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  1. S

    Columbian Sharks/white Tip Shark Cats

    i havent actually bought anything yet, but the ones i have seen in the shop are small, maybe 8 - 10cm max - lovely looking creatures! Altho after Sabby's comment of how quickly they grow, i think i might look into a bigger tank first. I didnt expect them to grow so quickly! The tank i have...
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    Columbian Sharks/white Tip Shark Cats

    Hi all, I was wondering if this fish can go straight into brackish/marine conditions while young, or do they need to go from fw, to saltwater first? I have read they dont do well in freshwater, is this true? i have a freshwater aquarium at the moment, and am looking to go saltwater in the...
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    Pleco Skin, Does It Look Right?

    Sorry, my mistake for not making myself clear... In the picture, i was refering to the light brown 'patches' on him. not the thin brown pattern Hope this makes it clearer..?
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    Pleco Skin, Does It Look Right?

    Does the skin on this fish look normal? its a new fish to my tank, about 8inches long, and im pretty sure it didnt have the lighter markings on it when it was bought a few days ago. Could it be scratches or something from rocks or wood? Or is it more serious like infection etc? The water...
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    White Fluffy Stuff On Plants?

    would an algae eating fish remove this problem?
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    Help! Are My Pictus Catfish Sick?

    Just an update, perhaps usefull for you Breeze.. Im thinking this is normal for them if they are stressed out or new to their environment. The second the lights go out they seem fine, they come out and seem to 'play' with one another all over the tank at all depths. Do yours come out at lights...
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    Help! Are My Pictus Catfish Sick?

    Hi there, I was hoping someone may be able to offer me some advice. I have recently bought 3 pictus catfish who when released into their new home seemed fine, swimming around, chasing one another etc. Untill now, (after i added another rock for them to hide around) they only do this at...