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  1. T

    2 Shops, 2 Very Different Experiences

    Zain - If you like Aquatic Warehouse, you should try Wildwoods just around the corner...
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    He is a little skittish when people get too close to the tank, but he's not above nudging the mollies out of the way when he wants to go somewhere! They're only about half as big as he is...
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    Pictures, From Day 1 To Present Day

    Agreed - it's looking really nice. Well done :-) I'm in the process of going fully planted myself - what substrate do you have in the second to last picture? The small red / brown pebbles?
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    Understanding Wattage

    That was going to be my next question! So, instead, I'll raise you with... How do you know how much to buy? Is there a calculation to convert tank dimensions into substrate weight? Does Florabase need capping at all?
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    I hardly seem to see my bristlenose :-( Spends most his time hiding in a bog wood cave!
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    Understanding Wattage

    That's interesting - do we know how much pH is effected? Mine is at 7.3, so substrate could help hit neutral, which would be great. Do substrate of dirting change gH as well? If so, how? Would be great to lower my water's hardness too...
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    Understanding Wattage

    Thanks Sombrero - that's a great guide. Is there any advantage to dirting a tank instead of using a specialist substrate along the lines of Tetra Plant Substrate or JBL substrate? My tank is already cycled and has fish, does that mean I can just skip the last step if I hold back some of my...
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    Understanding Wattage

    Thanks again. I currently have one anubia growing on some bogwood and love the look of that so will likely get some more. This is probably highlighting my ignorance, but I thought a kind of soil-like / mud-like substrate was usually put down with sand on top to give the plants something...
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    Understanding Wattage

    Thanks for the advice Sombrero, DrRob Think I'll avoid 12000K lamps, then, I prefer a natural look to a marine look. Thanks also for the link. Didn't know the bulbs could be so cheap! Given that my tank is around 20" deep (waterline to substrate), what sorts of plants would you recommend? I'm...
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    Understanding Wattage

    Hi all, I'm looking to change my aquarium to a fully planted one over Christmas, so this will probably be the first of many threads I begin! I've read aaronnorth's excellent 'Back to Basics' thread, which suggests I would need around 1.5 watts per gallon. As I have a 30G aquarium I would...
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    Moonlight / Blue / Mauve Led Advice

    Wow. That's a great effort - looks amazing. Thanks for the link!
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    Moonlight / Blue / Mauve Led Advice

    Hi all, I'd really like to add a moonlight effect LED strip to my 160L corner tank, and was hoping for some advice on which products you'd recommend. Firstly, does any one have an opinion on whether blue or mauve better simulates 'night time'? Secondly, are there any specific products that...
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    Fish For Sale. Collection From Southall, West London.

    No worries. Plenty more fish in the, um, aquarium! Good luck with your new set up.
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    Fish For Sale. Collection From Southall, West London.

    Cool. Might check it out next time I get dragged to Brent Cross. Thanks for the tip...
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    Fish For Sale. Collection From Southall, West London.

    Sure - no problem. I'd come earlier but I have things on every other night this week now :-( Just out of interest - since you're fairly nearby - do you have any recommendations for a good aquatic shop?
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    Fish For Sale. Collection From Southall, West London.

    I'm down that way at the weekend as my gf is in Perivale... Are you around on Sunday evening, around 7-8ish?
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    Fish For Sale. Collection From Southall, West London.

    Thanks for the advice but, just to edge on the side of caution, I'll give the Paradise Fish a miss. I'll happily take the Odessa Barbs off your hands, though.
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    Fish For Sale. Collection From Southall, West London.

    Hi dogsout, I could be interested in either the Paradise Fish of the Odessa Barbs as I'm looking for something to add some contrasting colour to my Dalmation Mollies and Bristlenose Cat. Do you think they'd be OK in my water? GH: 16 pH: 7.3 Ammonia, nitrate, nitrate all at 0. Would the...
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    Lowering Hardness (Gh)

    Hi all, I live in the Thames Valley (UK) and have relatively hard water (13gH) in my tank. I've been looking into (inexpensive) ways of lowering this for the benefit of my Rams and Apistos (though they were all bought from shops who kept them in unsoftened water and they seem quite happy so...
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    Buying Fish Tomorrow

    Thanks for the advice guys. My filter has passed the qualification now. I've had double zeros for ammonia and nitrite, every 12 hours, for just over a week now. Because my tank is about as high as it is wide I'm hoping that the mollies will stay higher up in the tank and so won't bother the...
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    Buying Fish Tomorrow

    Hi all, I've received some great advice on here during my fishless cycle and I'm now confident that mt tank is ready to go. It's an Amazon (rebadged Aqua-One as far as I can tell) 45USG / 160L corner unit, external Aqua-One Aquis 1000 filter with fine gravel, lots of bogwood, and some plants...
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    Nitrates During Cycling

    Maybe I have been getting a little slack shaking bottle 3... I've been testing daily so I may have become jaded! Cheers, Keith. Scott
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    Nitrates During Cycling

    Hi Keith, I have no plants at the minute - just some bogwood which went in before I started cycling. I don't think I have any media to remove nitrates - I have an AquaOne Aquis 1000 external filter with ceramic hoops, plastic 'bio-balls' and some sponges.
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    Nitrates During Cycling

    Hi everyone, I posted a couple days ago about coming towards the end of my fishless cycling because it seemed like my nitrItes were dropping. I'm now confused though - from my test kit (Nutrafin mini master) it appears that my nitrItes are being processed in around 24 hours. I'm then re-dosing...
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    I Think I'm Cycled!

    #41####. Nitrite was back up again tonight!
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    I Think I'm Cycled!

    I've only tested at 24 hours so far - was waiting for the nitrite to drop, but now it has I'll start testing at 12 hour intervals.
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    I Think I'm Cycled!

    Sure. I've been using the Nutrafin Mini Master Test Kit. I bought it before reading on here that the API one is preferred.
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    I Think I'm Cycled!

    Sorry, should have said. Yes, when the ammonia has dropped to 0 I've re-dosed it again every time. Ever since that first drop the ammonia seems to have processed within 24 hours.
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    I Think I'm Cycled!

    Hi all, I've been fishless cycling for the past weeks / month and think I might just have the end in sight tonight :-) I was hoping someone would back me up on that conclusion... I know I still have to do my qualifying week at least, but with my Nitrite at 0 on day 34 I'm over the moon. 29...
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    Surface Motion

    Cool. Thanks Tom. Looks like I'll be getting my arms wet tonight! Scott
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    Surface Motion

    Hello all, I've seen a few posts recently which include things along the lines of 'make sure you have enough surface movement' or advising to get a bubble pump to increase surface aeration, etc. I wonder, though, what is 'enough' surface movement? In my corner tank, the water swirls around...
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    Air Curtains

    Ah, of course. No air in the filter. How did I not think of that? :blush: Thanks Tom, Keith...
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    Air Curtains

    Great - thank you all for the good advice. Looks like I know what to do with my weekend now!
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    Air Curtains

    Hi all, I have a 160L corner tank (currently cycling) and all the filter pipes and heater are right in the middle where the tank fits into the corner of two walls. I was thinking of trying to hide them a little bit by putting a small air curtain in there, but - new to the game - I was hoping...
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    Rams And Dwarf Cichlids Swimming Levels

    Hi Ryan, Thanks for that info - makes me feel a little more comfortable about getting some German Blues :-)
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    Rams And Dwarf Cichlids Swimming Levels

    Thanks for the knowledge, Neo. I'll have a word with the lfs guys to see if I can work out where the fish are bred when I come to get some. Curiosity: Thanks for the advice about the swimming levels - the dwarf flags look really nice so I might look into getting a pair of those. Strangely, as...
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    Rams And Dwarf Cichlids Swimming Levels

    That does sound good, Tom, but I've promised the other half Dalmation Mollies as the main shoaling fish. I might just got for a small group of rams or apistos alongside some corys and go for either sword tails or dwarf gouramis to fill in the top of the tank... Next tank will be a long, low...
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    Rams And Dwarf Cichlids Swimming Levels

    Hi guys, Thanks a lot for the quick feedback. As I've got a pretty tall tank (it's a corner unit almost as high as it is across) I'll limit myself to just a couple rams / apistos and find something else to fill in the middle a bit more! Cheers, Scott
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    Rams And Dwarf Cichlids Swimming Levels

    Hello all, I'm currently cycling my tank - only a few days in - and starting to plan stocking. After some great advice in the Introductions forum I'm now thinking a mixture of Rams and Dwarf Cichlids/Apistos (I prefer Agazissi or Cacatuoides) along with some mollies, corys, and maybe a dwarf...
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    Aquarist In The Making

    That's really interesting and useful info Moochy, thanks - I hadn't thought of things that way. I'll have a look in my LFS next time I'm in there at their range of cichlids and ask them about where they were bred and how they keep them...