Search results

  1. F

    Building A Stand...

    I personally like the looks of red oak or cherry. They are both reasonably priced for hardwoods and are easy to work with. Pine is very easy to work with and inexpensive BUT I think using hardwoods like the ones I suggested will give you a nicer and more professional looking stand. Poplar...
  2. F

    Getting Back Into The Hobby Again...

    Thank you very much *Fishkies*, that's exactly what I was looking for! I hope others will add more information and suggestions to my "beginner" thread too. :nod:
  3. F


    Hello! I'm thinking about getting back into the hobby again after a ten year absence. I used to have a ten gallon and a 30 gallon tank. My member number 30022, coincidently was a number plate my brother used to have on an old farm truck many years ago! I'm glad I found this forum, it is...
  4. F

    Stupid Wal-mart

  5. F

    Stupid Wal-mart

    I live in New England and back when I was a kid (30 years ago) there were no Wal-Marts (well not here anyway), just small fish stores. They were great but they never seemed to last very long, the first one we patronized regularly was set up by a very nice couple for their daughter as her first...
  6. F

    Getting Back Into The Hobby Again...

    MANY years ago, my brother and I used to have ten gallon tanks when we were kids. About 20 years ago, my wife and I bought a used 30 gallon set up and we had lots of fun with it. I sold the set up at a tag sale about ten years ago so I've been out of the hobby for quite some time. I was never...
  7. F

    Getting Food Past The Tiger Barbs...

    That's what I was thinking! :lol:
  8. F

    Stupid Wal-mart

    My local WalMart has a pretty poor selection of fish. The selection is very limited and their tanks look neglected. Their prices are good, especially on the food and supplies.