Search results

  1. Timelordess

    Dalmation Molly, Lost It's Spots ?

    Hello. I bought 6 dalmation mollies. 4 were more black than the other 2. Thing is, the 2 that were more white have died and 2 of the others have almost totally gone black. I've checked the water levels and all appears fine. The only things that are in with them are angels and clown...
  2. Timelordess

    Trouble Sexing Guppy Fry

    Hi, As some of you may remember, on the 1st of April one of my 2 pregnant guppies had her fry. 8 of the 13 fry survived, which I am sooo pleased with because it's the first time I've ever tried to raise fry.The problem I've got now is, that about 4 of them are the same colour as their...
  3. Timelordess

    Betta And Guppies?

    Nope, nothing else at all in there. It just took me by surprise coz there hasn't been any nipping until now.
  4. Timelordess

    Ventral Fins Stuck Together

    No his fins never seem to flare, none of them do. He does move around a lot faster when they're fed, I just put that down to food being put in there. The fins were together like that when I got him, it's not his anal or dorsal's the ventral fins that go down under the pectoral...
  5. Timelordess

    Ventral Fins Stuck Together

    :hyper: I've had this angelfish for about 4 months, and have been meaning to write and ask about this since then. His ventral fins appear to be stuck together? It doesn't seem to cause any problems at all. I've never had angels before so this is new to me. I've got 3 of them. One is black...
  6. Timelordess

    Catfish Lay On Its Side

    Do you know what sort of catfish?
  7. Timelordess

    Gourami Skin Peeling!

    I treated him and he still died. I'm gutted he was soooo beautiful. I treated him as soon as you said, he still didn't seem to get better but he was swimming around and looked quite active and healthy. I went into hospital and when I came back on Wednesday evening, he was dead. None of the...
  8. Timelordess

    Betta And Guppies?

    Just a quick one. I've had my beautiful burgandy red male betta in with a tank of 4 male guppies and 9 female guppies for about 4 months now, without any problems. I went into hospital on Monday and when I came home on Wednesday I noticed he looks a bit nipped. Why would this have happened...
  9. Timelordess

    Gourami Skin Peeling!

    Where he's peeling he's normally blue and right now he's bright pink - it does look like they're coming off
  10. Timelordess

    Gourami Skin Peeling!

    Hi, I've got a rainbow colour gourami, yesterday I couldn't find it. Saw it just now and it it looks as though it's peeling. There's an oval just bigger than a 5p peice on one side, and just a small line on the other side. What could it be? There's no new fish in the tank at all. It's...
  11. Timelordess

    Loads Of Pregnant Guppies

    Allllsoooo......LOL. I have just found 3 fry at the back of my tank about double the size of the one's that I've put in the trap. So, Could they be from the same fry, just bigger because they have more space, and availability of different foods, or would they be from a different fry that was...
  12. Timelordess

    Loads Of Pregnant Guppies

    I've got a 4ft tank now cyclingand am in the process of buying my 5x3x3ft tank. It was just a temp measure whilst I was redecorating. I have a cavity where a 'real' fire was, and that's gonna be used for the tank displays. Thanks for the concern and advice though. xx Thanks. Anything...
  13. Timelordess

    Loads Of Pregnant Guppies

    Argh....I have 4 prenant guppies. Which is great news for me, but I don't think I'm gonna have enough space for them. I have 2 x 50 litre tanks, and one tank has got 2 x large clown loach 3x angels and 2 x rainbow gourami's. The other is all guppies and 1 betta. I have already have a trap...
  14. Timelordess

    My First Fry!

    Yay, and congrats, great isn't it... Got my first fry on 1st April, I'm soooo pleased too. managed to save 15 of them, but 2 have died since. Again...Congrats. xxxx
  15. Timelordess

    Pregnant Guppy?

    Thank you all for helping me with that. I now have 13 beautiful babies, that have been put in a trap coz they're in with my betta. I do have one other question. I was sold 6 male guppies a few weeks ago, and I did question the breeder because I was concerned that one, in particular, was a lot...
  16. Timelordess

    Guppy Babies

    Thank you soooo much! I'm hoping that within the month I'll have a spare tank and I won't have to worry about the betta. Thanks again.
  17. Timelordess

    Guppy Babies

    Just a quick one, I was wandering how long I need to keep my baby guppies in the trap for. I put them in there because my guppies are in with a Betta, and obviously, I don't want them eaten. They're about 2 weeks old now (13 of them) and I have 3 more females due to have more within 2 weeks...
  18. Timelordess

    Betta And Pregnant Guppy!

    One of my female guppies has had her fry, I've put the fry in a breeding trap now, so they're safe. Thing is, I'm not sure if another female is about to give birth. She's not ill....but she's been hanging around the top of the tank, in amongst the plants for the last hour (ish). Is that a...
  19. Timelordess

    Pregnant Guppy?

    Just a quick question as my other pregnant one gave birth over night, I didn't notice anything. I currently have one very heavily pregnant guppy, at the top of the tank, barely moving. She's breathing ok, and does move if the Betta comes near her, she's been fine all day. Eating normally...
  20. Timelordess

    Pregnant Guppy?

    I woke up this morning to a tank full of babies, with the betta in there too. So I've managed to get as much of the fry as possible, and put them in the breeding trap....I've counted 15 babies....I'm a happy girl now. 2 more guppies are pregnant, one due in about a week (thanks to all of you I...
  21. Timelordess

    Quiet Clown Loach

    Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!! I'm not worrying anymore, as he is eating fine. and does occasionally come out of hiding. I've noticed especially when the lights are turned off. I read up on the greying out, that's put my mind at rest. Thanks again!
  22. Timelordess

    Pregnant Guppy?

    She's now in breeding trap (I don't want babies eaten they're in with the Siamese fighter). I guess it's just a waitig game now. I've just noticed 2 other female guppies are pregnant too, just not quite as big as her.
  23. Timelordess

    Quiet Clown Loach

    He's no thinner/fatter than the others, his black stripes are slightly paler, but they always have been, the orange is the same colour as the others. (I'm beginning to really worry now!)
  24. Timelordess

    Quiet Clown Loach

    No it doesn't look ill, it's about 4 inches long, and it does eat but unlike the others it only eats when I put food in the tank. The others are constantly moving the stones around and looking for food. I've put a few algae flakes in, peas etc, and he's fine then, then goes back to the corner...
  25. Timelordess

    Pregnant Guppy?

    Thank you all. I'll keep an eye out.
  26. Timelordess

    Pregnant Guppy?

    Hi, I've had fish for years, just never had one's that could breed. Thought I might give it a whirl. So, I'm pretty sure one of my female guppies is pregnant. She's hugs and that spot (I know what it's called, can't think how to spell it - gra....something is getting bigger and darker)...
  27. Timelordess

    Quiet Clown Loach

    Hi, I was wandering if you could help me. I've kept Tropical fish for years, with no problems. I have one tank with my male fighter in, and another tank with 3 Angels, and 3 Clown Fish in. All these fish are fine, except for 1 Clown fish. When we choose them, we did so because they were...