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  1. L

    Is Draco Bored, Or Depressed?

    aw :( I'm so sorry he has died! hope your feeling ok!
  2. L

    I'm Back

    OH MY GOD!!!! I THINK I'VE JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK!!!! ( and yes I mean to shout as I think its approriate there! lol) that scared the life out of me I dropped my laptop!!! oh thats mean very very mean!! but I suppose I asked 4 it!! lol!!! Like 8 legged puppies!! thats just wrong creepy...
  3. L

    I'm Back

    This thing is horrible I would prob jump about abit if I saw this in my house!! however if it was a spider I would be running for the hills even those little money spiders make me scream like a baby!! ROFL!! Sorry honeythorn I had to copy it just once more just to make you squirm!! heehee!! xx
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    I Gave Ichi Back..

    LOL!! no I live under a bridge as far away from Razzle Dazzle as I could get!! LMAO!!! Dont worry Devorax it takes alot to offend me!!
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    I Gave Ichi Back..

    Ha ha I do occasionally have my pearls of wisdom! its very rare but it does happen!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Well said Bellpepper! However I do feel that rrrr is a TROLL because everyone knows what kind of reaction that sort of comment will get on a FISH forum!!!
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    Our Biggest Bubblenester!

    that is a big nest!!! Lets hope he doesn't built great nests but eat the eggs because that would be typical!!! lol!!
  7. L


    aw hope he is ok? its always awful when things like that happen!!
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    Betta Showing Weird Signs?

    If you get a video of the behaviour it would really help! are there any other symptoms other than the change in swimming pattern?
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    Im Such A Sucker For Blue Bettas

    He's gorgeous its great when you get a find like that!!! I think Frosted suits him!!
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    I Am A Bad Bad Bad Fish Mommy Today.

    I agrre your health is far more important than your fish so dont feel really bad. Why dont you stop spawning for abit until you get everything sorted so the same thing doesn't happen again! Hope the Boys ok! Get well soon!!
  11. L

    I Gave Ichi Back..

    I personally dont think you should of taken the fish back as it will more than likely be dead by now! However I am just wondering if you have cleaned the tank out fully before you put the new guy in it because I was under the impression that diseases travelled in the water so you could end up...
  12. L

    What A Pair

    heehee how have I got a name for myself as trouble its you men you cant cope!!! Netty I lost all my yahoo so either pm me or add me again!!!
  13. L


    oh razzle you know you love me and you KNOW you have missed me like mad!! heehee!!!
  14. L

    What A Pair

    I've found RAZZLE DAZZLE on yahoo!! he mus be mad adding me again!!! rofl!!
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    What A Pair

    I know!! tho they both on here aint they?? I cannot wait to start on Daz!! he must know cos he seems to be hiding!! ROFL!!!
  16. L


    Ha ha yeah its off my email address so its easy to remember but the 69 was deliberate when I started my email account!! heehee!! He is 7 months now and am dreading the terrible twos cos he already drives me mad!! I've got some very bad pics of my fish somewhere on the computer but my camera...
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  18. L


    How is he doing now? is he any better?? Apparently one way to spot if its velvet is the gold dusting effect shows up if you shine a light on the betta! I have always been under the impression you can use betta fix but in much smaller amounts than it says on the bottle! but please wait for...
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    My Guilty Secret

    he is a stunner!!! Trust bronzecat to be the comedian!! ROFL!! tho I have to agree he is a BBBF!!! :D
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    Cheebah Update

    He is an absolute stunner I am so jealous!! I want him!!
  21. L


    he is a cutie but boy does he have a set of lungs!! not surprising considering his mum is one of the biggest loud mouths going!! lol!! footprints went on a canvas for his daddys birthday couldn't get the hands to come out right!! lol!! He loves being messy chocolate is his fav! LOL!!
  22. L


    Here you go Netty Posing in his Mum's pink hat Very unimpressed because mummy painted him to get prints of his feet and hands!! he loved it really!!
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    My Frank :)

    He's a beauty!!
  24. L


    ROFL!!!! yep I'm back to my very mental self but without the random mood swings!!! LOL!!!
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    Where To Buy Bettas?

    I'd be careful encouraging Daz he is prob already on a plane halfway to OZ in the hope of abit of sunshine!! Heehee!! but seriously Louis Daz does sell some stunning bettas!!
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    What A Pair

    ha ha ha you know me to well!! not spoken to him for ages so cannot start giving him grief just yet!! give me time tho i'll get me claws in him!! heehee!!
  27. L


    heehee me trouble never!!! :shout: :shout: :hyper: :hyper: glad to hear your still in danger of being flooded if your tanks ever leak!! everything good with horses and my pooch finally being able to ride again is great!! will get a pic but have to figure out how to put them on here again!!
  28. L


    I had a boy little Joshua!! he is a monster!! have I not shown you pics Netty?? he looked like an alien at first but now he's a cutie!!! How are all your guys doing?? have you still gots Bettas in their masses?? xx
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    What A Pair

    Aw Daz hope you get them spawning soon!! :( Can I have one of the babies when you get some!! heehee!!
  30. L


    Hey guys I'm kinda new here I was on as double trouble but decided to come back on with the name that some people may recognise from a couple of other sites that have now gone! I currently only have one guy a little red guy called Rocky he's in a 5 gal in my kitchen and loves flaring at me...