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  1. M

    My Tank

    looks nice, good job :good:
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    Lets See Your Tank, Night Shots!

    I'd love to see what people have done with moonlighting or how people have uniquely lit up their tanks at up your pics!!
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    Where Does Everyone Get These Awesome Plecos!?

    hmm, i never thought of ordering fish online! how does this even work? Id imagine the fish would come dead... haha
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    Where Does Everyone Get These Awesome Plecos!?

    I'm in Buffalo NY and all i've EVER seen are commen plec's. I'd love to get a bristlenose or something much nicer looking and smaller than a common pleco. Where could I get em!?
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    Is This A Reasonable Stocking List?

    at my lfs they said bottomfeeders and such dont bother discus one bit.....hmm
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    Is This A Reasonable Stocking List?

    I used to have angels and tetra's together and they nevvvver ever bothered them! Everyone's been telling me angels and discus do well together, and i only do want 1 angel. any other opinions on my stock list? suggestions on anything?
  7. M

    Is This A Reasonable Stocking List?

    I'd like to do this with a new 55 gallon tank i'm getting: 2-4 discus 1 angel 10 neon tetra 3 clown loaches 3 corydoras (maybe 1 pleco) does this sound reasonable?
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    My New Planted Tank

  9. M

    Just Set Up A Little 2.5 Gallon Tank...

    Ok, the water is pretty cold, not extremely but deffinitly below room temp. I cant add a filter or heater because the lid completely covers the tank. right now i have an air pump going and thats it. So really, what can I put in this thing?? :crazy:
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    Just Set Up A Little 2.5 Gallon Tank...

    Its Just chillin here next to me on my computer desk, theres no filter or heater. . . so im not sure what I can put in it? just goldfish im assuming...
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    Can I Have These Fish Together?

    Thanks Ferris, the one in your sig is amazing! what is it? :drool:
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    Can I Have These Fish Together?

    which ones are new world and which are african?
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    Can I Have These Fish Together?

    These are my 3 favorite of Cichlids that I have seen so far. I'm planning on doing a 55 gallon setup soon, sand bottom, with alot of rocks and maybe some plants. Can these fish be kept together, if not, which ones can? And if you have any suggestions on other mates, please add! :D
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    Using Sand Instead Of Gravel?

    My main concern is that when I had white gravel, it got FILTHY, FAst! I love how sand looks and I really wanna try using it instead of gravel, but how hard is it to keep it looking good!? :hyper:
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    Very New To African Cichlids!

    im looking at getting a couple yellow labs, but dont know what else to get for my new setup (55 gal). i dont want any breeding in the tank so im nervous about what to get. id just like a few COLORful fish! Any help is really appreciated! :good:
  16. M

    2 Filters In 1 Tank?

    i have a guy offering me a tank setup (55 gal) with 2 dual powered filters, both good up to 60 gallons each. Would it be wise to use both filters?
  17. M

    Fluval 404

    I've seen a couple on eBay for around $100usd, I'm assuming these don't use bio-bags, and work relatively good and are quiet? any info on these would be great. im about to get a 55 gallon setup from walmart but would like to use a different filter (or use BOTH!) thanks for the help! :D
  18. M

    Quick 20 Gal Stocking Help!

    hey everyone, i have a new 20 gallon tank set up upstairs thats been running for a bit now and im ready to get some fish! I don't want a whole lot just a few to get started with. What would be some good ones to start with? I have 1 corydora right now but im picking up 3 more for him today. just...
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    What Fish Have You Been After For So Long

    ive never seen a bristlenose pleco, i want one of those so bad or any plec that doesnt get HUGE!
  20. M

    Getting New 55 Gal Tank, Need Help Stocking

    ok, ill forget about the arowana, what other BIG fish can i get to go in a 75 gallon tank? I'm not big on oscars, id like to get something colorful and attractive!
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    Getting New 55 Gal Tank, Need Help Stocking

    hello, anyone? :/ I may be getting a 75 gal instead. help needed!
  22. M

    Getting New 55 Gal Tank, Need Help Stocking

    I'd like to maybe get 1 Arrowana, as these are really cool looking fish! I'd like to know what else I could stock in my tank and roughly how many. I do like cichlids, angels, pleco's, corydora's, im just not sure what can be mixed w/ this fish. I'm sure the cory's an angels cannot but what about...
  23. M

    Getting New 55 Gallon Tank..stocking?

    I'd like to maybe get 1 Arrowana, as these are really cool looking fish! I'd like to know what else I could stock in my tank and roughly how many. I do like cichlids, angels, pleco's, corydora's, im just not sure what can be mixed w/ this fish. Thanks for any help! :D
  24. M

    Brand New To Cichlids, Help Please!

    i can't have any cory's?
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    Brand New To Cichlids, Help Please!

    yeahh, i deffinitly don't want my fish breeding. I'd like to get about 6-7 decent sized fish and maybe a couple bottom dwellers (such as my cory's and a pleco). I'm looking for fish that get about 5 inches, and i wanna do some nice rockwork and sand. Then top it off w/ moonlighting. I'm not...
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    Brand New To Cichlids, Help Please!

    i forgot to mention ill be transfering all the fish to a 55 gal soon. in that case what can i get. also how do i determine which cichlids are which. they all look the same to me.. :blink:
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    Brand New To Cichlids, Help Please!

    Hi, I have a 20 gallon US tank in my room and currently only has 1 Corydora in it. I'd like to get into something new and thought cichlids might be the way to go. i have NO idea if i can mix cory's in w/ cichlids. I pretty much have no information on cichlids at all. If anyone can help me get...
  28. M

    Setting Up The Ultimate Fish Tank

    I'm in the middle of re-doing my bedroom, and I'm getting a new fish tank, 55gal long, and I wanna take my time and make this thing awesome! I plan on having a good amount of fish (15-20?) and I'd like to make the tank as nice as possible. (not cheap and junky looking). I plan on purchasing...
  29. M

    Rocks - Just Boil Them?

    Buying a 55 gal tank, and id like to do alot of rocks in it, i have a creek by my house so it would be very easy to get them. Do I just have to boil them? Also how long should I do it for each rock?
  30. M

    Need Quick Help, Painting Room!

    can i just cover the fishtank w/ a blanket or 2 to keep the fumes out? im also planning on geting a new tank today (55 from a 20) can i just fill it, get it to the right temp and put the fish in? They are freshwater btw. Thank you! :D
  31. M

    Help Asap!

    nevermind...moderators please remove! :blush:
  32. M

    Clean Up Crew For 20 Gal?

    Thats all I was looking for. I was only joking around about having it POOP FREE and stuff like that. Obviously thats not going to happen. I just thought maybe there was a certain shrimp or pleco i could get that would help me out along the way a bit. This kinda turned into a war against me...
  33. M

    Clean Up Crew For 20 Gal?

    wow nevermind, i just wanted to know WHAT type of fish ARE "clean up crew"!!!!! i never said i have lots of POOP because of my 1 cory!!!!! thats stupid! I dont mind cleaning the tank, and ive had like 3 tanks now over almost 2 years. I just like keeiping them as clean as possible, w/o having to...
  34. M

    Clean Up Crew For 20 Gal?

    can anyone please help me out a little? i dont really know what kind of fish/shrimp/catfish/plec to get to CleaN my tank. i hate having "poop" all over the bottom and vaccuuming never seems to work well. any help would be greatly appreciated! :D
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    What heater should I get for a 20 gallon tank? 50w,100w or 150w? Thank you!
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    Is There Any Fish That I Can Add Now That My 20g Is Set Up?

    how do i do this then? take the bio bag from the old filter and stick it in the new one? I dont really get what filter "media" is. :no:
  37. M

    Is There Any Fish That I Can Add Now That My 20g Is Set Up?

    my angel just sits around all day, hes good w/ the tetras too never bothers em. loaches are still small and ill be upgrading to another 55 gal in the near future. what i really just needed to know is when is it ok to add the fish? if i use the biobag from the old filter i can just add them...
  38. M

    Is There Any Fish That I Can Add Now That My 20g Is Set Up?

    Ok i have to move them because someone is buying my 55gal in a couple days. I can take one of the bio bags from the old filter and put em in the new one (using a brand new topfin 30gal filter). fish i have are..... 1 angel 1 cory (soon to have more) 4 neon tetras 2 clown loaches The PH is...
  39. M

    Is There Any Fish That I Can Add Now That My 20g Is Set Up?

    I'm switching my fish from my 55gal into a 20gal tank. I've had it set up for about a day now everythings running good. I know you're supposed to wait before adding fish, but I have to move them into the 20gal asap. When will I be able to do so? I only have about 8-10 fish to move into it. Is...
  40. M

    Clean Up Crew For 20 Gal?

    haha alright guys i know i wont find something that eats poo and doesnt poo, i was kinda jokin around. but i think ill stay away from plecs this time. right now i only have 1 shrimp and 1 cory in my 55 gal. if i stick with many of each would be good for a a 20gallon? thanks