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  1. D

    Small Crack In Tack?!?

    Oh ok then, thanks for the help :) Sorry, I did have a quick look in the DIY section though. I'll have a better look next time if something like this happens again Im still a bit unsure if it is a crack or a scratch. Im pretty sure it is a crack, because if you run your finger across it, you...
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    Small Crack In Tack?!?

    Ok then, I'll try have a look for some today. Do you know how much it costs? Thanks for your reply :)
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    Small Crack In Tack?!?

    Hello, I was redoing one of my aquariums, when I noticed a small crack on the bottom in the corner. I do not think it is a very deep crack since I haven’t had any leaks. I would just like to ask, would the crack get worse if I was not to seal it up, or should I seal it up? Also what do I seal...
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    Fine Gravel, Or Sand?

    Ok then, thanks for the tip and help :D Ok, Can I put both sand and fine gravel in my tank? And have the fine gravel under a layer of sand?
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    Fine Gravel, Or Sand?

    Hello, Im going to be starting up a new tropical fish tank soon, and I am just wondering which is best to use, fine gravel or sand? I am planning to keep a few corry's, and properly some live plants. I have heard though that sand can be a bit of a hassle with the anaerobic bacteria, does this...
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    Hi All Im New Pls To Meet U

    Welcome!:D Good luck towards your goal.
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    Violet Line Piranha

    Whoa beautiful Piranha, those eyes are lovely!
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    Piccies Of My Fish

    Very nice photographs, tank and fish! I especially love the Puffers and Rams :)
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    Newbie 20gal Planted

    Beautiful tank! I like guppies too :)
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    Please Help!

    Ah! I was right! :) Thanks^^
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    Please Help!

    The 10 liter is a bit odd, because the filter and light is attached to the hood, but I can take out the media (Which is foam) and put it in my already-running tank. Ok then^^ By the way, what is MTS? I think I have an idea what it might be, but I'm probly wrong...
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    Please Help!

    Ok then. I'll keep a close watch, just incase anything else happens within the next few weeks Yea I have been thinking about setting up a quarantine/breeder tank for quite a while now, I think I still have my old 10 liter tank somewhere that I could set up. Ok then, thanks for the idea. I'll...
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    Martha's Dinner: Escargot au Naturalle

    Brillant photo's! Must be such an interesting fish to watch :)
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    My New Planted Tank

    Lovely tank setup! Nice fish too :3
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    Please Help!

    Thanks for your help evereyone... But he died this morning :sad: My other corries and fish seem to be ok though, and Im probly going to get a couple more peppered corries in a few weeks time since I only have 3 left. Thanks again everyone.
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    Please Help!

    Ok then, I'll have a look around for some pea gravel, or some sand that isnt too gritty. Sorry to hear that :(. Yea, I dont have a undergravel filter, and ok, I'll try that. Thanks for your help! Ok, Hmm... I never thought of that, I'll just go do some researhing on Ich. I havent noctied any...
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    Please Help!

    I have quite rounded medium gravel; however I only found out about a week later(after getting the corries) that sand is more suited for them. Do you know what the easiest way is to replace the gravel with sand? Without messing up the cycling system? Thanks for your reply.
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    Cory With Fungus

    Hm, I think you should carry on with the medicine for the next 7 days, since I don’t think salt and corries mix very well. Good luck with getting rid of the fungus.
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    Please Help!

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place... I wasn’t sure if it when here or in the fish emergencies. Anyway, one of my peppered corries has been acting a bit strange. All of a sudden he has become less active, and not searching around for food much in the daytime anymore (I know they are...
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    New Arrivals :d

    Whoa! Beautiful fish you have got there! :D
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    I'm New

    Welcome kelli! Im quite new to this forum too :3
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    Gourami Help?

    Hello! I’m looking to get some gouramis today.... I have done quite a bit of research on honey dwarf, and dwarf gouramis, but I’m not sure which is the best one to get? I saw some beautiful neon-blue dwarf gouramis, that looked quite healthy, and in the tank next to that, some golden honey...