30 gallons. (currently housing zebra danios, neon tetras, bamboo shrimp, and soon female bettas) would a pelco do the trick?
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    around what age or size do they become aggressive? would this be a problem in my 30 gallon community tank with zebra danios, neon tetras, bamboo shrimp, dwaft gourami
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    70 Liters... How Many Fish?

    you can always use this site i presume it pretty accurate
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    Bettas In A Community Tank?

    is it better to house a male betta in a community tank or a female betta? (my community tank currently has zebra danio, neon tetras, and 2 bamboo shrimp{its a tank of 30gallons})
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    Is There Anyway To Know How To Much To Feed My Fish

    i always just take some flakes and throw it in there and sometimes they eat it all other times theres a bunch left over, anyway to know exactly how much to feed him
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    Tiger Barbs In Community Tank?

    basic peaceful fish like zebra danios, dwarf gourmis, neon tetras but im considering getting bamboo shrimp instead and just adding my tiger barb to my second tank that im about to start cycling (it was going to be used for saltwater fish)
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    Rainbow Sharks In Community Tanks?

    umm right now i have zebra danios, neon tetras, and dwarf guourmi (im bad at spelling) but yeah im not really looking for any territorial fish in my commmunity tank so ill prob just get them another time when im done cycling my other tank
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    Tiger Barbs In Community Tank?

    can green tiger barb be put in a tank with community fish? even though there 'semi'-aggressive my community tank is 30 gallons
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    Urgent! Priorities Urgent! Leaving In A Half-hour!

    i'd say try and get some plants or rocks or driftwood first since fish do tend to get stressed when there hiding places are limited
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    Rainbow Sharks In Community Tanks?

    im considering buying a rainbow shark but i didn't want to take any chances since i'd be putting him in a community tank; of 30gallons. is it a bad idea to add him? most of the fish in my community tank go get past 3"-4"
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    Can I Feed Goldfish

    aqueon topical flakes for a couple of days? does it matter what brand it is? i've realized there are certain containers that say 'for goldfish'
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    How To Add Fish?

    i heard that ur suppose to keep them in the bag that they come in for atleast 4 hours floating in the water is this true or no?
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    Fish Cycling?

    i have a 29gallon tank how do i cycle it with fish im buying zebra danio, is all im suppose to do is feed them for a couple weeks until everythings good?
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    Why Are Neon Tetra

    not recommended for new tanks?
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    Tropical Flakes?

    is it used for all tropical fish or for certain spcies?
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    Green Tiger Barb?

    i've heard they nip fins off big fish but would they ever nip the fins of small fish (fish there size)? there one of my favortie fish and im considering adding them to my community tank