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  1. G

    bent fry

    It could be anything from the genetic diorder, the fry are not getting enough nutrition, not enough light, or too fast of growth. Sometimes I've known that fry 'straighten' out over time of their growth. Some fry do and some don't. That's what the genetic disorder is and that I've heard that you...
  2. G

    Giving People Guppies

    Yeah, the people at wal-mart have no idea what the heck their doing :rofl:
  3. G

    Giving People Guppies

    I gave my friend a set of 2 females and to 2 male Guppies for her birthday two weeks ago. I went to her house this last week and I see that they have clamped fins and swimming oddly. Her family doesn't belive in buying any sort of chemcials for the fish and its just sad for my guppies to go...
  4. G


    Guppies reach the mating stage around 6 months. It's good that you have 2 females for every male because if you didn't, the female would get tired from all that running away from the males :S
  5. G

    baby guppies

    If you keep the temp around 80 they will grow faster and show color more quicker. :)
  6. G

    Hard Water Levels High?

    The PH in my is around 7.6, but I don't have testers for the other things. My moms tank is a 10 gal.
  7. G

    Hard Water Levels High?

    My mom was wondering how to make the water more softer because our tank water has very hard water in it. We tested our tanks with test strips and I was wondering what hard water does to fish. So my question really is how do you make hard water, softer? :unsure:
  8. G

    Guppy Fry Question

    I have a question. My 8 wk old fry seem to be doing ok, but some of them have this weird pink thing coming from their butts, like their intestine or something -_- From it, it looks like normal poo. What is this? Is in normal? Have I been feeding them way too much? I've had this problem before...
  9. G

    HELP! I think the intestine of my fish is.......

    I think now my fish is having bowel movements through that hole. :blink:
  10. G

    HELP! I think the intestine of my fish is.......

    I looked up anchor worms and it isn't that small of a tube-like structure. It's somewhat of a large mark and the structure keep falling out and going back in is large. It's as big around as a piece of yarn.
  11. G

    HELP! I think the intestine of my fish is.......

    I have placed her in a net breeder in the same tank for now. I hope she gets better. :D
  12. G

    HELP! I think the intestine of my fish is.......

    I have a female guppy that had 60 babies 4 weeks ago and now she appeared to have a injury on the side of her body. I thought it would of got better, but i was wrong. The injury got bigger and redder. I keep on thinking what have caused it and then a thought that my African Dwarf Frog that i...
  13. G

    Curved Spine Baby Guppies

    I had 60 new babys born two weeks ago and it seems that 4 have curved spines. I know that you have to light on them and that you have to rotate their food. I failed to rotate their food one week and I bet that had something to do with it. I have been rotating with crushed flakes and Bloodworms...
  14. G

    Pregnant Female Guppy

    YAY!! just 3 hours after I posted this, my guppy started to have babies. She has about 30 now. I 've been placing them in one of my 5 gal. tanks and they have been doing fine. :D
  15. G

    Pregnant Female Guppy

    I have one of my female guppies in a another 1 gal. tank. She is doing fine and I've heated the tank to about 78-80 F and put salt in with her too. She's been pregnant for over 3 months and shes very large. Her G spot is somewhat dark, but you can see silver shots in it. Is there any ways or...
  16. G

    Hello Everyone!!

    I've got tons of questions about my fish and I hope to get them answered here.