Search results

  1. Eskielvr

    Aronite Sand And Crushed Coral

    I have a 55 and just changed the substrate to black sand. I currently have a Whisper and an Aquaclear filter. I'm in the process of letting the Aquaclear "seed" with the beneficial bacteria before I remove the Whisper, but starting to think about keeping both filters up. I'm thinking, if I can...
  2. Eskielvr


    I wish I could find out what kind of Synodontis I have. He's black with just black spots on his fins. He blends in with my black sand really good now and is about 5 or 6 inches long. I've yet to see any pictures that resemble him :(
  3. Eskielvr

    Good Killis For Communites?

    Epiplatys dageti and Aplocheilichthys normani (also known as lampeyes) are excellent community fish! The normani (lampeyes) are schooling fish and get along wonderfully with my Neons. In fact, they all act like they're the same species. I just got these types of Killis last Friday but I love...
  4. Eskielvr

    My Ottos Are Boring

    Mine spend most of the day laying on the stems of my Amazon Swords. They like to hide in them. I think Otos are more active at night, usually. They also like to eat a big piece of flake food I set under the water and let float to the bottom. I do that for my Corydora, but I've seen them eating...
  5. Eskielvr

    Java Ferns And Snails

    I have a Java Fern in my 20 gallon planted tank. The other plants I have like the fertilizers and supplements I use, but I read that Java Ferns don't like that. Mine is now currently turning black. I'd like to move it in my 5 gallon Betta tank, but I have 1 mystery snail and 1 pond snail. Would...
  6. Eskielvr

    Bacterial Bloom With Maracyn?

    I have 2 more days left, too, and I can barely even see my Betta! Near his gills, there's a vertical red streak running down the side. I'm beside myself. I'm on 3 different fish forums and no one has offered, or been able to offer, help as to why it's like that and why his eyes were filled...
  7. Eskielvr

    Bacterial Bloom With Maracyn?

    According to the Maracyn 2 insert, it said it will cause cloudiness. After treatment is over perform a 25% water change and add the carbon back in and it said it will go away then. P.S. I have an airstone in mine and it still got cloudy, so I don't think it's caused by lack of oxygen. The...
  8. Eskielvr

    Bacterial Bloom With Maracyn?

    I noticed that, too. I put the first dose of Maracyn and Maracyn 2 in last night, and today it's cloudy too. I didn't put mine in the filter though. I think it said it gets absorbed through the fish somehow.
  9. Eskielvr

    Spartacus Needs Help! A.s.a.p!

    Ok, thanks. I hope someone will get back to me soon! I'm trying desperately to find articles about med poisoning or blood filled eyes but I can't find anything! I called Drs Foster and Smith but all their fish techs are gone for the night. :(
  10. Eskielvr

    Spartacus Needs Help! A.s.a.p!

    It's my fault, it's all my fault! His fin rot was worse when we came back from vacation, but his tank was finally starting to cycle. I heard Maracyn and Maracyn 2 are a good combo to use, so I used some. I also added 1 tablespoon of salt to his 5 gallon tank. I noticed the Maracyn contains the...
  11. Eskielvr

    Fin Rot/cycling

    We just got back home after being gone for 4 days since Spartacus's last water change. His fin rot has gotten worse. He's starting to resemble a Crown tail a little bit. However, I finally got a Nitrite reading! My 5 gallon tank is finally starting to cycle!!! biggrin.gif I bet it started...
  12. Eskielvr

    Stupid Wal-mart

    Well if we had to depend on "local" or "mom and pop" stores growing up, we would have all likely starved to death and gone naked because all we had was Wal-mart, and we had to drive over an hour each way to get there! Their low prices really helped us, and still help us. Around here, there's...
  13. Eskielvr

    Stess Zyme, Cycle, And Biospira

    So, what's the difference between Stress Zyme, Cycle, and Biospira? I can't afford spending $40 on 1 oz of BioSpira right now, so I had bought the Stress Zyme, since it said it also contains live bacteria for cycling your tank. Why then is everyone telling me the Stress Zyme is a piece of...
  14. Eskielvr

    Can You Put A Fish Down?

    If worse comes to worse, and you have to put it down, I found a much nicer way of doing it than my previous razor blade method. I bought a bottle of Euthanase from Drs Foster and Smith. It's made of Clove oil and acts as a natural anesthetic. You put the fish in a container with the original...
  15. Eskielvr

    Med Combos

    Ummm, no. I bought this snail on purpose, specifically for my Betta tank to help control algae (when it starts to form). Why on Earth would I want to then turn around and buy something to kill it? I want this snail. I still have no clue as to what that white film is over it's shell. Guess I'll...
  16. Eskielvr

    Med Combos

    Hmmm......well I already treated with the Paragard twice now while waiting for a response, and the snail is still doing ok. Also, my Shrimp did fine with it when I used it in my other tank. I just don't know if it's ok to treat with Melafix too.
  17. Eskielvr

    The A To Z Of Common Medications

    What about ParaGard, by Seachem, and Melafix by API? I need to know if it's safe to mix the two?
  18. Eskielvr

    Med Combos

    My Betta has had fin rot for a while. Last week I treated him with Tetracycline, and added a few doses of Melafix, too. I noticed last night that my Mystery Snail has a clear, whitish substance floating along its shell. I used ParaGard, since it does Bacterial, Fungal, Viral, and parasite...
  19. Eskielvr

    United States Fish Store Directory

    State: Ohio City: Columbus Store: Aquarium Adventure Variety/ Selection: 10 Cleanliness and quality: 10 Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 10 Smiley rating: :good:"]Aquarium Adventure Comment: The only problem is it can be hard to find someone to help you, since...
  20. Eskielvr

    Filtration/heating for small tanks/bowls

    It would be better if she could upgrade to at least the MiniBow 2.5 gallon.
  21. Eskielvr

    How Do You Like His Tail ?

    Ohhhh......all of your fish are so beautiful! :hyper: Do you breed/ship to the US?
  22. Eskielvr

    Indian almond leaf

    Back to the Betta SPA. Is ok to use it after every water change? Or is that too much? Do you know how often it should be used?
  23. Eskielvr

    Betta And Neon Tetra's

    I put my Betta in with my Neons and he started chasing them and trying to attack them. I seperated him but my Neons got sick and I lost 8. I learned the hard way that Bettas and other small fish don't mix.
  24. Eskielvr

    Have I Damaged My Set Up?!?

    If I'm doing a small water change and use a one gallon bucket, I always treat it before going in the tank, but other than that I always treat it after. (I use a Python for my large water changes, so I add the treatment when I'm done). I've never had any ill effects of it and I've been doing it...
  25. Eskielvr

    Medicine Combos?

    Ok, I'll just stick with the Tetracycline then. According to the manufacturers website it says "This medication will not harm the biological filter." But, my tank isn't cycled yet so it probably wouldn't matter anyway.
  26. Eskielvr

    Medicine Combos?

    I'm currently treating my 5 gallon Betta tank with Tetracycline for fin rot. Can I also use the Melafix along with it? Both are made by the same company, API, but I can never get through to talk with a live person when I call and they didn't return my message. :unsure:
  27. Eskielvr

    Grass In Tanks

    So, how do you take care of it to keep it looking nice? I'm considering adding some Micro Sword to my tank. What type of grass is that in the picture? Very pretty. If maintenance isn't too demanding, I might be interested. What do you need to do to keep it looking nice and how often do you need...
  28. Eskielvr

    Grass In Tanks

    So, how do you take care of it to keep it looking nice? I'm considering adding some Micro Sword to my tank. What type of grass is that in the picture? Very pretty. If maintenance isn't too demanding, I might be interested. What do you need to do to keep it looking nice and how often do you need...
  29. Eskielvr

    Nutrafin Co2 Basic User Guide

    How many bubbles do I want for a 20 gallon tank? The suction cups on the diffuser stopped working so it's just the hose sticking in the bottom of the tank until I can get a new one. Also, they say heat plays a part in how fast the bubbles come out, but how do you control the temp inside the...
  30. Eskielvr

    Homemade Betta Spa

    I bought the store bought kind, because where in the heck would you get the leaves from? Anyway I put the amount in for "conditioning", since it was a new tank set up, and was later told the conditioning was to condition them for breeding, not for the water. When I did a water change I took as...
  31. Eskielvr

    5gal Planted / Betta Journal

    My absolute favorite plant is the Anubias Nana. They can tolerate low light (which I don't think yours will be, yours will probably be medium to high light). They're slow growers and remain small. Perfect for that sized tank. I have several in my 20 gallon.
  32. Eskielvr

    Brush Algae Outbreak

    Ok, I'll try dumping my CO2 solution and use a fresh batch and see how that works. (I'm using the Hagen one, where you add the sugar, yeast, and something else to it. Though someone said you can just add regular yeast to it and it works better. Can it be refrigerated though?) I also noticed...
  33. Eskielvr

    Brush Algae Outbreak

    It's a 20 gallon tank, heater still set to 80 degrees due to a sickness outbreak. I have the Coralife dual strip light with 50/50 bulbs. (Blue Actintic 03 & 10,000 degree K.) How does the Flourish Excel work? I already supplement CO2, though.
  34. Eskielvr

    Brush Algae Outbreak

    I just recently started getting some algae that's a very dark Burgandy color. I've identified it as Brush Algae. How does this type grow and how can I get rid of it? Shutting off my lights and stop fertilizing and using CO2 is out of the question since I have 2 Amazon Swords, 2 Anubias Nana, and...
  35. Eskielvr

    Updates Please?

    Mainly I'm looking for a good filter for my 5 gallon. The Whisper Jr. I have right now sucked my Betta to it and he couldn't free himself. Is the Azoo Palm filter good? It says it only does 16 gph versus the 90 gph one I have. I'd really like one with a Bio Wheel but those look like they'd be...
  36. Eskielvr

    Updates Please?

    Is there a way the links in this section could be updated? I go to the FAQ link to read about trying to find the right filter/heater for my 5 gallon, and there's a link to ThatPetPlace of a filter/heater mentioned but that link is no longer valid. So, I don't know what to get now. I'm noticing...
  37. Eskielvr

    Rescued A Betta From Tank Full Of Gourami!

    Be careful. I added a Betta to my Neons and he started chasing one right away. The chase didn't last long, but then the next day one was dead, followed by another the following day. I removed him but then my Neons got diseased and I went from 13 down to my current 5.
  38. Eskielvr

    Filtration/heating for small tanks/bowls

    The ones you mentioned were sold out, well, the heaters were anyway. The filter you mentioned said up to 3 gallons. I need one up to 5 gallons. The current filter I'm using, a Whisper Jr., is too strong and sucked my Betta up against the side and he couldn't free himself until I turned the...
  39. Eskielvr

    Indian almond leaf

    Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up! :blush: I didn't realize I have to use so much of the Bettafix. Since he's in a 5 gallon tank, I have to use 2 1/2 teaspoons a day. But, if I don't have carbon running that means the concentrations are being pushed up each day. It says not to change the...
  40. Eskielvr

    MelaFix vs. BettaFix

    I think may Betta may have fin rot. A few pieces of his tail is torn. I just bought some Bettafix last night and used it. He's also in water that contains Attison's Betta SPA, that has some kind of almond leaf extract I used to condition the water. Should I be using the Bettafix with the...