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  1. Jaymz

    Me Again! Algae/plant Question.

    Looks excellent, a lot cheaper than I thought they'd be as well. Is this the kind of stuff you use yourself? Just in case I need some assistance when it comes to setting it up (which I no doubt will :P) I'll have to put this on hold for as long as I can as I have to get my car through its MOT...
  2. Jaymz

    Me Again! Algae/plant Question.

    Oh yessir I'm interested in keeping plants for sure. I had a few in my last tank and they got along merrily tThese are the same as I have now in fact) but now I've upgraded my tank I'm at a bit of a loose end now they seem to be dying off. I think the disposable setup would be better, as I'm...
  3. Jaymz

    Me Again! Algae/plant Question.

    Ok, how does this sound - Start using the NPK ferts rather than the ProFito stuff unless I use it as a trace (Could someone explain trace to me, actually, thanks) Get a pressurised co2 kit rather than the DIY stuff I'm using. I was looking at this (any experience/opinions) or the JBL systems...
  4. Jaymz

    Me Again! Algae/plant Question.

    It's probably easier for me to buy it, although daily dosing sounds a pain (and a costly one at that). How about the co2 then, now we know it's a requirement in my tank? It's two DIY kits (sufficient for 200l apparently) and they're changed weekend/mid-week one at a time. From my monitoring...
  5. Jaymz

    Me Again! Algae/plant Question.

    @ SuperColey - It was my intention to replace the current plants I have with other low-lighters from Aqua Essential, will having more require that I use the co2 again, or does it make no difference? Also, could you give me some idea of a good place to get NPK from? I was looking at Aqua...
  6. Jaymz

    Me Again! Algae/plant Question.

    Heyhey all, I'm back with another long-winded question :D. So I've got my new Venezia 190 set up, moved all my fish and plants over (Running one mature and one maturing filter) about two/three weeks ago. I'm using TetraPlant Complete Subs, 2 DIY C02 reactors with a Spiro 3000 diffusor, and...
  7. Jaymz

    Does It Matter Which Reflector I Use?

    Looking at reflectors for my upcoming T5 units, the different brand vary from about six quid each to eleven, Juwel to GLO respectively. Does it really make much of a difference on the output which brand I use? Will the more expensive ones reflect better? Cheers.
  8. Jaymz

    Diy Co2 Not Producing Enough Force?

    May I ask what diffuser that was/is exactly? Sounds like the kind of thing I could do with. Cheers!
  9. Jaymz

    Mollies Dieing :(

    What kind of Mollies are they exactly? I had some blacks before I knew they were better in slightly salted water. Apparently they can be raised in FW but it takes time, one died the day I did a big water change, so it could be that. I'd wait for a second opinion on that tbh because I'm no...
  10. Jaymz

    Silver Sand.

    Sweet, thanks for the input, I'll let you know how it goes, I'll get some piccies up when it's done or maybe do a journal. :)
  11. Jaymz

    Different Diffusers.

    Well the Spiro 5000 says it's ok for use with DIY units, and I'm hoping the pressure of having two into one diffuser might make a difference as well, more pressure, hopefully.
  12. Jaymz

    Silver Sand.

    Phew! Thank you, I had images of this 25KG bag of sand that's completely useless lol. I have Corys, Loaches and a couple of Plecs and a Catfish so that sounds pretty alright to me. You saved me some worry there! :)
  13. Jaymz

    Silver Sand.

    Sorry, yet another thread I know but I'm being bugged by this, after this I'll be quiet. I order silver sand for my tank, to go on top of a decent layer of Tetra Plant Complete Substrate, have I made an error? I was reading how it can compact and not allow oxygen to the roots or something...
  14. Jaymz

    Different Diffusers.

    Yes, me again. Todays topic is diffusers! I'm not all keen on the current 'ladder' diffuser in my tank, (the one that comes with the JBL Yeast Kit we all know and love) so was looking at getting smaller diffusers for my new tank, and could just do with a bit of advice. So, can I ask if anyone...
  15. Jaymz

    Huge 900g Tank Project

    Needs more Neon Tetras! Kidding of course, that is one mad tank, the picture of Andy basically swimming in it made me grin, truly surreal. I'm sure many people would love to see how it's going if and when you have to time to get some more photos!
  16. Jaymz

    Zebra Danios Rubbing

    Is it just two specific fish, or are all of them rubbing against each other? If they're rubbing or flicking against anything else, i.e. stones in the tank, it could be a sign of a disease.
  17. Jaymz

    Stocking Ok For 125 Litre Tank?

    Do you perhaps mean these, Polka Dot Loaches? That's the only thing I can think of that sounds close. :)
  18. Jaymz

    Back After A Long Break

    Welcome! If you get a new tank you must make sure to post lots of pretty pictures! :D
  19. Jaymz

    Taking The Micky!

    Jeez, 'twas a bit grim! Not to mention expensive!
  20. Jaymz

    Oh Crap!

    If there's left over food, perhaps cut down on the feedings and make sure that the fish eat all the food you put in the tank, that'll stop the excess waste, save food, and lower the chances of disease breaking out and whatnot.
  21. Jaymz

    Shrimp Compatibility

    Ahh ok then, I have no desire for any to get eaten. 'Twas just a fancy I had to keep some Shrimpies. I might be back for advice in time as I plan to set up a 90 Litre (If that's big enough) to keep some Shrimp in, and I'll no doubt seek this area out for ideas about tank partners. Many thanks! :)
  22. Jaymz

    Shrimp Compatibility

    Well the Loaches aren't too big, perhaps three, four inches long, and these Shrimp (Do I mean Rock Shrimp or have I made up some new breed by mistake? I only glanced at the name, once lmao) were a good couple of inches themselves, or will the Loaches just go for the Shrimp no matter what size...
  23. Jaymz

    Shrimp Compatibility

    I recently saw some shrimp at my LFS (I 'think' they were Rock Shrimp) and quite liked the isea of having a couple (of any breed) in my tank, but have no idea about keeping them. My tank is about to become a 190 Litre Venezia, stocked with Sailfins, Clown Loaches, Corydora, two Plecs, various...
  24. Jaymz

    Quick Question - Easycarbo.

    Oh there'll be someone at home to dose the plants, I just thought using EasyCarbo would be easier than having to keep refilling the fermentation system.
  25. Jaymz

    Quick Question - Easycarbo.

    At the moment I'm not using EasyCarbo I was just looking at getting some, I'm currently using the Hagen Natural Fermentation system, I might just get another one of those so I can have two on my new tank until something comes up.
  26. Jaymz

    Quick Question - Easycarbo.

    Mainly the cost at the moment, I do plan to get one in time I was thinking of some kind of stop-gap until then though, the tank's going to be 190 liters and medium-stocked with plants, 2X 24W T-5, 1 each of Life-Glo and Power-Glo, Tetra Plant Substrate. If my Maths is correct it's 1.1Wpg (do I...
  27. Jaymz

    Quick Question - Easycarbo.

    Is Easy Life EasyCarbo basically a substitute for C02 injection in a tank, and if so, how good is it comapred to C02 injection? Does anyone here use it in place of gaseous C02? I'm thinking of using it in my up-coming Venezia, but I'm not at home very often (Uni) and I'd rather my Dad have to...
  28. Jaymz

    My Sterlet Is, Well, Bent.

    I'll take the size issue up with my Dad when I get the chance, perhaps also with the shop we got it from as they never mentioned the idea it'd grow to six feet. Would keeping him for the time being stunt his growth? Or will he just grow as normal until we have to move him? There's not been any...
  29. Jaymz

    Corys Substrate?

    I hear putting the sand in a spare pillowcase and rinsing the daylights out of it with a hose or if need be under the tap works just as well, just have to keep churning it up to make sure you get it all cleaned. Make sure you allow for dechlorination afterwards before you allow it near your...
  30. Jaymz

    Cory Is Not As Active As Used To Be

    Is the cory being kept alone? I heard they are happier in groups.
  31. Jaymz

    Stupid Question But How Do You Read These?

    How do you mean exactly? How do you take a reading of the temperature? Is that even a whole thermometer? Looks like a farenheit/celsius conversion chart or something.
  32. Jaymz

    Weight Of An Empty 48x24x18 Tank

    Empty I'd think the weight will be very low, shouldn't pose any problems for moving, especially for two people, unless your measurements are in metres or something mad. Just be careful not to catch it on anything!
  33. Jaymz

    Replacement Filter Media On The Cheap

    I'd have never thought of that, I always thought that the pads were made from some special aquarium-friendly stuff, guess that's the kind of thing the manufacturers want me to think. Sounds good though, cheers. :)
  34. Jaymz

    Replacement Filter Media On The Cheap

    Buying the polywool pads for my tank is annoying me, do you know whereabouts online it can be found, may I ask? Cheers.
  35. Jaymz

    25-30 Litre Tank Options.........

    Those Galaxies sure are sweet, they'd look great. I see people having Green Neon Tetra in Shrimp tanks, they look nice as well, but those Galaxies may look better. I personally quite like Black Neon Tetra, ever seen any? They may look a bit dull in photos but they reflect some wonderful colours...
  36. Jaymz

    Tetra Tank

    Okido cheers. :)
  37. Jaymz

    Concerning Moving All My Fish.

    That's what I was hoping to happen, I wasn't entirely sure how to go about it though. Any other offers? Cheers!
  38. Jaymz

    Tetra Tank

    A bit of a bump, but when you say (Colin_T) about Tetra being better in larger groups, do they all need to be the same? I have six Black Neons, and I do fancy another six when I upgrade my tank, would it be better to get another six Blacks, or will any Tetra really do? I quite like the normal...
  39. Jaymz

    Love This Idea,,,i Know Tanks Small Etc,,,

    What about the power needed to keep the tank running? I hope that's not just plugged into the mains lmao. I mean, maybe it'd work in the way you suggest (I think) but the larger the tank then surely the larger the Eel, and it'd all end in huge Eels merely powering their own tanks. But in the...
  40. Jaymz

    External Filters

    Well mine has one small hole at the left end, away from the filter, that's just big enough for the strainer/inlet to filter pipe, and the other end has a longer hole which they would both fit through, but that's blocked by the built-in filter. I think you'll be ok to take the built-in filter...