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  1. J

    Help with my fishless cycle

    Hello again, Its been a month and still no changes, ammonia has not dropped yet, no nitrites no nitrates. should I drain the tank and start over? :(
  2. J

    Help with my fishless cycle

    Thank you Essjay I will follow the method and wait patiently :P
  3. J

    Help with my fishless cycle

    Thank you essjay unfortunately I read the article too late :/ Another mistake that I made was that I rinsed all the gravel, decor and everything with no treated tap water, but I use double dose of seachem prime after I fiilled up the tank. Do you think that is affecting the cycle?
  4. J

    Help with my fishless cycle

    Hello everyone Im new in the forum and in the hobby, I have problems with my cycle and I dont know what to do :/ I started the fishless cycle on June 24, my tank is 45 Gallon, I used tap water, prime, and api quick start. My tap water ph: 8.2, kh: 13, GH: 26. I added pure ammonia 4.0 ppm...
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