Search results

  1. G


    How to make dp eat? I bought two dp - one 0.5 cm, another 1 cm. 0.5 cm was put in 25 l tank with 4 baby tiger barbs - a bit of fin nipping, but i feed him a lot, so no much harm. Another one, in tank with corys and yoyo loach - doesn't seem to be eating a lot, but it's a week already, so i...
  2. G

    Dwarf puffer observations

    I just bought two dp and am rather puzzled by difference in their behaviour. One eats bloodworms - frozen and live/ THe other one, in big community tank with corrys, rummynosed tetras and yoyo loach - never seen him eating, but 5 days and swimming around merrily. 2nd one never attempted fin...
  3. G

    Wanted: Shrimps And Plants Manchester

    wanted: plants ( for example rosette-style medium level) and red cherry/bumble bee shrimps in Manchester.
  4. G

    Wanted: New Plants In Manchester

    Hi I'm new here and I have only medium -sized tank, but rather bored with my plants. Anybody who has interesting ones ( for example rosette-style, something that grows medium level) in Manchester i'd readily take it off your hands. And red cherry/bumble bee shrimps - up to 5 ( sorry again...