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  1. Klover

    So I Went To Look At My Fish....

    He's a beaut!! And those spots are really cool :). Nice catch!
  2. Klover

    Help! He Really Won't Stop Flaring!

    I'm relieved to know that he was just gaining more colour on him! :wub: I've adjusted his tank set up and so far he has been rather content! I feel silly sometimes asking these questions because usually I know the answer already. I suddenly feel like a big newbie to bettas! I guess I am a...
  3. Klover

    Help! He Really Won't Stop Flaring!

    While he was flaring, he gained red streaks on his fins. I am not home right now so I don't know if they're still there, but they stayed there for at least an hour after he started to calm. Here's a pic: I'm not sure if this something to be concerned about, or if this is just new colouring.
  4. Klover

    Help! He Really Won't Stop Flaring!

    nope. It's a 5.5 gallon so I don't really have options. I ended up putting my temp. thermometer in front of the part he was reacting (it's really tall) and it seems to have stopped him from flaring. I didn't really want to have that thermometer in my tank anymore so I'll have to try and find...
  5. Klover

    Help! He Really Won't Stop Flaring!

    Is he just feeling really manly all of a sudden?
  6. Klover

    Help! He Really Won't Stop Flaring!

    Right! Well, he never flared for me before. Ever. Could care less about his reflection. Suddenly, he's started to flare at EVERYTHING and he won't stop! I tried turning the light off, covering the tank with a black scarf, but he just won't stop! I'm really worried he's going to stress himself...
  7. Klover

    Meet Felix!

    Thanks everyone! I feel like he's growing quite a bit since I got him. I'm not sure what the rate of growth is normally for bettas, but he's definitely gained a little more length. His tail is growing in a lot more than I was expecting (I originally thought he was a round tail but his tail...
  8. Klover

    Meet Felix!

    Thanks! Yes that is one of the main things that caught my eye when I saw him! I loved how the light hit off of him. The shininess of his body was amazing!
  9. Klover

    Meet Felix!

    Hi everyone! I bought a new betta just over a week ago! I originally named him Perry after Dr. Perry Cox from the TV Series Scrubs. As I got to know my new little guy a little more, I came to realize that Perry was not a suitable name for him at all. The problem was, I really didn't know what...
  10. Klover

    Introducing Betta Into The Tank

    Nope, it sure doesn't! He's already dancing when he sees me reach for the food. I'm happy to see that! haha.
  11. Klover

    Introducing Betta Into The Tank

    Thanks! He's definitely fun to have around. He's super active, that's for sure! He's starting to get used to me now. Doesn't swim away the minute he sees my hand with food! He's starting to realize that big hand gives him food! haha. I may also change his name. Perry doesn't really suit him...
  12. Klover

    Introducing Betta Into The Tank

    Haha, oohhh boy! Okay. So I did my best to get a few decent shots. Every single picture is either blurry or is just of his behind (since he kept hiding). I decided I would let him have his privacy after a couple tries...but I do have a few to show! They are nowhere near excellent, but this will...
  13. Klover

    Introducing Betta Into The Tank

    Alright, good to know! I hope he likes pellets...they are my favourite thing to use! =P
  14. Klover

    Introducing Betta Into The Tank

    Thanks for all the information! :). I'm leaving him alone for awhile so he can get used to everything. I tried feeding him, but he completely ignored the food. I did manage to get him to eat one pellet though so it isn't completely a lost cause! =P. I guess I'm still adjusting with having a...
  15. Klover

    Introducing Betta Into The Tank

    Yes, I'm working on it! Though he seems to hate the camera and is swimming away as fast as he can when I put the camera up to him! haha. I guess I will just have to give him some time to get used to me :P
  16. Klover

    Introducing Betta Into The Tank

    Thank you! He's doing good so far! I just put him in and he's pretty cautious with his surroundings right now. Just exploring the tank slowly. I think he's starting to enjoy it though :).
  17. Klover

    Introducing Betta Into The Tank

    I just bought a beautiful new Betta whom I named Perry. I have a cycled tank ready for him, but I am not quite sure what the best and least stressful way is to introduce him into it? Any tips or suggestions would be great! I don't want a bad start for this little guy :).
  18. Klover

    Biofoam Sponge Filter

    nevermind I figured it out :P
  19. Klover

    An Update On Linguini

    Amberleaf, it sounds like you have quite the awesome collection of fish! And at some points from how you described it, it was like a little mini soap opera or something! Your post made me smile though =). Forestpisces, I appreciate your two cents as well! =) And yes, this has stirred up a bit...
  20. Klover

    An Update On Linguini

    He's kind of inbetween. He can be protective here and there I've noticed in the past. My friend's mom was looking at him and he flared up completely like he was ready to fight her or something. But he hasn't been that aggressive in a long time. He doesn't like shiny things though. He just kind...
  21. Klover

    An Update On Linguini

    Hello everyone again. Thank you for your responses. I will agree, I don't think I had enough plants in the tank. That is a true point. I had him in the tank for 3 months over the summer. It was heated and filtered. When I say unhappy, he sometimes would sit at the top, not moving too much. He...
  22. Klover

    An Update On Linguini

    Hi everyone. I used to go on here a lot over 6 months ago (well mostly for reading posts, not really posting =P). Some may remember me, most probably wouldn't. Either way, I came here to seek help for my betta, Linguini. Often I found comfort in the knowledge people provided me to fix the...
  23. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

    Thanks! And I appreciate that you said that he's well cared for =). I'm glad to hear that! And for sure, I'll avoid the plastic plants. I remember I was in the pet store for a very long time trying to decide what was best. I chose the one I did because it didn't seem like it'd be bad, it wasn't...
  24. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

    Wow thanks! I'll do that! And I did find a pretty good dechlorinator for now (i hope). it's been treating me good and doesn't require too much to take care of the water. But that is a good idea! And yeah, i've removed the sharp pointy things that were coming off the flowers and I think that...
  25. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

    Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Here I was picturing a little toy for a fish! I try to keep him entertained, but sometimes I think he thinks I'm weird! haha.
  26. Klover

    Lets Hear Your Betta's Names

    My little guy has a first, middle, and last name, along with a nickname. Each for a reason. His full name is: "Luigi" Linguini Karsten Warhol. Luigi because there was a point where I wish I had named him Luigi, then realized that it sounds like a nickname for Linguini. Linguini (I know it's...
  27. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

    Hey guys, I just thought I'd give an update. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get to a pet store to purchase/look at these items hands-on, but it's been crazy at home (with my brother moving away and whatnot) that I or Linguini weren't the main priority. I'm hoping to get out Monday...
  28. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

    thanks for the tips! and yes, silly me, i meant fluorescent but for some reason wrote LED. i was looking at this heater's 50 watt, though i wasn't sure if it'd work. it comes with a thermometer. or this one i just...
  29. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

    Hey guys, so I've been looking at heaters, filters, and larger tanks. I may be working at a camp this summer as the Nature Director and am considering taking him along and putting him in the nature centre. If I do so, I'd want a proper heating system and filter and in doing so, I'm also looking...
  30. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  31. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  32. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  33. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  34. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  35. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  36. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  37. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  38. Klover

    Is This Fin Rot?

  39. Klover

    Mysterious White Dot?

    I appreciate your advice, but yes, he is alone. Though thanks anyway =)
  40. Klover

    Mysterious White Dot?

    I discovered yesterday that my betta's tail was looking a little bit shredded and did some research to discover that it was most likely fin rot. I had changed his water that day, and today I did a 50% change and plan to do another tomorrow and so forth hoping it will get better (considering I...