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    African Cichlid Question?

    Hello, im curious.....can you temp. house juvenile african cichlids in a community tank? A friend got a bunch of "assort. african cichlids" from their lfs. they have babies now and want to get rid of some. im going to try to find out what spp. for sure. i know they have some yellow labs...
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    Livebearer Cleanup Crew

    mine love the algae tabs for my pleco, my bristlenose has to fight them off, so i resort into breaking them into pieces so everyone can have some :nod:
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    Predator For Platy Fry

    I have had a lot of luck with Gouramis. I have had a 35g community tank with breeding platys, and other assot. fish. for the last 5 yrs. I have had a Blue and a Pearl Gourami, they do a nice job of keeping the platys from overpopulating, and i still have lots of hiding places so only the...
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    Please Can You Sex My Keyhole Cichlid Via Youtube?

    ive heard that too about males being common. well none of my lfs carry keyholes, so i had one of them order me two. thats all i had room for, i was hoping to get lucky. anywho, im pretty sure i got two females. so who knows. i think the best way is to find a store with them in stock and...
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    Please Can You Sex My Keyhole Cichlid Via Youtube?

    those all look very "manly" to me. ive been trying to figure out what sex the two keyholes i have are for awhile. everyhting ive seen suggests males have elongated tips to their dorsal and anal fins. so that they reach to the end of tail or longer. which after seeing yours, makes me believe...
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    Can I Get Any Guppys/mollies With These Fish?

    platys are very fun and colorful addition to a tank. i have several breeding like crazy! They also seem to be very adaptable to water conditions and tank set ups.
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    Keyhole Question

    im wondering the same thing! and how big do they have to get before you can determine the sex of them?
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    Cutting Down On Livebearers

    Originally i had a Pearl and a Blue. but now i just have the blue. he is about 4 inches, he can sometimes be a little aggressive though. Next time i think i would really like a Honey Gourami or two. They seem to fit in very well with my live bearers.
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    Cutting Down On Livebearers

    some people may not like this, But, if you want to let them breed like crazy in the tank, get a gourami or two! or any other fish with a larger mouth! they will "thin the herd" i have a 32 gal with 3 adult platy breeders and i still get about 1 or 2 every other month that survive to the 1/2 inch...
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    Common Pleco's Should They Be So Readily Available?

    I somewhat agree........but anyone looking to by an animal, whether a fish or a reptile, or a dog, should do there homework! most stores have max size limits listed on the tanks, or you could always ask, or google it before you decide to purchase.
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    Recently Aggressive Blue? Help

    So i have a 32 gal tank that for the last 4 years has had a pleco, a pearl gourami, blue gourami( both male), and an assortment of breeding platys. we put the gouramis in to force survival of the fittest on the babies, we were getting over populated. suprisingly there were a lot of survivors...