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  2. P

    Found a Snail

    I don't want to, but I think I'll remove it. Don't want it multiplying and depriving my Nerite of algae, and I do want to get two more snails. Probably Nerites, but will look at the Mystery Snails too. I want to stick with the smaller snails as my tank is pretty small. Thanks JuiceBox52!
  3. P

    Found a Snail

    Hi all, I have a 15 gallon cube with eight baby Panda Corys and a Nerite snail (not adding anymore fish as I know I'll be at my max bio load when they're grown). Also have a Cascade canister rated for a 30 gallon tank and vacuum the gravel with 20 to 30% water changes daily (new six week old...
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