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  1. N

    My New 55 Gallon

    You are off to a great start :good:
  2. N

    Rate My New Tank

    That actually is a picture of the front of the tank. The perspective is off, the tank is 31" tall and only 21" long and is about 50 gallons. Right now I am just using nutrient rich substrate without CO2. Want to see how the plants do without adding CO2.
  3. N

    Rate My New Tank

    Thanks guys! The plants will grow in and fill up some of the empty space.
  4. N

    Rate My New Tank

    What do you guys think of this tank setup? Dimensions of the tank are 21" long x 18.5" wide x 31" tall. Stocking: 1 veil angelfish 3 silver hatchetfish 1 rubber lip pleco 2 megalechis thoracata 1 peacock eel Wish my camera took better pictures so I could show you how good this tank looks...
  5. N

    Help Are These Eggs Or Not And What Do I Do?

    Those look like Angel eggs. Watch out, they will get territorial and try to kill all of the other fish in the tank. You may have to get a new tank just for the pair.
  6. N

    Help With Stocking

    My other two tanks consist of: 55 gallon long 2 melon discus (pair) 1 golden dojo loach 8 black neon tetras 4 cardinal tetras 5 oto catfish 2 yoyo loaches 4 corydoras trilineatus *loaches were purchased to combat a snail problem. Decided to completely redo the tank and keep them in the tank...
  7. N

    Help With Stocking

    Filtration on the tank is a Fluval 305. Water quality has been perfect since the tank has been set up which was about a year ago.
  8. N

    Help With Stocking

    I currently have a 42 gallon hexagon Oceanic tank that is leaking in two places. After sending the company an email it was apparent that I would need my original receipt for a replacement. Not being able to find the receipt I had to go out and purchase another tank before the leak got worse...
  9. N

    My 20g Community Tank

    Very nice looking tank! Really like the live plants. Adding a blue background would make your tank look a ton better.
  10. N

    What To Add To A 55 Gallon Community Tank?

    Getting a new 55 gallon long tank and I am trying to decide what to add. So far I have figured: 4 Corydoras (Corydoras trilineatus) (4 * 2.5" = 10") 12 Cardinal Tetras (12 * 1.5" = 18") 4 Oto Catfish (4 * 1.5" = 6") 4 Bumblebee Gobys (4 * 1.75"= 7") Maybe some Bamboo Shrimp? That leaves me...
  11. N

    Missing Peacock Eel...

    The Eel is under the gravel. Run your fingers through it and he will come out. Some Peacock Eels will spend most of their time hiding.
  12. N

    Id This Pleco *pics Included*

    I am not sure what type of Pleco this is. Could someone please help me ID it? This is the only picture I have of it.
  13. N

    What To Add With Cardinal Tetras?

    What can be added to a tank with a group of 15 Cardinal Tetras and 4 Otos? Can Discus or Rams be added into a tank with them?
  14. N

    Bullying Rainbow Fish

    Take it out and bring it back to your local fish store. Just tell them it is too agressive for your tank.
  15. N

    Water Test

    All of my local fish stores use the exact same test kit that I purchased. To make sure my results were accurate I just tested the Nitrates again and got the same result.
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    Water Test

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. N

    Water Test

    Cracking tank? What looks to be a crack is actually some algae. It has been dealt with since those pictures were taken.
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    Water Test

    I hope it doesn't die, it was expensive. What could the 0ppm nitrate reading mean?
  19. N

    Water Test

    All of the plants are real. The plant in the lower left corner has been in the tank for about 3.5 months and is thriving. It was purchased from the same place as the other plants. I do not remember the exact name of that plant; however, it looks really cool. Most of the plants in the tank...
  20. N

    Water Test

    Water test picture: Here are a couple pictures of the tank:
  21. N

    Water Test

    The tank has been set up for about 8 months. I will take a picture of the tubes with the water in them.
  22. N

    Water Test

    My 42 gallon tall tank is stocked with: 2 Silver Hatchetfish 3 Veil Tail Angelfish 2 Blue Rams 1 Gold Ram 2 Oto Catfish 1 Armored Catfish 1 Peacock Eel 1 Rubber Lip Pleco The test showed: Nitrate: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm pH: 7.2 Are these optimal levels for my fish?
  23. N

    Jewel Cichlids In The Aquarium...

    I wouldn't bother putting them together. You would probably end up with dead Angelfish.
  24. N

    Cardinal Tetras And Angelfish

    PRW1988, thank you for the information. I was thinking about adding some more otos. Here is a picture of the tank: My camera stinks in low light.
  25. N

    Cardinal Tetras And Angelfish

    You are right, I am still at a loss for what I should add to the tank. My 42 gallon tall tank consists of: 2 - 2" bodysize, 6"+ with fins Veil Angelfish 2 - 2.5" German Blue Rams 2 - 1.5" Silver Hatchetfish (These two chased and killed two others that were in the tank) 2 - 1" Oto Catfish 1 -...
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    Cardinal Tetras And Angelfish

    I love Congo Tetras but they are so expensive. :(
  27. N

    Angelfish Love Bubble Walls

    When I turn my bubble wall on, my Angelfish swim over and watch the bubbles rise to the top of the tank. It keeps them busy for the whole day. My Pleco is also amazed by the wall, he sits behind the bubbles and swims up and down the side of the tank. :hyper:
  28. N

    Cardinal Tetras And Angelfish

    What would you recommend as a small schooling fish that can be put with Angels? Preferably something that is calm and colorful.
  29. N

    Cardinal Tetras And Angelfish

    bummer :(
  30. N

    Cardinal Tetras And Angelfish

    Will there be any problems putting Cardinal Tetras in with Angelfish and Rams?
  31. N

    Rate The Stock Of Fish Above You

    42 gallon tall: 3 Silver Hatchetfish - 1.5" each 2 Veil Angels (1 gold and 1 striped) - 4" each 2 German Blue Rams - 2.5" each 2 Gold Rams - 1.25" each 2 Oto Catfish - 1" each 1 Peacock Eel - 5.5" 1 Rubberlip Pleco - 2.5" 1 Armored Catfish (Megalechis thoracata) - 3.5"
  32. N

    Catfish Identification W/pics

    Thank you guys!
  33. N

    Catfish Identification W/pics

    I purchased the catfish pictured below and was told that it was a Porthole Catfish. At the time of purchase it was about 1.5" long. Since then, about four months, it has grown to 3.5". From what I was told, a Porthole is only supposed to get up to 4-5" max. My catfish looks different than...
  34. N

    Top Swimming Fish

    Three-fingers thanks again for the Hatchetfish recommendation. I am loving the new addition to my tank. Also, I think my Angels are happy the crazy Gourami is gone.
  35. N

    Top Swimming Fish

    I have decided to take my Dwarf Gourami back to the pet store. It killed the other Dwarf Gourami that I had in the tank and is making the Hatchet Fish stay at the bottom of the tank.
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    Top Swimming Fish

    I bought a couple silver hatchet fish today. However, my Gourami hates them and is trying to kill all of them!!! I don't know what to do now. :(
  37. N

    Top Swimming Fish

    Thank you for the recommendations guys.
  38. N

    Top Swimming Fish

    What would you recommend as a top swimming fish? I have a 42 gallon tall that is stocked with: 2 Veil Angels 2 German Blue Rams 2 Otos 1 Peacock Eel 1 Dwarf Gourami 1 Porthole Catfish 1 Rubberlip Pleco I am looking for a fish that swims around the very top of the tank and likes to be on its...