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  1. Cris_L

    Moving House With Fish

    I moved house about a year ago, I had to move a 260l tank with piranahs, 120l community and a 60l community. I borrowed some 25l containers from the lfs and kept minimum 50% of the water. completely emptied all tanks including substrate (prob wasnt necessary to take the sand out of the 60l but...
  2. Cris_L

    Ro Or Tap Water...

    Yeah its costing me about £12 a month to use RO. I dont mind the additional cost if its definately worth it but if in all honesty the fish that I have will be fine in tap water I'll slowly change back.
  3. Cris_L

    Ro Or Tap Water...

    ha ha its just what I pulled off the waterboards website. I dont know if I'll be taking abackward step to switch from RO to dechlorinated tap water.
  4. Cris_L

    Feeding...can't Work Out Whats Best

    thanks, i have tried target feeding but they tend to just take it ion their own time rather than rush at it. as for the eel I have trouble finding him at the best of times and worryingly he doesnt seem any more active at feeding time. might be worth investing in a turkey baster though, it could...
  5. Cris_L

    Feeding...can't Work Out Whats Best

    In my community I have 2 angels, 4 ghost cats, 1 small BGK, 9 young rainbows, 1 gold nugget plec, 1 small peacock eel, 1 tiny albino bristlenose, 1 ram. As the GN and peacock are new additions I've been over feeding a bit, especially on the frozen food, to try and encourage them to eat. so I've...
  6. Cris_L

    Cracked Tank

    Just thought I'd share this out of interest. A girl who works for me has a 190 litre(i think) aqua 1 tank whick has cracked and leaked all over the floor. Fortunately they managed to save the fish but a laptop and laminate floor came worse off! The insurance company said they'd have to get an...
  7. Cris_L

    Ro Or Tap Water...

    Ah i see, PH around 8 - 8.5, NitrAte about 5 (according to my test kit), not sure about hardness but I got this information from the water company website: Hardness Level Hard No Standard Applies Hardness Clark 19.1 No Standard Applies Degrees Clark Hardness French 27.3 No Standard Applies...
  8. Cris_L

    Ro Or Tap Water...

    Sorry i dont mean to sound stupid but what do you mean by parameters?
  9. Cris_L

    Ro Or Tap Water...

    I've tried bog wood, it helps a bit. ist more my water hardness that I'm concerned with tbh..
  10. Cris_L

    Peacock Eels

    I think it might eat your guppies when its fully grown, the angels will be fine. not too sure about the sword tail. if your corys are small they might get eaten too. i think a sandy substrate would be more suitable than gravel, unless its very fine smooth gravel.
  11. Cris_L

    Ro Or Tap Water...

    I live in a hardwater area and having kept piranah in the past i have always used RO water treated with the relevant minerals from the lfs...treated for soft water i think. However now I have a community with the following...2 angels, 4 ghost cats, 1 small BGK, 9 young rainbows, 1 gold nugget...
  12. Cris_L

    Please Help-slight Peak In Nitrite

    thanks everyone for the replies. the water tonight is showing 0 nitrite so looks like I was over reacting a bit! it must be due to the over feeding. something i think I'll start another topic about, along with one about RO water to get some sound advice. cheers again!
  13. Cris_L

    Please Help-slight Peak In Nitrite

    The tank has been set up for a couple of years and was home to 5 red belly piranah. as they prefer soft water and I live in a hard water area I had been using RO with whatever powder the lfs put in for me. after I deceded to move on from piranah I put the community fish into he big tank. i must...
  14. Cris_L

    Please Help-slight Peak In Nitrite

    Bump...I really do need some advice on this as I've not seen nitrite for some years now and its a bit scary!
  15. Cris_L

    Please Help-slight Peak In Nitrite

    Since moving my fish into a (fully cycled) larger tank and adding a few others I've been struggling feeding the right amount. I've also been adding more blodworm etc in hope it'l encourage my my new gold nugget to feed. I may be guilty of over feeding. I did a test today (after feeding) and...
  16. Cris_L

    Pee In Your Aquarium?

    I know someone who cycles his garden pond my p**sing in it...dont think i fancy trying it on a fish tank though. the family might wonder whats the step ladder for....
  17. Cris_L

    How Quickly Do Bgk Grow?

    I've had mine for a good 18 months now and he's still tiny. I'd say5 inches max. is this normal? I'm not worried about him, he feeds, swims about (now and then) and seems happy. just doesnt seem to have grown much!
  18. Cris_L

    Would A Sengal Bichir Eat Rainbow Fish

    Thanks, hopefully the rainbows will have grown to a bigger size before the bichir gets big enough to eat them then..
  19. Cris_L

    Would A Sengal Bichir Eat Rainbow Fish

    Ah right, I dont know what to do tbh. was hoping someone could of told me for definate but it looks like I either try and see and take the risk or I dont!! :crazy:
  20. Cris_L

    Poll On Piranhas

    I kept red belly Piranah for a couple of years before they out grew the tank. trust me when i say it is not a good idea to keep them with any other fish, unless you intend on keeping the piranahs bellies extremely full and even then I wouldnt want to be the other fish!
  21. Cris_L

    Would A Sengal Bichir Eat Rainbow Fish

    Thanks for the replies guys, think I might take the chance then. have to say the misses would kill me if her "pretty colourful fish" got eaten!
  22. Cris_L

    Keeping Veggies Down ?

    I use the non toxic lead weight used for weighing down plants
  23. Cris_L

    Would A Sengal Bichir Eat Rainbow Fish

    Its more the stealing of the plecs food I'm concerned with. the sengals I've seen are currently tiny compared to him but obviously being such a fast mover i think he might hoover up all the meaty food before the plec got any.
  24. Cris_L

    Is Fish Keeping Cruel?

    Its an excellent discussion that could go on forever. i guess there is a difference between "cruel" fishkeeping and keeping fish in a healthy environment thats just not as nice as the one they originated from. surely any animals intelligence has to have some link to the size of its brain (or...
  25. Cris_L

    Would A Sengal Bichir Eat Rainbow Fish

    I'm thinking of adding one to my community, i know they eat small fish but the smallest I have are bosemani rainbow fish, which are currently about 2 inches but i believe will grow to around 4. If i was to add a young sengal bichir at this stage would they get eaten now or at a later date...
  26. Cris_L

    Lights Too Bright?

    I've recently transferred my community into a larger tank that has better illumination than the previous one. It seems that some of the fish, in particular the ghost cats, find the tank now too this likely?
  27. Cris_L

    Frozen Prawn Etc

    thanks for the replies guys! :good:
  28. Cris_L

    Frozen Prawn Etc

    its for my new golden nugget. apparently they are fond of muscles etc.
  29. Cris_L

    Advice About Fire Eels Please

    I wouldnt want to have to re house him after a few years. the reasoni have this tank free is due to having to re house some red belly piranah. The peacock eel is a possibility, how ar they personality wise, fire eels seem really outgoing.
  30. Cris_L

    Frozen Prawn Etc

    Is it safe to feed freshwater tropical fish on frozen seafood such as muscles, prawns etc from a supermarket? I was wondering if the sodium content would make a difference...? :crazy:
  31. Cris_L

    Advice About Fire Eels Please

    I'm concerned my tank will not be big enough for a fire eel. I really would like one but only if I can house him properly. my tank is 260l...any idea if this will be suficient?
  32. Cris_L

    Advice About Fire Eels Please

    Reed fish, sounds an idea. i see you're in shropshire, i live in staffordshire and work in wellington. do you recommend and lfs in the area? thanks
  33. Cris_L

    Advice About Fire Eels Please

    Thank you very much for the replys. the full stocking is: 2 angels, 2 Kribs, 4 ghost cats, 1 BGK, a small albino bristlenose, 2 rams and a few tetra (which may get eaten i appreciate). basically i had 5 red bellied piranah in this tank but they have no gone to a new home with a bigger tank so...
  34. Cris_L

    Advice About Fire Eels Please

    I have a 260l tank with a community containing angels, kribs, a small BGK... I was hoping to add a fire eel but am concerned about a couple of things.. 1) Is my substrate suitable, its not sand, more a fine gravel. its not sharp but its definately not as soft as sand. 2) is my tank big...
  35. Cris_L

    Advice Very Much Needed

    Thanks, i was worried I had too much of a mismatch. Think i may look into a fire eel a bit more and also consider some rainbows
  36. Cris_L

    Advice Very Much Needed

    Thanks for the quick reply! do you think a fire eel or birchir would be ok in this set up? I really fancy soemthing a bit unusual, I dont mind too much if i loose the smaller fish. I was also hoping for some type of catfish although I obviously need to be wary of too many bottom feeders.
  37. Cris_L

    Advice Very Much Needed

    I've just given away my red bellied Piranah to a good home and am looking at stocking their 260l tank with a community. I've already transfered 2 Angels and a BGK from another tank but am wondering what else to put in there. Due to inexperience with a the previous smaller community tank i also...
  38. Cris_L

    Bichir - Have To Share My Excitement!

    My young Sengal Bicher recently ate my green speackled eel. Gutted. didnt think they would eat things that big, i was told only things big enough to easily fit in their mouths. I'm thinking maybe he'll need to go!
  39. Cris_L

    UK Fish Store Directory

    Maidenhead Aquatics, Wyevale Garden Centre Muxton (between stafford and telford) Variety 7 Quality 9 Service 10 Cant thank this place enough for helping me set up my first tank. Maidenhead aquatics Mere park newport Variety 8 quality 7 Service 7 Ripples, stafford Park Telford Variety 8...
  40. Cris_L

    African Dwarf Frogs

    I've got Dwarf frogs in my community tank which has an interd\nal power filter nd is heated to 25 degrees. I'm pretty sure they have the same requirements as most tropical fish.