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  1. Jaymz

    New Fish Advice.

    A bump, if I may, still seeking some ideas for new fish, to fit in with those already there, all information above and/or in my profile, going to go buying this weekend, so advice welcomed. Thanks!
  2. Jaymz

    Sigh, Another C02 Kit Issue.

    Mine's up to a bubble every three seconds now. Going to do a check in a couple of days to see how the CO2 levels are going. Might consider using some Bicarb as well, see if it'll last a bit longer.
  3. Jaymz

    Sigh, Another C02 Kit Issue.

    Tell me about it, two Nutrafin packets and nothing whatsoever, DIY kit and it's happy as Larry within half an hour. Makes you wonder how they can sell the stuff...
  4. Jaymz

    Green Dots On Glass

    If they're anything like the ones I get on my tank, it's just some form of Algae, they should come off easily with a little effort, make sure you use something aquarium-specific to clean them off with. I think I used a toothbrush. I may be wrong, so anyone feel free to correct me.
  5. Jaymz

    Sigh, Another C02 Kit Issue.

    Ok I've used the DIY recipe now, and the thing's bubbling away merrily. How many bubbles per minute should I be looking at? It's going at about 12 a minute at the moment, that sound ok? Also, the bubbles collected at the top of the ladder as no part of it is out of the water, that ok as well...
  6. Jaymz

    New Fish Advice.

    Yeah I heard they can grow quite big, but mine haven't pushed over three inches yet, and if they become problematic my LFS have said they will take them off me. However, the Loaches for sale there are young, about an inch, would these mix with my current larger fish? Speaking of sociality, the...
  7. Jaymz

    New Fish Advice.

    It's 100lt, good filtration and all that jazz.
  8. Jaymz

    New Fish Advice.

    Ok, so after a lot of thought, I changed over most of the fish in my tank, and I am currently in possession of: 2 Clown Loches 2 Gold and 2 Pearl Gouramis 2 Sailfin Mollies 1 Tiger Plec 1 Common Plec I did have, for a short time, two Rams, but keeping those ended in disaster and they died off...
  9. Jaymz

    Sigh, Another C02 Kit Issue.

    The water only backs up to the level of the aquarium water, what's the best way of getting it out? Whatever I try it just goes back up the pipe again. 'Tis getting a bit annoying. Will any normal non-return valve do the trick?
  10. Jaymz

    Sigh, Another C02 Kit Issue.

    Well I just refilled with the provided pack before I read your reply, but also just popped out and got some dried yeast from Tesco, (Hope that'll work ok), if there's nothing going on over the next couple of hours I'll ditch that and use the DIY recipe. The canister is inside the cupboard of...
  11. Jaymz

    Sigh, Another C02 Kit Issue.

    Tested with my finger, seems too cold, will start again with 28-29C. How does the water stay at the right temp. after a while anyhow? The canister keep it warm, I assume? EDIT: Does the height of the ladder within the tank have any bearing? My ladder is installed around the middle of the tank...
  12. Jaymz

    Sigh, Another C02 Kit Issue.

    I set up my Nutrafin Natural CO2 kit yesterday, used the supplied stabilizer and activator, just to get them out of the way, yet it's been 24 hours without a single bubble, there's a small amount of water backed up the pipe leading to the ladder. Is this normal? How do you keep water out of this...
  13. Jaymz

    Quick Question About C02 Canister Position

    Cheers for all the help! Now just to work out where it'll look best. :) Many thanks.
  14. Jaymz

    Quick Question About C02 Canister Position

    Just got a Nutrafin Yeast-Based CO2 kit, was wondering if the reactor must be hung over the back of the tank, or whether it could sit on top of the tank stand, i.e. the base of the reactor level with the base of the tank. Would it still function properly? The tank's height is about 15'' if that...
  15. Jaymz

    Nutrafin Co2 Basic User Guide

    Been reading this thread with great interest, just wondered if anyone could link me to show me exactly which CO2 kit it is we're on about here? The closest I can seem to work out is either this, or this. The first one is available at my LFS, so if this is correct I'm off to get one ASAP, if...
  16. Jaymz

    Hydor Ario Colour Air Pump Noise.

    Aha, nice call. However I 'heard' that the thing might be vibrating through the cabling, so I'd need to shift it all around to the other end of the tank to allow the piping to run in and out without being in contact with the hood. But that'll have to wait as I'm going away for a few days now...
  17. Jaymz

    Hydor Ario Colour Air Pump Noise.

    Just bought Hydor Ario 4 Internal Air Pump, turned it on, looks fantastic but there's a fair bit of vibration. It's all installed properly but a bit noisy. Any tips on how to cut this out?
  18. Jaymz

    Tetratec Filter Pipes, Condensation And Uv Filters.

    The lid for the tank is the one that comes as standard (Rekord 96 Tank, by the way), and we've never had problems with it before. I'm thinking of moving my tank onto a stand within the next few weeks, so I'll try a few things when I do that, like what you said about changing the airstone...
  19. Jaymz

    Tetratec Filter Pipes, Condensation And Uv Filters.

    Evening all, quite a bit to ask about in one go, so I'll try and make it brief: 1) - Recently got a TetraTec EX 600 for my tank, water quality great, the filter itself keeps clean for when it comes to cleaning it out, however the pipes leading in and out are getting caked up with a brown furry...
  20. Jaymz


    I too have a similar problem, but I believe this may be caused by the airstone, as it's well... just stuck into the sand in my tank, any ideas how I could make the stone less obvious but reduce this sandstorm, as it makes the water all cloudy and full of murk (If I turn the pump off, it stops)...
  21. Jaymz

    Baby Pond Fish, And Winter!

    The pond has a large boxed gravel filter, the water is very well aerated, due to spraybars, fountains and waterfalls that lead into the main pond (It also runs through a heavily planted small pond with we believe was designed to act as another filter, maybe in a biological sense?) The pond is...
  22. Jaymz

    Baby Pond Fish, And Winter!

    We've had a mass spawning in our pond some two or three months ago, we've counted at least forty young fish, Orfe and Shubunkins, and my worry now is for Winter, what are the odds of them surviving, what can we do to support them, etc etc? We've had the pond years now and all the other fish have...
  23. Jaymz

    So I Got My New Filter Set Up..

    Well, there are no longer any areas on the surface of the water that are not getting circulated, as I noticed with the Internal, the water does seem clearer, although as mentioned above I think the airstone is kicking up dirt, may need an air tube or something, but if I leave the air off, the...
  24. Jaymz

    Swimbladder Infection.

    Ok, so I have a pearlscale goldfish, another one recently died from what appeared to be swimbladder issues, now my other is exhibiting problems such as floating at surface of the tank, etc. I have some aquarium salt and a bottle of Interpet medicine for this purpose (Anti Swimbladder...
  25. Jaymz

    So I Got My New Filter Set Up..

    Yeah I got some of the old media from my filter in the new one as I set the external up, I moved my decor around and it's cleared up very well, it may have been the air curtain agitating the dirt, as I replaced it with the original air stone and it's looking a whole lot cleaner already.
  26. Jaymz

    So I Got My New Filter Set Up..

    Well, my Juwel filter came out very easily after all, but that was hiding filth like I'd never seen in a tank before, which I got rid of most of, yes in changing over my filters (from my Juwel internal to Tetratec Ex600) there has been a lot of dirt kicked up, but I have a few questions about...
  27. Jaymz

    Heater Placement?

    Without meaning to pick at your methods, must it be diagonal? I'd much rather it not be seen, but however if it's better for the fish and the heat then I'll obviously put it differently (it's now horizontal but below the spraybar, it seems to be heating OK, but if it's not in the optimum...
  28. Jaymz

    Heater Placement?

    Ok, just got my first External Filter, now I can't decide where to put my heater inside my tank, it use to be right next to the powerhead opening on my Juwel corner filter, but I am puzzled as to where to locate it now (as the instructions state near to a 'turbulent' part of the tank, maybe near...
  29. Jaymz

    Replacing An Inny With An Outy.

    What kind of inline heater you got? How would you rate them? I've been looking at them for a while now, as I'd prefer that to having one stuck in my tank, and maybe not getting the heat dispersed properly, any info you can give i.e. where you got it how much etc would be welcome. Many thanks...
  30. Jaymz

    Replacing An Inny With An Outy.

    Ordered the filter today, after finding it nearly £25 cheaper online than in my LFS, nasty shock when I got there and saw the price! Shall undoubtedly be whinging about how I cannot fit it in a couple of days! But many thanks to all who helped! A little extra bonus-point question - Will...
  31. Jaymz

    Replacing An Inny With An Outy.

    Bingo, sounds like the best idea, I'll probably do that, then do what you did and put in floss, save me messing around if I need to add meds (Touch wood). Many thanks Andy!
  32. Jaymz

    Replacing An Inny With An Outy.

    Ok so squeeze and remove as much watery fish-mess and stuff as I can into the new filter, any suggestions as to which tray? Or just anywhere? Also is this safe to run with all my fish still in or do I run the risk of hurting them? Many thanks.
  33. Jaymz

    Replacing An Inny With An Outy.

    Where abouts do I put the media from my current filter into the new one? Will there be enough room for the new and old media at the same time, and how long do I need to leave it like this ebfore I can use only the Tetratec media?
  34. Jaymz

    Replacing An Inny With An Outy.

    Another question, a bit of a beggar this one, if I run the previous filter alongside the Tetratec, how do I fit the spraybar/"In" pipe in, as the Juwel filter casing sits right inside/below the gap made for the powerhead cable to run out of? Is there some way of fitting the spraybar in, or am I...
  35. Jaymz

    Replacing An Inny With An Outy.

    Ok so the Internal would handle the proper filtration, whilst the external cycles? What about taking the old filter out? Anyone found a good way to do this?
  36. Jaymz

    Replacing An Inny With An Outy.

    I was thinking of replacing my Juwel internal filter in my Rekord 96 with a Tetratec EX 600 external canister filter, simply because I wanted a better filter for the fish, and like the reviews they have been getting concerning the quality and how they polish the water up so well (Cloudy water...