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  1. L

    Ro Units

    Hi Im giong to purchase an RO unit for my tropical fish tank to aid me in keeping my PH level down so i can keep Discus. Im told if i use RO water i will need to add additives to the water. Any ideas what these additives are or would be?
  2. L

    New Discus

    Hi At the moment I have a 180lts tank but I interested in keeping Discus I no this tank is ideally to small so I'm looking to buy a bigger tank I was thinking a juwel 300 (300lts). I'm hoping that will be big enough as I don't have room for bigger. Would the decor need to be basic? I've got...
  3. L

    Ph Levels

    Hi Put quite simply ladys an gents my ph is to high (7.6) and I want to keep discus. Any tips or ideas on how to lower the level, I'm told it needs to be around 6.8. Please help!!!
  4. L

    Eheim External Filters

    Cheers everyone I've opted for the Eheim 2071 professional 3 after a chat with a chap wear i bought the filter from, £149 all in plus media. Cheers for all your help!!! Lee.
  5. L

    Eheim External Filters

    Cheers mark I am leaning toward the Eheim, off the top of your do you no the model number? Cheers again Lee
  6. L

    Eheim External Filters

    cheers for your help any idea where to look for the Eheim? i take it the media is at an extra cost?
  7. L

    Eheim External Filters

    Hello I have a Juwel 180 (180lts) tank and im looking to buy an external filter to enable me to remove the internal Juwel filter to add more space inside the tank. Im looking for some advice on which is the best for my tank i have about £200 max to spend, ive looked at Eheim, Fluval and both...
  8. L

    Discus Keeping

    Cheers all for the great advice, think I'll give the Discus a miss till I get a bigger tank. Will def look into getting some GBR's.
  9. L

    Discus Keeping

    Hello all Im new to tropical fish keeping, i have a Juwel 180 tank with assorted tropical fish. Its been set up for about 7 months now and all is good, i recently visited my local aquaruim and the Discus for sale took my eye so i'm looking to set my tank up to keep them. The chap at the aquaruim...
  10. L

    New Discus

    Hello all Im new to tropical fish keeping, i have a Juwel 180 tank with assorted tropical fish. Its been set up for about 7 months now and all is good, i recently visited my local aquaruim and the Discus for sale took my eye so i'm looking to set my tank up to keep them. The chap at the aquaruim...
  11. L

    Ro Units

    Hello# Thanks for the email i just tried to copy and paste my question to the form but the start new topic is greyed out and not sure how to start a new topic. Cheers lee
  12. L

    Ro Units

    Hello all Im new to tropical fish keeping, i have a Juwel 180 tank with assorted tropical fish. Its been set up for about 7 months now and all is good, i recently visited my local aquaruim and the Discus for sale took my eye so i'm looking to set my tank up to keep them. The chap at the aquaruim...