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    Aquariums And Equipment In Europe (italy)

    This fall I will be visiting my parents in Italy and my mother asked if I could setup an aquarium around 100L for her. I am quite familiar with the hobby here in the US in terms of equipment and availability, but I know little or nothing about how well this knowledge would translate overseas...
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    Breeding My Rams.

    To raise the fry you want a tank that is easy to clean, easy to do frequent water changes (several small ones daily is best) and that can house a sponge filter. The fry tend to be very fragile for the first weeks so they can be killed by most filters, even if you screen the intake. Do you know...
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    Bolivian Rams Spawn

    Yes, it definitely took them a few times to get it right. There's a lot of things these guys need to do correctly to ensure the survival of their fry, so it's easy to make a mistakes. The first time he did not get the concept of protecting the eggs. She would trade him the spot over the rock so...
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    Bolivian Rams Spawn

    My bolivian rams spawned on 5/15 5/17 Wigglers. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take a clear picture. My camera has autofocus issues. Also when the parents feel too threatened they scoop up the wigglers and move them. Since the camera makes them nervous I avoided disturbing them as much as...
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    What Causes Green Spot Algae

    I second what has been mentioned above. In my 40g GSA used to take over the glass weekly. It stopped once I started dosing a bit more PO4 than usual.
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    Members New World Cichlids

    My bolivian rams guardian their eggs My brand new 2" severum
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    Members New World Tanks

    40g (planted Sept '07) 55g (planted April '08)
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    Bolivian Rams

    I am by far not an expert, but your guesses sound reasonable. I suspect the reason you have not received replies is because it is an unusual situation and in a way only time will tell. I don't know either if a female would lay eggs by herself and go through the trouble of defending them. It...