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  1. Marclau

    Fluval 305 External Filter

    Yep, I second hassles so far............:)
  2. Marclau

    Question About Water Hardness

    Thanks Neale............. :good: relieved I guess as i thought it was too high............
  3. Marclau

    Question About Water Hardness

    I have a cleaned out and fully fishless cycled tank (see signature) again and have just placed in 6 new fishies yesterday. Ph is 7.2 Amm is 0 Nit 0 Nitrate 5 And my water hardness is 180ppm. I have 2 Pakistani, 2 Golden Gouramis and 2 Angels (Black & Yellow) Is my Hardness to hard for these...
  4. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    Have a quicky.......... Am I right in assuming that if my Nitrite stays at 0, I have active Nitrate which is simply eating the Nitrite?? It just simply isnt overpower the Nitrite in numbers hence the reading of 0............Is my logic correct??
  5. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    Thanks heaps FatHeadMinow....... Will do as you say............. The only thing I now have is that I am still using Cloudy Ammonia as we simply do not have any pure ammonia anywhere I live....... I will continue to use it and then do the 90% water change............. Is it ok to gravel vac...
  6. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    O'K update.......... Yesterday, my Ammonia levels drop to zero within the 12 hours...........Nitrite was down to .50 after being off the charts the day before.........and Nitrate was down to 10 after being on 40. My Ph has remained steady at 7.6......... Today, I checked and I have the...
  7. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    Thanks for that Waterdrop............I was going to ask about the nitrite spike as a result of overfeeding on have now confirmed that is does........
  8. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    Thanks FatHeadMinow..........appreciate it............ Yes, sure enough, Ammonia had dropped back to 0 after 12 hours.........unfortunately, I added ammonia before reading this post hence added ammonia within 12 hours again. I will now leave it for 24 hours but test every 12 hours. Ph still...
  9. Marclau

    Plants And Fishless Cycle Questions

    Good to know.......... Currently using 2 T5 tube lights at 39 watts each and on for approx 6 hours per i have 12 blue moon lights which come on after the T5's and are on for approx 3 hours... I have liquid fertaliser so will add this to the tank tonight........
  10. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    Thanks for the reply.........:) Ok new readings 12 hours from this morning..... Ph 7.6 Amm 1 Nitrite Off the scale.the minute the drops hit the bottome, dark purple........when shaking test tube is purple brown..... Nitrate 40 Not sure about strenght of ammonia......In Australia its called...
  11. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    Thansks for your reply...... Yeah it starts of sort of clear grey then after 5 minutes it has a pinkish brown tint to it. O'k after another 8 hours the test shows Ammonia down to 2 and Ph 7.6. Nitrite is as mentioned and Nitrate is somewhere between 40-80 on API tests...... Have added ammonia...
  12. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    O'K 3 1/2 hours later and here are my new test results using API Master liquid Test Ph 7.6 Ammonia 1 Nitrite 0 (actually the colour is not even on the card....sort of pinkish light brown)???!!! Nitrate 40 How come now my Nitrite is different colour?? Help please I've now added more ammonia...
  13. Marclau

    A Question About Feeding

    How often do you feed your fishies?
  14. Marclau

    Plants And Fishless Cycle Questions

    During the fishless cycle, can you add liquid plant food? Will it affect the fishless cycle and readings in any way? Will too much ammonia kill the plants.? I have a very large Anubia on driftwood and dont want to kill it............ Some of the leaves are looking brown and a bit sick whilst...
  15. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    You guys/gals are legends.............silly me......... I simply didnt top up the water lost from condensations and didnt bother to read Ph..........dropped to lower then 6. My API kit only goes down to 6 and was different colour. I have topped up the tank with straight tap water (25%) and...
  16. Marclau

    Pakistani Loaches

    Thanks loachman, What sort of dewormer would you be referring to then?? I've had Clowns without a problem until septicemia hit my tank 4 weeks ago and they were the first to go..........
  17. Marclau

    My Fish Don't Seem To Want To Eat.

    Good to hear...........just watch them closely............and the sign of anything unusual, dont be afraid to post on here.......... Good luck.........:)
  18. Marclau

    Pakistani Loaches

    Looking at setting up a new tank (refer signature) and wanting to add several Pak Loaches withing a community tank to include Angels, Gouramis, a black shark and a few Bristlenose. I was told by my LFS that Paks are more active then Clowns and that you dont want to have too many in a community...
  19. Marclau

    Pakistani Loaches

    Looking at setting up a new tank (refer signature) and wanting to add several Pak Loaches withing a community tank to include Angels, Gouramis, a black shark and a few Bristlenose. I was told by my LFS that Paks are more active then Clowns and that you dont want to have too many in a community...
  20. Marclau

    My Fish Don't Seem To Want To Eat.

    You will need to provide some further information that might help: Is the tank fully cycled?? What about the temparture of the water? When did they eat last? Do they swim around much and look healthy?
  21. Marclau

    Need Help With Fishless Cycle

    O'K, it's take 2 after nearly 3 years.......... After 3 weeks, and a constant daily check the Nitrate was finishing the Ammonia after 12 hours. However, now after 3 weeks (and over the past couple of days) it now takes around 24 hours to get ammonia down to around 1ppm after adding 25ml 6 hrs...
  22. Marclau

    Hello From Australia

    Welcome to the forum........ Great bunch of fish lovers here and very knowledgeable............:)
  23. Marclau

    Cycling Question

    Thanks Oldman47.............I will wait then............for Ammonia to drop to 1 and add it again...........once Ammonia and Nitrites show 0 within 12 hrs, then colony is established.....
  24. Marclau

    Cycling Question

    So i should do a 50% water change then and if Ammonia is back to 1 or 0, add more ammonia again??
  25. Marclau

    Problems With Amazon Sword

    I can see your Neons eventually being food for your Angels though.......:(
  26. Marclau

    How Much Nitrate In Tap Water Is Normal?

    Wow, down here in Melbourne Australia, especially down the Peninsula where I live, Ph is 6.6 but 0 on Nitrate............. Maybe each country is different, I don't know...........:('
  27. Marclau

    Aquascaping And Tropical Fish

    First question is how do you keep the tank clean if you have both or will the plants eat up and use most of the fish poo? Do you still try and gravel vac and if so, how often?? Reason I ask is that I have seen some amazing tanks where the owner spent the first 6 -12 months setting up the...
  28. Marclau

    Cycling Question

    O'K I topped up my ammonia level again yesterday as it dropped down to 1. Then after some 12 hours I took reading again followed by readings 12 hour later. Stats as follows: This morning: Ph 7 Ammonia 4 Nitrite 1 Nitrate 10 This afternoon: Ph 7 Ammonia 2 Nitrite 2 Nitrate 40 My question...
  29. Marclau

    Cycling Question

    Will do it now................then test it again same time.........perhaps a test in about 8 hours and then again in 20 hours..........(tomorrow morning and then tomorrow night).....:)
  30. Marclau

    Cycling Question

    Well, I got it to 4ppm a few days ago but it has since dropped right down to 1 I confirm to prop it back up to 4 -5 again then?? or perhaps no need to do it twice?? LOL...........
  31. Marclau

    Cycling Question

    Feed it more ammonia or fishfood?? And then let it drop (ammonia) to 0 again? And then I assume wait for Nitrite to drop to 0 and control Nitrate with water change?
  32. Marclau

    Cycling Question

    Anyone?? I have read and reread the 'fishless cycling' posts but not sure what I should do next so any help would be greatly appreciated.........:)
  33. Marclau

    Mix And Match Plants

    Good point.........O'K I might simply stick to the hardy Anubias then.............:)
  34. Marclau

    Restocking Tank

    As i have a Fluval 305, i do have a bit of a volume up the surface. I also have a second flow filter which creates a little volume (not drastic) middle level of the tank so maybe Gourami's are not the best choice from what your saying.....:( In my last tank i had 2 black sharks and they seemed...
  35. Marclau

    Mix And Match Plants

    How does a tank look with both types and is there a lot more cleaning involved or perhaps stick to keeping it simply and having one or two large Anubias?
  36. Marclau

    Restocking Tank

    Thanks for the replies. Yes my tank is unusual size as I had it made to is 22" deep and 14" in wide so I think it is deep enough.......... :) My wife suggested to perhaps only get 2 or 3 species........but I'm not sure........... I did love my loaches..........they got to...
  37. Marclau

    Restocking Tank

    As per my signature............59 Gallon / 270 litre.............
  38. Marclau

    Restocking Tank

    O'K after loosing my old tank to Septicemia 3 weeks ago, I'm undergoing a fishless cycle but thinking about restocking. Currently I would like the following, Gouramis, Angels, Clown Loaches, Bristlenose, Peppered Cory to help clean tank and perhaps couple of black sharks (orange fins)...
  39. Marclau

    Cycling Question

    Quick summary.........3 weeks ago lost my whole tank to Septicemia......... Cleaned out my whole tank first with ammonia and then Chlorine........cleaned out gravel and gave tank about 6 or 7 loads of water. Also totally washed out Fluval canister. Added Prime and waited 2 days...... Since...
  40. Marclau

    What Would Make A Good And Hardy Community Tank?

    Yes, was considering Swordtails again but read somewhere that any 'livebreeders' are'nt really hardy...........and Silver Dollars require a bit more looking after and tough plants............ As for Torp Barbs, are they like Tiger Barbs?? Reason I ask is that they occassionaly hassled my...