Search results

  1. F

    What Kinds Of Fish...

    I already have a few fish in the tank... a few black skirt tetras... golden barb one zebra danio a few yo yo loaches thats it...
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    What Kinds Of Fish...

    would be suitable for a freshwater 55 gallon tank???
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    What Is Your Dream Tank?

    1000 gallon community-semi aggressive tank
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    2007 Stocking Review

    Rasboras will get eating if kept in the 75 so good thing your moving em
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    Fish Eat Fish!

  6. F


    Is that a bumbullbee catfish
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    Fish Eat Fish!

    whats a festivum?!
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    Fish Eat Fish!

    ok then thxs.....
  9. F

    Is This Stupid

    what does atm mean..
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    Fish Eat Fish!

    I think one of my convicts ate one of my zebra danios....what shud i do?! :(
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    Tank Pollz

    Anyone got pics of there TANK?
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    Snails In My Filter

    is it normal?!
  13. F

    This Or That

    thxs ICEEGRL...yea so i guess ill make it a community tank but i have a lot of fish that need to what do i do now?
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    This Or That

    I have a 55 gallon and have lots of fishys....i want to keep one type of fish in my fish tank so should i have a community tank with little fishys or a semi aggressive tank with sum other kind of fish?! IDK
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    yah if ppl actually posted stuff....
  16. F

    Pangasius one else seems to be posting......
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    Stocking My 8usg

    u shuld get 2 loaches and 5 neon tetras...........:cool: :sad: 8) :happy: :nervous:
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    his writing is spooky and he looks yea.. ...
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    ok then...y do you like Edgar Allan Poe?
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    r any of you ppl blak on here?
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    I Wub My Honey

    can u post a pic of ur whole tank............
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    whos that?
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    and i find that your username makes no sense
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    no ur really dum.....
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    well sry his camera aint gots no batteries.......
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    ok then... i dont gots a background so comes tha crappy pics...1 min more like 5 mins to get pic on for ya peeps..........
  27. F


    no not right now my comp is not im nah room and i aint gots me no digital bro gots a crappy camera......want me to take a pic with his?!
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    what does that have to do wit my fishy?
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    luks like u
  30. F


    you ppl are asting like sum little 2 yr olds talkin bout trolls
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    you are so immature
  32. F


    yea im gonna get rid of the minnows..... hey FLAME how long have you had your tank?...... and what size is it and what kind of fish do you have?
  33. F


    he probably wud fit in with you fish nerds.......hes only 14 anyway his user name on here is JAY323 i think so yea you can go and talk with him about his neon tetras... in tha tropical chit chat place besides ive only had my tank for like 2 months... i dont dedicate all my time to fish AND im...
  34. F


    hey hey hye wait a minute i didnt put that last post about me being sry and im not that wuz my bro
  35. F


    ok im sorry for all the nonsense but petsmart must really get there sizes wrong it said that it would only get 6 inches thats what it said on the card.............
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    90g Tank

    maybe you should get sum yoyo loaches...they are always moving around and stuff i have three of them....
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    ok then...
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    Convict Cichilds

    i have three convict cichilds and they are each a different there a color that a healthy convict should have?
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    Are They The Same?

  40. F


    im not a guy thank you very much and you ppl need to quit talking so what im only a 13 yr old girl