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    Name This Newt

    <IMG SRC=""> <IMG SRC=""> <IMG SRC=""> <IMG SRC="">
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    Name This Newt

    Hi all I baught this lovely little lad thinking it was a fire bellied newt coz thats what I was told however i have since learnet that the term fire bellied newt covers a multitude of sin's and this little dude is one of them. So my chalange to you is name that newt. He or she is 5'' long and...
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    Have Fire Newt Now What Do I Do?

    thank you :good:
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    Have Fire Newt Now What Do I Do?

    could you see it ?? if not how do i do it??
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    Have Fire Newt Now What Do I Do?

    Thanks for link been there and many other places now and what I can say without a doubt is that it is not a japanise fire bellied newt, to big and wrong colour. Iv got some general newt type facts and he is eating earthworms and wax worms but I think he's thick and poor sighted. but very very...
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    Have Fire Newt Now What Do I Do?

    Thanks for link been there and many other places now and what I can say without a doubt is that it is not a japanise fire bellied newt, to big and wrong colour. Iv got some general newt type facts and he is eating earthworms and wax worms but I think he's thick and poor sighted. but very very...
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    Have Fire Newt Now What Do I Do?

    Ok so I was in my lfs and he had these two fire newts and I just had to have one. All he knew about them was that they are live food eaters, and so that is all I know. Iv been looking but cant seem to find any more info. He ate a worm yesterday but not today, however he went nuts when I put...
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    Suitable Mates For A Betta? Neons?

    Hi there Iv got a small community 40ltr tank with a betta splenden male and female in it, they share happyly with a pair of paradise fish male and female, 6 neon tetra god knows what sex, a small bristle nose plec and two male cherry barbs all getting on well plenty of real plants and a couple...
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    I Need Some Advise.

    I had a 60 ltr tank with 2 gourami in one was a bully so I adding another, to try and change the balance, still same one was bully so got rid of it at lfs where i got it from. Then same day the previously terrorised first one started to be a bully mostly to the newest gourami but also to my...
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    Fire Eel Dead

    LOL never too late too share ty :good:
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    Fire Eel Dead

    Other fish in 160 or 180 ltr tank 11 tiger barbs (4 of which green), one crebanesis, one cockatoo, one keyhole, two yoyo loaches, three sword tails, 5 young silver sharks (2.5''), 2 cherry barbs, one pictus cat and 4 silver tip tetras. Yes did check for abnormalaties but couldnt see any obvious...
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    Fire Eel Dead

    :no: RIP Second eel went same way as first cant see any obvious reason for either death. Water is good lots of room calm tank and plenty of real plants (not too many). There you go Ill put it down to experiance and I guse. £25.00 f'ing quid though. :hyper: :crazy: :sick: :sly: :-(
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    Can Anyone Help Me?

    Chopping up knitted stuff wont work. It frayes. How about little cone party type hats and pos ribon for scarf's. Or even pirate patch and hat home made from soft card? Think broad and be original. :good:
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    Free Gecko!

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    In Memory Of A Friend.....

    Cwsc tawel Angel
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    Peacock Eel!

    I dont have peacock but do have fire eel, body and head look same. Mine eats earth worms small or choped to 1" 1, 1/2" bits, and blood worms both are taken from my hand its realy nice. He's about 7 or 8 inches long at presant. I'm still learning new stuff about him all time. Lovely looking...
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    Fire Eel Dead

    Lovely picture thank you :good: Ill live in hope that mine gets as big and handsome as that.
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    Fire Eel Dead

    ty for that didnt know about them being prone to bacterial infections. Did know it was going to get big lol that was in the plan.
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    Fire Eel Dead

    I had two fire eels and one just died I know this can happen with any fish but im hoping to avoid loseing the second. No obvious reason for loss. Anw way the one I have left likes small worms common garden sort cleaned and blood worms but not anything else as far as i can tell. Iv read varying...