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    Is My Molly Pregnant

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    Yet Another Bubbles Question

    thanks people for your help
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    Yet Another Bubbles Question

    hi, my tank is 250 litres i was wondering when looking at my tank wether the should be tiny bubbles should be 30%of the way down the tank. i have a filter which sits on the inside of the tank and takes the water in from the bottom and sides and comes out the top. when teh water comes out the top...
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    Pregnancy Molly!

    thank you very much. usefull info. cheers
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    Motor Sting Ray Not Well

    hi, the tank had been running for at least 60 days. the test were all fine,then this. sadly mr ray has died.what i dont understand is the other ray is doing just fine swimming and eating. hi have a fluval 4 plus filter. can anyone recommend a decent test kit to buy?,mine is rubbish. im just...
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    Pregnancy Molly!

    hi, can anyone tell me or show a picture of a VERY pregnant molly. im not sure when to start keeping a very close eye on her as i know shes pregnant but how long does the whole thing last?!?!? :S :S a picture would be ideal. thankyou very much. :good: :good:
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    Motor Sting Ray Not Well

    cane74. do you have any tips to keep nitrite down to a minimum? thankyou
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    Motor Sting Ray Not Well

    stingray is shaking around the edge of his body :S i dont get what is happening.1 is fine the other is not in a good way. should i add the 40% new water in now? or will it stress him more?? anything i can add to make the nitrite go down? arrghhhhhh panic im stuck :no: :no: :no: :no:
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    Motor Sting Ray Not Well

    hi, ok nitrite needs to go :blush: ive tested for ammonia and i think it reads 0.0mgl and test for nitrate is 25 mg/l i think the othetr ray seems fine,hiding a bit as water is being taken out now,but seems 100% ok. any tips on adding the 40% water back in
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    Motor Sting Ray Not Well

    hi, tanks 240 litres fish in tank are two stingrays size 8cm. one discuss fish my test kit is cheap and its all i have at the moment. ph is 7.2 nitrite is 1.5 mgl im doing a 40% water change now and the other two test now. back in min :( :( :( :( :( thankyou for your help
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    Motor Sting Ray Not Well

    HELP stingrayt not right found him upside down on the bottom. i have tested ph and thats at 7.2. temp is at 80. i feed then at 12pm and 1 is fine and was eating fine and 1 is not intrested. i have put in the treatment called myxazin for his little cut and gave the recommended amount. he is now...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    HELP stingrayt not right :( :( :( found him upside down on the bottom. i have tested ph and thats at 7.2. temp is at 80. i feed then at 12pm and 1 is fine and was eating fine and 1 is not intrested. i have put in the treatment called myxazin for his little cut and gave the recommended...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    yes im i the uk, im on the look out now for a bigger tank now. thanks very much for the recommended treatment,the guy at the lfs said thats what he suggest's. i think i have two male rays from what i can gather. i now have a discuss in with them,they all seem to fine, the sand is very hard to...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    im new to all this,i have no idea how to get a pic on the screen!! :no: :no: . i can e.mail you a pic if you like,thats easy! :P :P . im already on the look out for a very large tank for my stingrays. they are fine in what there in as they are still verysmall, i was planning on an upgrade for...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    they are doing good. one is very active and the other spends alot of time under the sand. i have brought some live small shrimp which they love. will update soon
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    Frequent Molly Deaths, What Is Happening?

    how often. -_- thankyou
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    Frequent Molly Deaths, What Is Happening?

    how much salt and how often are you suggesting he should add?, to keep mollies in good health. -_-
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    Bala Shark Emergancy Please Help!

    best of luck with the fish, let us know how it goes :unsure: :unsure:
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    Jevegas Or Javages?

    ok , now i found them,does any one have any info on them.....maybe a pinned topic about them. thankyou for any info as it will be of a great help. :nod: :nod: cheers
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    Geophagus, Spelt Correct This Time.

    erm.. im not sure what type :crazy: any info you have. i couldnt find a pinned info link on it. thanks :good:
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    Geophagus, Spelt Correct This Time.

    geophagus, hi im looking for info on a geophagus. any help will be great. i have managed to spell it correct this time :/ . thankyou
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    Jevegas Or Javages?

    :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P great!!!!!!!!!! finaly i have found out what they are. :good: thanks very much for your help. my spelling was that of what i had heard je-a-vegas.!!!!!!!!!!! they look like lovely fish. cheers :good:
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    Gold Severum?

    thanks very much . as i spelt the name of the fish wrong i couldnt find it in the seach. thanks for helping me. :good:
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    Views On Angel Fish

    i owned a couple of small angel fish and found that they were very aggresive fish. :unsure: :unsure:
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    Gold Severum?

    hi, would anyone be able to tell me i bit about a fish i belive to be called a gold severum. im not sure of the actual name but maybe you can help. thankyou :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:
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    Jevegas Or Javages?

    hi, would anyone be able to tell me i bit about a fish i belive to be called a jevegas or javages. im not sure of the actual name but maybe you can help. thankyou :good: :good: :good: :good:
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    i have noticed it does stay on the ray a little,maybe look into the stuff your using,is there a correct name to look out for?. cheers :good:
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    i have a gravel type vac for my other tanks, will this be ok for the sand or it hink it might take up to much of the sand?? any tips for cleaning the sand once a week? cheers
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    thanks alot everyone, i only have one more question............ what is a healthy diet plan to follow.. how often to feed and how much. cheers :D
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    Fish Flee's As The Pet Shop Said?!?!?!

    i went to fish shop today, and on the counter they had a bag's of little pink wiggle things. they told me they were fish flee's or water flee's. is that the actually name for these.? also bloodworm?which is ?and where does it come from........blood????? :blink: :blink: :blink:
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    so i will feed a varity of chopped up mussel,earthworm?,liveshrimp,bloodworm. what do you think is a healthy amount and what times should a feed and how much. thankyou :good: :good: :good: :good: also........... do you think it will ok to put in 2 blue dolphin cichlid with my ray's...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    great stuff,thanks i live not for from a river that runs about a mile then into the sea. i have been there before and lifted a few rocks when the river is low and there are hundreds of small shimp!!!!!! so would that be ok to feed them from the local river, maybe if i went down there and got...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    lol i have put the neon's in another tank now as they were getting very close to the ray's tail and making the ray move1. they were on bloodworm and shrimp at the shop. how many live shimp shall i put in and if they are still there in 1 hour should i take them out? they have settled down now...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    lol i havent tried yet. ive just brought froozen bloodworm,small live shrimp,and some mussles which i will cut up. not sure what to try first :P :P . what do you think of the neon's starting to get close (2inch's away) to the rays. male female :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: i cant tell!!!!!
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    yes, or course when they reach around a year old they will be moved to a LARGER tank :hey: :hey: cheers the rays are about 8 cm
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    hi, im realy happy with them. BOTH are now swimming about! the tanks is 240 litres. fish in tank with rays are couple of true rummynose tetra 5 neon tetra (may take out as they are showing slight intrest in the rays) and 4 mollys which stay fairly near the top all the time. im new to the site...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    hi, well i have just picked my two motoro ray's :D :D :D i have a stable temp of 82 and aim to raise very slightly as you have said. i have a fine sand bottom which has been down for about two months. one of the rays is up and down and around the tank playing with the sand all the time.(great...
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    Are These Correct Levels?

    no its maybe 8 months now, i have just done the other tank which is 200 litres and its..... ph is 7.8 amnonia is 0.0 nitrite is 0.1mg/l nitrate is 50 mg/l the test kit is frustrating as its so hard to get a good reading.....more to be spent next time i think. :good:
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    Are These Correct Levels?

    i have had no probs with my tank,plants or fish but thought id buy a test kit as i have read alot about them on here, i have done the test which i belive is a very cheap one :/ :/ !! my results as far as i can just about work out are........ i have tested just one of the tanks for now tank 240...
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    Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

    hi, just like to add 1 small question if i may.... would running a temp of 84f be a little to warm for other fish in the same tank as a ray? thanks for your hlp any more tip's of anyone would be great. cheers