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  1. P

    Can Male Dwarfs Live Together?

    Thank you. I'm not sure as I have heard people say that they have had hem together and it went fine. I'll have to see.
  2. P

    Can Male Dwarfs Live Together?

    More answers would be great :) I am planning on buying my fish tonight.
  3. P

    Can Male Dwarfs Live Together?

    Thanks for answering. So you think that 2 would be ok with plenty of hiding places? I do have some plants and counld easily add more.
  4. P

    Can Male Dwarfs Live Together?

    I know this question is asked alot but just wanted a little more info. I would like to get 2 dwarfs of the same sex and since the males are nicer looking I really want a few of them. I've heard some people say they fight and some say they get along fine. What have you guys personally found to be...
  5. P

    My Tank Idea.

    Hi! I am getting ready to buy fish for my 10 gallon tank. A little while ago my platy died so now I'm down to just my one little cory cat fish. I would like to get a few more cories to be with the one I have as I have heard it is good to have them together. Maybe 2 or 3 more? I thought maybe 3...
  6. P

    Good Betta Tank?

    I'd like to get a betta and it would be in a seprate tank from my other fish but was wanting to hear from somebody who knows what their talking about. Do hay have any amount of space to swim in a one gallon tank? I've heard they do fine but my biggest concern is that they have some space to...
  7. P

    Additional Fish Suggestions

    Hi! I want to add a few more fish to my 10 gallon tank and am looking for suggestions. I currently have 1 female betta, 1 female platy and 1 cory cat. I think i will add one more cat fish but was wondering what a few more are that I could add?
  8. P

    Lets Hear Your Betta's Names

    I never named my female and then my sister went and named her Betty to my one year old nephew!!! :rolleyes: