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  1. R

    Warning Signs - What To Look Out For?

    Great stuff, much appreciated
  2. R

    Warning Signs - What To Look Out For?

    Thanks Miss Wiggle, I'm following the daily water change and monitoring the levels. What I'm hoping to understand from this post is what visual signs can I look out for to alert me to anything being wrong.
  3. R

    Warning Signs - What To Look Out For?

    Hi all, Following on from my first post about setting up my Aqua-One 600 65Ltr tank a week ago now. I have plant life and 3 Leopard Danios. (See previous post for full set up info) Ammonia and Nitrite readings are consistantly at 0.1. What should I look out for as early warning signs that...
  4. R

    My First Tank

    Thanks Loachman, much appreciated
  5. R

    My First Tank

    I'm going to do daily water changes of 10-15% as suggested on a few forums. Do I add the dechlorinator to the new tap water, applying the relevant amount to that volume. Then add it to the tank. Or Do I replace the water and add the relevant amount of dechlorintor to the total volulme of the...
  6. R

    My First Tank

    2 days since introducing the Leopard Danios, so it's time for their first feed. Is there a best time to feed them? or is it a case of keeping it consistant? Thanks Rich
  7. R

    My First Tank

    My Ammonia and NItrite levels were 0.1 and Nitrate around 30/35. So was advised I could add the hardiest of fish, hence the choice of Danios. Have heard differing advice on water change, some say, leave while for an initial period...........
  8. R

    My First Tank

    Hi all, Thought I would share my experience of setting up my first tank. Would also appreciate and gratefully receive any advice and guidance. First off, what inspired me to take up fish keeping? I Wanted a focal point for my front room, also the Feng Shui element of bringing calm to a room is...