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  1. T

    Predatory Fish

    Oh right, of course. my mistake, thinking about it bichirs may not be such a good idea; however i personally don't think the rio 300 is big enough for a common wolf fish. It may be an inactive fish but it is still half the length of that tank, IMO for enormous fish, you need enormous tanks...
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    New To Neons!

    I think lemon and bleeding heart tetras are also very nice, how big is your tank?
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    Senegal Bichir

    If it's a privately owned shop then you could try asking them to order some in for you As for keeping senegals in a 30g, i would say that it is too small. A rule of thumb that i have found to work quite well is: the length of your tank should be at least 5 times as long as the fish you intend...
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    Predatory Fish

    You mentioned a wolf fish.... there is a smaller variant known as the red wolf fish. It is more visually appealing than the common wolf fish and is better suited to a tank of your size as it only grows to 8-10 inches. Perhaps one of those and 2 senegal bichirs? Both are predatory and very...
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    Unusual Fish For A 30g

    Ah ok, shame about the gars but oh well. Thanks again guys!
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    Unusual Fish For A 30g

    Ok this is great, thanks for the stocking ideas you two. Cichlids was actually my original idea, i'm just trying to gather different ideas together. I quite like the butterfly/bushfish/Synodontis idea, maybe i'll go with that but whats wrong with having 2 bushfish? Thanks again!
  7. T

    Unusual Fish For A 30g

    the tank isn't even set up yet lol, i am just getting ideas. It's measurements are 100x30x40cm or 40x12x16 inches. As for the Exos, i actually was just watching a video showing them being fed! They are an extraordinary fish but i was sort of hoping for something slightly larger (4-6 inches)...
  8. T

    Unusual Fish For A 30g

    Title says it all really... i'm looking for interesting and unusual fish that would fit nicely in a 30g I would like a group of about 3 mid sized fish that would max out the tank. i am particularly interested in predators like gars, bichirs, bushfish, butterfly fish etc Thanks in advance...
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    Bluefin Notho Killifish

    I have some questions that i would like answered about these amazing fish...... 1: Are they purely carnivores or are they omnivores? 2: Is it ok to feed them frozen food instead of live? 3: should i add flakes to their diet aswell? 4: How much should i feed them? 5: What is their lifespan in...
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    Red Wolf Fish

    I originally wanted to fill my new 30 gallon with cichlids, but after seeing this fish i have had a change of heart. The Red Wolf Fish!.... -Would I be able to keep one in my 30g? i heard they only grow to 8 inches unlike their monstrous cousins. BTW exact tank size is 32 gallons (100x30x40)...
  11. T

    New 30 Gallon Tank

    Oh ok, i'll consider getting one instead of a convict then, thanks for the idea. perhaps i'll get a flier and a blue acara, any ideas for a third cichlid or would you say my tank is fully stocked with those 2?
  12. T

    Aggressive Green Tiger Barb

    I went and bought 2 new barbs today, they have been in the tank for an hour now but nothing has really changed. how long do you think it will be until his behaviour changes?
  13. T

    New 30 Gallon Tank

    Don't fliers grow to about 8 inches? or am i thinking of something else? 8 inches is a bit too big for a 30 gallon with other fish in it aswell isn't it? Please tell me if i am wrong.
  14. T

    Fish Tank Suggestions

    May i suggest getting a pair of bristlenose plecos, they only get to about 4/5 inches and are easy to breed. Within a year or so you will have a tank full of different sized plecos, and maybe even some albino ones! they will also keep your tank free of algae. Just be sure to provide some wood...
  15. T

    Aggressive Green Tiger Barb

    Okay then i'll get 2 more tomorrow. Thanks for the help!
  16. T

    Aggressive Green Tiger Barb

    yeah, my filters great and i change a third of the water per week so that should not be a problem. i guess i'm taking a trip to my lfs tomorrow then would it matter if the new barbs are slightly smaller?
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    Aggressive Green Tiger Barb

    Hmm my lfs would probably take him in... Would 6/7 barbs work in a 15 gallon? there is also a ram and a bristlenose in the tank too
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    Aggressive Green Tiger Barb

    i have been keeping green tiger barbs in my 15 gallon for years but i have just encountered a problem. Admittedly barbs are fairly aggressive but my largest one has become unnaturally so. He is attacking my other 4 relentlessly and they have resorted to hiding away all day..... :unsure:Any...
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    New 30 Gallon Tank

    Yeah i thought as much but i thought i'd ask anyway i guess i'll stick to the mid sized ones
  20. T

    New 30 Gallon Tank

    Also i have had another idea... Would a single jack dempsey be able to live happily in a 30 galllon all to himself, or not? From what i have read, i have been geting many mixed opinions so i am a bit confused on what to beleive. Thanks!
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    New 30 Gallon Tank

    Some interesting ideas here. Thanks! I would truly love to get a pair of breeding cichlids but unfortunately i have no idea what i would do with the fry, no one would buy them from me... :sad: would two females of the same species work just as well as a pair; obviously i know they wont breed...
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    Temp Is Going Down In Ram Tank

    Terribly sorry, must of misread the number, i swear it said 78!. Anyway i stand corrected, yes i'd have to agree that 75 is a bit too low for rams.... my bad :/
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    Severum Questions

    No idea about how to tell the difference between them, i'll be honest, i've only ever seen the green and gold varieties. Do they all grow to the same size? if so i think you could add one or two more but i wouldn't add three... if i'm not mistaken, the Geophagus Tapajos grow to about 5 inches so...
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    Temp Is Going Down In Ram Tank

    I don't think it should be that much of a problem, rams do thrive in warmer temperatures which is probably why they have stopped laying eggs but i doubt that a drop of a few degrees would do any serious harm to them... From my experience as long as you have good water quality your fish will...
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    New 30 Gallon Tank

    Ah okay, slightly disappointed but oh well... If i removed the jewel from the equation would the convict and blue acara be okay together or should i just scrap the whole idea I also quite like the look of firemouths, salvinis and sajicas so if you have any interesting set-up ideas including any...
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    New 30 Gallon Tank

    Hi everyone! I recently acquired a 30 gallon tank and need some help stocking it. I am hoping to fill the tank with mid sized cichlids (4-6 inches or so) I am particularly interested in convicts, jewels and blue acaras so my question is: will these 3 fish work in a tank of my size..... my...