Search results

  1. M

    Nipping Neons

    i have 6 serpae tetras and i also had 3 male guppys the tetras killedthe male guppies the had not fins left when i found them :(
  2. M

    Dolphin Slaughter

    i am a huge dolphin lover always have been and i feel so sick after watching that. :-(
  3. M

    How Many People?

    in the las few months we have bought 3 tanks a little one for fry when they r born and a 3 foot and a 4 foot. :)
  4. M


    i've been reading this forum alot in the past couple of weeks about 2 months ago we got a nice little tank and in the past month we have also got a 4 foot and a 3 foot :D
  5. M


    hi im new to this forum so i just thought i would say hello and hopefully get some good advise if i need it. :D