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  1. 5150wicdfish

    How Often And How Much H202 To Kill BBA?

    not using H2o2 on wood, just putting into flowing I was going to take out my remaining piece of driftwood which has more plants on it, and hand pick on leaves and scrape wood, but I got too maybe will tackle tomorrow. :)
  2. 5150wicdfish

    How Often And How Much H202 To Kill BBA?

    Thanks seangee, now I'm nervous..don't want to kill my fish, i have reduced my lights, i have leds with multi colored, but i always lower my lights, and i even have a night light away from the tank at bedtime, LOL (blue)...well I just may consider taking all stuff out...i do have a...
  3. 5150wicdfish

    How Often And How Much H202 To Kill BBA?

    Hi, I don't have any answer either, but I just started yesterday on my 30 gal, and use 20ml or I'm using 1 tbsp, a day for THREE days only...then wait and see if live plants start to turn yellow..I have alot of live plants and drift far fish are okay..I've also taken out wood with...
  4. 5150wicdfish

    Help They're Eating My Plant!

    No one?? 
  5. 5150wicdfish

    Help They're Eating My Plant!

    Hi all, I have a 60 gal with established plants, anubias, java fern...   Yesterday I planted tall background Aponogeton boivinianus, and hygro angustifolia. I have about 19 fish,  neon rainbows, (don't bother plants), tiger barbs, rosey barbs, grn barbs and 2 BNP's.    I expect the BNP to climb...
  6. 5150wicdfish

    Aggressive Green Tiger Barb

    Maybe I'm just lucky...I have currently a 60 gal with 3 tiger barbs, 5 green tiger barbs, 3 rosey barbs, and red tailed shark , 4 rainbow fish and 2 BN plecos.. I have had no problems as far as agression.. these guys are wayy mellow compared to what I housed before..
  7. 5150wicdfish

    My Bubble What..:)

    Thank you so much for reply..I did read up a little last night, and I don't think I'm ready to do this yet..:D
  8. 5150wicdfish

    My Bubble What..:)

    Can someone tell me the process of introducing female betta to the tank..first..I have not purchased a female..just want to know steps to do this, and I am thinking should give it a try. second...I have empty tanks, a 2.5 gal, a 8 gal with saved media, and heater for 8gal. the 2.5 I don't...
  9. 5150wicdfish

    How To Load A Photo In The Forum

    This ismy 20g long is Betta "GIlligan" hope the picture worked..LOL
  10. 5150wicdfish

    How To Load A Photo In The Forum

    I'm trying to find out the same thing...I have tried photobucket and no such luck...this is bummer
  11. 5150wicdfish

    Wanted To Say Hi

    Thanks if I can figure how to post pics, I'll be happy..
  12. 5150wicdfish

    Wanted To Say Hi

    New to this forum..its been a challenge trying to find a good one, looks like this is it!! .. I've started a planted 20g long for my betta, hoping to learn alot here. I'm not new to fish keeping, as had Lake Malawi cichlids, and now have 60g community tank, with barbs, and BNPs, and BRTS...