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  1. S

    Kitten Birth Emergency.

    My cat gave birth to 5 kittens 2 days ago, and today she gave birth to 2 dead kittens, I heard this was normal, but is it normal 2 days after giving birth to the other kittens?
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    Dying Kuhli Loaches.

    I cant tell what it is, its just a small white dot sticking out of his side, he had one on each side of him, but now one side is clear. he doesnt stay still long enough but I think its coming out of his gills.
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    Dying Kuhli Loaches.

    I cant because im all out of testing supplies save for an expired kit sitting beneath the tank lol The only fish that were having trouble were the loaches, all the others are fine except for the one cory who has some kind of white thing sticking out of his side. And the last loach died sometime...
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    Dying Kuhli Loaches.

    About 2 months ago I bought 3 Kuhli loaches, a few weeks ago 1 of them died. a few weeks later I bought 2 more to add to my tank. Well 2 of them died after being covered in some kind of white film, one of them died under a piece a wood and I didnt notice him for a while and he was covered in...
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    My Planted Tank.

    Got it, changed it to an angle, thanks for the advice.
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    My Planted Tank.

    Guy at the pet store told me I should start cycling with Tetras, lol but now the tank is fully cycle so no worries, also didnt lose any fish when I first put the tetras to cycle it 6 months ago.
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    My Planted Tank.

    Well after the ammonia spike, I lost all my tetras except 1 neon and 1 high fin black skirt, so I went out and bought 2 more of each, but somehow 1 of each died, I just havent gotten new guys yet, I originally got the tetras to help cycle to tank. And yes that is the heater.
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    My Planted Tank.

    I have had my tank for around 6 months now, still kind of new to it all, but here is a link to my fish tank as it is currently set up, I would appreciate any help and advice on how to make it look better. Current specs are 2 penguin bio-wheel systems, one new and one older. The fish I have are 2...
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Ok. I added the prime and the ammonia levels went down a tonm .25 ppm, but it wont go any lower, is this alright?
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Kinda hard, out of about 33 fish, I only have 5 left, 2 tetras, 2 cat fish and my pleco, but they dont havy wounds of any kind so im assuming they are harmless.
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    Need Emergency Help.

    They were little black wormlike things less than an inch long and digging into the fibers of the filter, I cant get a pic as I got as many as I could and put the filters back in, there werent alot of them and they were only on that one filter, any ideas?
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    Need Emergency Help.

    After the tear down and using stress zyme and the chlore out and adding extra carbon to my filters, my ammonia tests went from off the charts past 7.5ppm to .25 ppm, tomorrow ill get some prime and add it to the tank and take it from there, sadly my tank will now be empty and I'll only have 2...
  13. S

    Need Emergency Help.

    Ok, something very strange, as I was about to put the filters back into the units, I saw some long black tubelike things I thought were fish waste, but they were moving! Any idea what the heck these things are? they are only on 1 of the 4 filters.
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Little late to go out to the pet store right now, and the tank is already empty, so should I fill it with water and the chlor-out now, and add some prime tomrrow?
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Ok, I bought some chlor-out by hartz, and i'm draining the tank completely down the gravel, going to leave some water in there, as to not kill any of the bacteria, but I'm going to take out my whole filter units and clean them, but im going to take the bio wheels and filters out and let them sit...
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Nop its jungle start right with allantoin.
  17. S

    Need Emergency Help.

    Municipal water supply, I use jungle brand start right and the ammonia chloramine remover. my filter media is a replaceable unit, each bio-wheel uses 2 filters on each side.
  18. S

    Need Emergency Help.

    No undergravel filter, should I go for the media cartridges and use extra carbon and see if that works? and if my filters cant keep up, how did this all of a sudden creep up when they were working just fine, I mean at 660gph combined that turning the tank over 12 times an hour, it doesnt make...
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Tank can't be overstocked, the tank has been fine with the same amount of fish for months. Water changes were every week or so except this last time which went a bit longer. I dont understand how the 2 filters arent cylcing out the ammonia, should I use the extra containers and add extra loss...
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Tap water tested good for ammonia, tank is still the same, off the charts, even after a roughtly 60% water change + ammo lock. I'm at my wits end here. :(
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    Need Emergency Help.

    According to that it should go away on its own, so I guess he staying in the clean tank until it clears up.
  22. S

    Need Emergency Help.

    P Penguin BIO-Wheel 330 For aquariums up to 70 gallons Two BIO-Wheels, two Rite-Size "C" Filter Cartridges and two BIO-Baskets. Certified Flow: 330 GPH I'm running two of these, one is just the older version of the new one. No meds, all I have added is ammo lock and so far nothing, tested the...
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Already did, hehe the water under there was pretty dark, but the gravel is as clean as I can get it, though I have a small gravel cleaner, im going to get a bigger one soon.
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    Need Emergency Help.

    I admit I let my last water change go a bit longer than usual, but this occured just after about a 30% waterchange and gravel vac, I never change the water without vaccuming the gravel. I generall change it every week or two.
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Sponges? The bio-wheel doesnt use sponges, it used turning wheels which collect beneficial bacteria, and the filters hold the carbon wrapped in filter material. both bio-wheel units are the same model, one is just newer than the other, when I bought the new unit I didnt think and put the old one...
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Sorry about posting in the wrong place, I was in a panic this morning as I wqas late for work and was in a rush, and thanks for all the replies, I tested the water and the ammonia was off the charts, I lost several more fish, but all the same species of tetra, I moved my pleco into my bettas 10g...
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    Need Emergency Help.

    Yesterday a few of my fish started dying and my water was gettin a little cloudy, I tested the water and the nitrates skyrocketed, so yesterday I did a more than 50% water change and that helped a little bid and later that night I added some aquarium salt, this morning I woke up to another dead...
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    Fat Striped Raphael Catfish

    I have 2 of them, but one of them is really really fat, I cut back on the algae wafers and feeding of the other fish but he is still huge! is this safe or normal for him?