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  1. A

    Stocking 2 Foot Tank

    Thanks for the replies - ill investigate and learn about the fish mentioned.. cheers,
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    Stocking 2 Foot Tank

    Im sure this has been asked before and I have been researching but id like peoples opinions.. I have a 2 foot tank (12 gallon/45 lites) tank that I have set up with fine sand and quite a few large rocks/caves/etc some small amount of Java moss. It has a Hagen Aquaclear Mini hang on filter (that...
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    Can Someone Identify This Algae?

    yeah they seem to reproduce at fast rates.. then they stop for a while... then off they go again.. I move them into other tanks to start populating again to keep some types of algae at bay... but I think the chinese algae eaters do eat them sometimes when they are small - after all they are a loach.
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    Can Someone Identify This Algae?

    Ok ive tried taking some better pictures of the algae and the snails.. The snails have an amazing gold colour when their shell starts to get colour in it (it is clear for the first few weeks). Then after some time they turn a normal boring dark brown colour but they dont seem to grow very big at...
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    Can Someone Identify This Algae?

    Hi all, I have this 9 gallon (1.5 foot long) tank with Ambuila, Vallis and Java moss in it.. It is fairly moderately to heavily planted with no CO2 and two 15 watt 6800K 18 inch flouresent tubes. 5-2-5-2 light exposure.. 27 degrees.. The tank is 3 months old and is now used to just growing...
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    Chinese Algae Eater

    Here are my two CAEs - very young and small.. one is like a hybrid golden brown one and the other is a plain brown one. Id love to see a pic of one that is 6-10 inches..
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    Close Ups

    Here are some more pics of my 9 gallon and 12 gallon. Here is the 9 gallon now, its basically got a gold CAE in it and is now only used for cultivating plants for use in other tanks - as well as a temp holding tank. Here is the 12 gallon with 6 glowlites and a brown baby CAE.. Im just...
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    Close Ups

    Here are some closeups of my baby Chinese Algae Eaters and some glowlites.. I can look back at the CAE photos when they are nasty and big and go ah I remember you guys when you were small and nice! haha.. I think I can prob get better pics as I play with the camera now. This was just getting...
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    Hot Tanks!

    Yeah what I meant by icepacks was like old containers (like drinking containers) with ice in them in a sealed sandwich bag... haha.. no comment.
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    Hot Tanks!

    Hi All, I have a bit of a situation. I have an extension on my house (like a large back room) that I have my fish tanks in - currently 2 x 12 gallon [60cmx30cmx25cm] and a single 9 gallon [45cmx30cmx25cm]. This past week has been rediculous and its been like 42 degrees celcius 3 days in a...
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    Easy Plants For 10 Gallon

    Well regarding algae eaters you will have everyone swear black and blue that Chinese Algae Eaters are THE worst fish to get for a communal tank but if you get them as small as you can they will be very hard working until they grow in size.. ive always had good luck with them but most ppl think...
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    Easy Plants For 10 Gallon

    I dont know why alot of people insist on saying "oh you MUST need co2, proper subtrate, ferts", etc.. I have a 9 gallon and two 12 gallon semi-heavily planted tanks currently. One with twin 15 watt floresent 6500K tubes and the other two with twin 5000K floresent bulbs (I cant rem their wattage)...
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    Algae War Starts Now!

    I had diatoms growing significantly worse probably around week 6 of my new tank. I invested in some Chinese Algae Eaters or sucking loaches or whatever they are called, only to find out that they grow large over time, get more aggressive as they grow and eat less algae when they grow aswell. At...
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    Anyone Here Prefere Chinese Algie Eaters To Common Plecs?

    My two CAEs are only around 2-3 inches and have cleaned my diatom infested tank (bogwood was covered) in around 2-3 days... I have found if they have decent hiding places (my bogwood is perfect for this) where they can claim a certain part of the territory then they seem to be fine. but id say...
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    Brown Algae Issues..

    I seriously think having 3 more neons and a couple of otoclinus would be pushing it. I might just got the otos. My neons at the moment hardly shoal and fight a fair bit for territory. I move plants around every now and then but because im getting so many plants now I cant really move them...
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    Brown Algae Issues..

    Hahah cheers.. yeah the trouble is I have a large hunk of bogwood in there that takes up a decent amount of space.. I feel that I have covered most of what I can I gravel wise. I guess I could densly plant a bit more in there but I was worried about not being able to gravel vac the turds off the...
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    Brown Algae Issues..

    Ok, sorry they are 18 inch fluorescent tubes bought brand new in Jan.. bought from my LFS that said they are for growing plants.. cant remember the exact name of them. They are in a reflective case with a clear Perspex cover. Until I get home (as im at work atm - I live in Perth Western...
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    Brown Algae Issues..

    Ok here goes, apologies for the length of this post... :blush: My girlfriend got a Siamese fighter for Xmas in '05 and we had it in a small bowl and did regular water changes. It was great for a while until winter came where I noticed him suffering from the cold. This then opened a can of...
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    Post Your Small Tanks Here

    Im not really sure what they are called but they seem to attract the algea alot more than the ambulia.. It seems to grow very slowly too, its slowly deteriorating and turning yellow (while all other plants are growing well). Either ive planted it wrong or its just the wrong conditions in my tank...
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    Post Your Small Tanks Here

    Here is my first ever tank.. its a 9 gallon, 5 neons, 4 glowlites..
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    Full Neon Tetras

    I have noticed this aswell, however it happens with both my 5 neons and 4 glowlights.. Their stomachs go small again after a few hours so I just assumed that I could possibly be over feeding them or thats just what happens. I feed mine mostly frozen bloodworm but sometimes give them shelled peas...