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  1. Marclau

    What To Do When Moving House

    Thanks people and many thanks for the link Shroob............:)
  2. Marclau

    What To Do When Moving House

    Yeah thanks.........buckets it might just have to, even the gravel........thats a lot of buckets......... Obviously empty the tank of water..........but not empty the water from the canister that correct? And then once moved........fill tank up with new fresh...
  3. Marclau

    What To Do When Moving House

    Sorry, and good point......... It will be the same renting probably 5 kms away for 12months (whilst building) and then move again into the new house (also same area).........we just purchased just under 1/2 acre and love the area but now selling our house. Everything is local...
  4. Marclau

    What To Do When Moving House

    Our house is on the market and we will be renting for approx 12 months befroe we build again. My tank has settled nicely since January but now have a new headache. What is the best thing to do with my tropical tank as far as moving is concerned and how the hell do I move 59 Gallon tank, with...
  5. Marclau

    Freeze Dried Blood Worms

    wow, this is getting complicated................constipated fishies........OMG !!!!
  6. Marclau

    Freeze Dried Blood Worms

    My angels and Gouramis go nuts for these and expect it daily...... Is it too rich in protein to give it to them on a daily basis?? For the past fortnight, I have been giving it to them every second day along with other food but they love the dried blood worms.....
  7. Marclau

    Freeze Dried Blood Worms

    My angels and Gouramis go nuts for these and expect it daily...... Is it too rich in protein to give it to them daily?? For the past fortnight, I have been giving it to them every second day along with other food but they love the dried blood worms.....
  8. Marclau

    Seachem Stability

    I've been using this product for 4 months and sincerely believe its of is my reasoning............i do weekly tests on water quality etc etc.......and although everything is easily within perimeters, my Nitrate now and then falls down to 5. When this occurs, I add Stability...
  9. Marclau

    Personal Opinion

    I would still with some nice Community type fish.........they can still all be active, just need to plan a bit more and allow your tank to be broken down into top, middle and bottom dwellers (as I'm sure you know that)..........I love my Angels and Pakistani loached which are much more active...
  10. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    On that note, if fish dies from bacteria or disease, how soon before others get infected??? Just out of curiosity............
  11. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    Thanks Andy and Miss Wiggle...........appreciate it...........Rasboras then it will most likely be..........want to just wait a couple of weeks and see how my tank stays stable after loosing my favourite Angel and Flying Fox in the same week..............they have been replaced free by LFS but...
  12. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    hahahaha see my signature Miss Wiggle............ I also read up on the fish that they only get to around 3cm......wont my Angels possibly eat them??? What about 6 Danios either Blues or Zebras?? Love the Leopard though as well........... slightly larger and bit more active.......###, this is...
  13. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    ummmmm I like I like...........will go to LFS in about a fortnight.......actually might quickly fone them to see if they have any............thanks for that.......... Would around 4 be enough??
  14. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    Certainly wont be getting Neons ever offense but I've had them twice and twice they infected my tank within 3 years.........last lot was only 4 months ago and I lost my whole tank to Septicemia.......over 60 fish gone............ Thinking maybe a pair of Swordtales......had...
  15. Marclau

    First Timer, Can I Go Too Big?

    Actually, bigger is not always better !!!! My parents (bless them) had a small 8 Gallon tank for over 10 years and they very happy with it........all they wanted was a small tank with just a couple of suited their purpose......hence my original post about what you want for the...
  16. Marclau

    First Timer, Can I Go Too Big?

    I started with a 7 Gallon 3 years ago and learnt a lot about fish albeit I only had around 12 of them. Not knowing, it was infact too many fish for the tank........few months later I got the larger tank. It really depend what type of fish you want to keep and what you intend for the...
  17. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    Any ideas which ones Miss Wiggle? Dont mind the blue acara........would a single one be O'K or in pairs?? I read that during spawning, they can be agressive??
  18. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    thanks heaps, this too makes sense i guess..........ummmmm off the list they are then............any suggestions on another fishy??
  19. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    O'K any other suggestions on a 'special' fishy that could be the centrepiece?? Maybe an Long Nose Elephant......?? Any other suggestions??
  20. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    umm thanks Andy.... I read on a few other forumsand that the preferred minimum for a BGK is 60 UK gallons.........and that the males get to around 20" and females less then that.......LFS mentioned that as long as I had enough hiding places and caves, and no fishies under 2-3" (would eat them...
  21. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    I was thinking perhaps of adding a single centre piece type of fish.......something different from the others.........would a Black Ghost Knife be maybe appropriate??
  22. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    thanks heaps.......O'K, I will then leave it as it is....this way I can easily get by on current fortnightly I assume that 20-25% wayer changes fortnightly is suffice or should I top this up to 30%....... Keeping in mind that due to condensation I usually top up the tank with...
  23. Marclau

    Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

    I am wondering if it could take perhaps 2 more Bristlenoses and perhaps 2 -4 something else? I've had Bristlenose before but can remember them as good cleaners but also make lots of excrement this correct? If no Bristlenose, what would make a good good hardy fish? Perhaps...
  24. Marclau

    Still Battling Algae Among Other Things.

    Yep either low CO2 levels and too much lighting left on for too long................
  25. Marclau

    Anubias On Driftwood

    I have a magnificant large Anubia that is healthy and deep roots wrapped around a large piece of driftwood. Can I cut a large piece of the stem including the roots and rewrap this around another piece of driftwood without killing my plant?? They are very expensive in Oz and am hoping to regrow...
  26. Marclau

    Need Feeding Advice

    Great thanks Anna............happy to know I'm looking after them reasonably well then..........:)
  27. Marclau

    Need Feeding Advice

    hahahahaha maybe some members have a tank that could possibly take Bob The Great White as a pet for your living room.......any takers?
  28. Marclau

    Red Tail Black Shark

    I was in the same boat but thankfully my LFS said the same......can be aggressive and even my tank, at lower end of preferred size. They instead told my better to get one or two Flying Foxes, dont get too big.....few cm smaller then red tail shark and good at cleaning algea.....they were also...
  29. Marclau

    Need Feeding Advice

    Based on my signature, I was wondering if anyone can give me advice on what to feed, and possible treats for my fishies...... Currently (daily) I am giving the following: small amounts of Premium flakes, algae disc broken down into smaller pieces and sprinkling of Spectra Thera A anti non...
  30. Marclau

    Yellow Angel With Missing Eye Now Struggling!

    Hi Wilder, the first one did. He was very small compared to the other Flying Fox. It has been replaced by a Fox of similar size and although their was a bit of chasing, today it has lestenend so I will look at them and the Blue Gouramis as stated............hopefully they will all settle down.......
  31. Marclau

    Yellow Angel With Missing Eye Now Struggling!

    Thanks Wilder, I have 2 new Blue Gouramis that chase a little bit, particular the Golden Gourami.........but not agressive is constant chase or nipping......... Should I monitor these or perhaps take them out and return back to the LFS?? Also, my LFS were extremely good and replaced both the...
  32. Marclau

    Omg Electric Bill!

    wow, how long do you leave the lighting on for if left on most of the day?? Do you have any algae problems?? I have my daylight lights on from 3pm - 9pm a (6 hrs) and then blue moonlights on for 90 minutes.......... Before that, i had the daylights on for around 8 hrs and started getting an...
  33. Marclau

    Need Help With 305

    Must admit, even though I've only had mine about 5 months, I've never had any problems......(fingers crossed)........cleaned it 3 or 4 times in that time and the little primer worked correctly. However, the very first time, i did have the attachments wrong i had th intake...
  34. Marclau

    Yellow Angel With Missing Eye Now Struggling!

    Damn, lost my favourite Angel...........must have died within the last hour....... I did the water change this afternoon (30%)..........could this have ended his life??? What to do now......should I add anything to the water....?? I lost a Flying Fox this morning.......otherwise, rest of my...
  35. Marclau

    Yellow Angel With Missing Eye Now Struggling!

    O'K update.............the Yellow Angel seems to be struggling now............swimming and then floating on it side.......gasping for air.........have it in the floating hospital tank which sits in my large tank........should I euthanize it???? Seems no redness etc etc..........did a 30% water...
  36. Marclau

    Sick Of Dying Fish

    Thanks, I will try to still in but its very disheartening..........damn............certainly wont be replacing it until tank is steady for couple of a single Flying Fox O'K with the Gouramis and the rest of the community tank (see signature)....?
  37. Marclau

    Sick Of Dying Fish

    Well, after loosing all my tank about 4-5 months ago, and having cleaned out the tank 4 months back, recycled (fishless) and thinking all clear.........I have an Angel thats lost and eye without any symptoms, and now I have lost a Flying Foxes overnight. No symptoms at all for the week that I...
  38. Marclau

    Yellow Angel With Missing Eye Now Struggling!

    Thanks Wilder....... Flying foxes are small........around 3-4cm..........and very piecefull doing there own stuff..........I have had them for a week and they have just done their own thing and dont chase or hassle the other fish at all. There was no buldge in the Angel at all..........just...
  39. Marclau

    Yellow Angel With Missing Eye Now Struggling!

    Stats: 270 Litre tank Ph 7.2 Ammon 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 Fishies in the tank include 4 angels, 4 gouramis, 2 flying foxes and 2 pakistani loaches.......... Tank fully cycled.........
  40. Marclau

    Yellow Angel With Missing Eye Now Struggling!

    Help, I have just noticed that my Yellow Angel has an eye missing!!!!! Is this dangerous, was it picked? I have 3 other angel and they seem fine......... Will he/she be in pain?? Please otherwise looks O'K............OMG...