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  1. K

    New Fish List For 125 Gallon

    Ok folks after a long post a few weeks back I came to the conclusion due to pH that I should revamp things. So after a few hours of research this is what I've devised for a stocking list. Please share any thoughts. The Dimensions are: 125 gallon - 48 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 25 1/2. There are two 110 3...
  2. K

    6 Stage 150gpd Ro - 2x/di Filter

    Hey anyone familiar with RO pumps? The pump on Dr. Fosters in 424.00$. This pump is 90.00$ there has to be somthing really different between them eh? Any input would be great. RO PUMP EBAY Dr Foster's RO Mainly looking at RO to bring down ph
  3. K

    Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon

    Dusky Panther Goby (Neovespicula depressifrons) QUICK STATS Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons Care Level: Easy Temperament: Peaceful Water Conditions: 72-82° F, pH 7.5-8.5, KH 10-18 Max. Size: 4" Color Form: Black, Purple, Tan Venomous: Venomous Diet: Carnivore Origin: Singapore Family...
  4. K

    Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon

    Well after the last hour or two unless im missing something your pretty limited on tankmates for the oscar/cichlids. Looked into community high ph fish.... came up with this list. Hi Fin Swordtail, Blood Red Sterba's Cory Pearl Gourami Black Sailfin Molly Topsail Platy Madagascan Rainbow...
  5. K

    Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon

    Well im a little bummed now. I was really liking my fish list. But at this time there's no way i can spare 400$ for a RO filter. So were thinking about going with fish that like the high ph. SO back to the drawing board. Again i was looking at fish... i see the cichlids are a high PH fish and...
  6. K

    Think I've Found The Source Of My High Ph

    Does high PH mean hard water?
  7. K

    Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon

    Ok thats about 1/2 my tank. I think I'll go without the Discus for a year and if im still motivated like i am now ill set up another species *discus tank. Ph is 8.3ish. Ill grab the GH KH hardness tests tomorrow with any luck. Live Aquaria. Live Aquaria - Swordtail
  8. K

    Rainbows Changing Colors

    While i dont even really have a tank set up i read that it was related to there sexual progress. As they mature there colors intensify.
  9. K

    Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon

    Ram, German Blue (x3) 3" Total 9" Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons Care Level: Difficult Temperament: Peaceful Water Conditions: 72-79° F, pH 5.0-7.0, KH 5-12 Max. Size: 3" Color Form: Blue, Orange, Red, Yellow Diet: Omnivore Origin: Farm Raised, Thailand Family: Cichlidae Gardneri Panchax...
  10. K

    Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon

    The Dimensions are 120 gallon - 48 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 25 1/2. There are two 110 Aqua clear filters. The substrate is a shell / gravel mix. I would really like to keep the swordtails in place of the killifish, or both. I think that blood red is stunning. Again im just not sure how they would do as...
  11. K

    Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon

    Ok well ive looked over my fish some more and made a few changes. This is where im at now. Added a few off your comments and a few of my own. I decided to remove the Swordtails as im not sure how they would do. The KH of every other fish is quite a bit lower then there 12-30 range. And if i...
  12. K

    Transfering Filter Media

    Ok after talking to my friend again we came to this. We both have 3 stage external filters. Hes willing to give me the whole foam pad and i will replace it for his tank. Should i cut it in 2 and put half in each filter? Currently im only running one 110 Aquaclear filter and there is a second...
  13. K

    Transfering Filter Media

    Hey folks whats the best way to swap filter media over to my new tank? A friend has a 85 Gallon tropical tank and hes all for it. We just need to know how to go about it. I tried searching wasnt really able to find a good answer.
  14. K

    Need Idia's For Tankmates. 120gallon

    Hey folks, While im working on cycling my tank ive been trying to put together a list of fish that i want. Ive done alot of reading on the different fish and im still a little confused. After looking i think i want to build my tank around these fish. Hi Fin Swordtail, Blood Red 4" (Top)...
  15. K

    Just Got 120 Gallon Tank

    Hey folks, Want to say im glad i found this forum and wish i would have found it a day earlier. My girlfriends father decided this past Friday he was done with his tank. He had African Chiclids and due to personal reasons decided he had enough. Everything was done pretty much start to...