Search results

  1. jotto

    Digital Thermometer, Which One And Placement.

    Am looking to buy a more accurate thermometer for our tank to make sure the heater is up to the task and working and to keep the fish more comfortable. I want to get a digital thermometer and wondered what you all use and where in the tank you place guess would be in the opposite corner...
  2. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Been a few days since my last posting but all results have stayed constant with perhaps a very small rise in the nitrates today. Colour seems very slightly darker than 10 but very difficult to see. Have added 3 black mollies and 2 dwarf gouramis. Our final stock wish list is looking like...
  3. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Test results update. Day 1. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 2. PH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average. Day 3. PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 4. PH 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0...
  4. jotto

    Fish Dying

    Ok so you set up your new tank a month ago and slowly added fish. Can you explain exactly how you did this...what chemicals did you use, how long without fish, etc etc.
  5. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Is there a general rule with feeding? At the mo, we are at the point where the lil tetras will swim about and have all the flake in about 30 seconds or so. Its only about 5/6 flakes and they nibble it and chase it around. Its not like its all gone in a few seconds and they are looking for more...
  6. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Test results update. Day 1. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 2. PH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average. Day 3. PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 4. PH 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0...
  7. jotto

    My Iwagumi Style Tank

    Have you tried TriMar or is that a little too far away? Its only 5 min from us! There is a Maidenhead @ Carnon Downs Garden Center and also Totally tropical near Camborne. Have heard good things about Reef Life at Penryn but havent got around to visiting them yet. Beautiful tank BTW! Proper Job!
  8. jotto

    Help! Filter Switched Off.

    Im a n00b here myself but I have read that the bacteria will start to die off after about 10 hours and by only a little so I would think that you would be alright. More experienced people will chime in soon and put your mind at rest...
  9. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Test results update. Day 1. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 2. PH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average. Day 3. PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 4. PH 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0...
  10. jotto

    How Many Plants Is Too Much And Should We Add Whilst Cycling?

    Really well I think! Here is my post regarding water testing etc, As you can see we have had 7 days of pretty good results.
  11. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Test results update. Day 1. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 2. PH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average. Day 3. PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 4. 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0...
  12. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Test results update. Day 1. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 2. PH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average. Day 3. PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 4. 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0...
  13. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Kat, thanks for your replies. :good: Feeding Tetra pro flake and about 5 flakes a day. The LFS said we should keep the fish a lil hungry to begin with. I realise that excess food can degrade and cause problems but I wonder if we are feeding enough? Its all gone very quickly, having said that...
  14. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Test results update. Day 1. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 2. PH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average. Day 3. PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 4. 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0...
  15. jotto

    Dwarf Gourami, Suitable In Our Tank?

    Hi all. New to the fish scene and am currently running a 75 ltr tank, cycling with fish in...I know, I know, poor advice from lfs! lol. Anyway, water tests are pretty constant right now and we are just thinking about future fish. We have 7 Black Phantom tetras at the mo who all seem happy and...
  16. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Test results update. Day 1. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 2. PH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average. Day 3. PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 So how are we looking? I assumed the levels...
  17. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Will check as soon as I get home from work and post an update. I had a look at a piece of decorative wood at a local shop today and was tempted to get some more. Would this lower th PH even more? I will need to check what other fish like this kind of PH level.
  18. jotto

    How Many Plants Is Too Much And Should We Add Whilst Cycling?

    Yes, like a lot of n00bs, we were not given any info about cycling the tank before putting fish in. Here is a link to our other post with regards testings etc
  19. jotto

    How Many Plants Is Too Much And Should We Add Whilst Cycling?

    WD, there are 7 Black Phantoms in there ( and Speedy, our very small racing snail! )....they like to swim around the back of the tank. All look nice and healthy. Is the TPN required with fish or should we just let the tank settle before adding more chemicals to the mix?
  20. jotto

    learning slowly...

    learning slowly...
  21. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Will check tap water and post results. So, what difference would it make in the grand scheme of things to have such a small difference? Sorry if this is a really dumb question. OK, Tap water is 7.6 on the low scale and between 7.8 and 7.9 on the high scale so that means the tap water is...
  22. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    OK, will do. What would you expect level to be? Just done it...shows very slightly paler than the lowest reading of 7.4 so I assume initial result is correct.
  23. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Test results update. Day 1. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Day 2. PH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 5 Just a drop in PH levels. Is this to be expected?
  24. jotto

    Heater Angle?

    Water, is most dense at 4°C and becomes less dense at both higher and lower temperatures therefore can we assume anything cooler than 4°C???
  25. jotto

    How Many Plants Is Too Much And Should We Add Whilst Cycling?

    Thanks for all the replies. Will do some housekeeping and re-arrange and un-clump as required. Its an Aqua one 510 which I believe is a 75 ltr tank. Think we best leave it as is for now...n00bs to this so one learning curve at a time!
  26. jotto

    Heater Angle?

    slinks off to repostion ours.....
  27. jotto

    How Many Plants Is Too Much And Should We Add Whilst Cycling?

    Here is our tank so far. My wife wants to add a lot more plants but is concerened about how many we can add. From what I have read, there isnt a max. Just add untill you are happy. So, what is a good amount and am I for once correct that we cannot put too many in and What would you guys...
  28. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    ooh I win a prize do I do I???? lol Thanks for the info. I have a gravel type siphon so all good with that. WIll check water quality as soon as I get home. What about my racing snail, can he stay?
  29. jotto

    New Here, Saying Hi.

    Sounds like a nice set uo. Looking forward to the pics. :)
  30. jotto

    N00B In Cornwall

    Will google pearling, thanks. From one n00b to another ( on this site anyway! ) welcome also!
  31. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Thanks waterdrop and oldman...wd, you must have been typing at the same time as me.... Im testing using the API master kit so will test as you suggest and post my results. Possibly a silly question but when changing out a percentage of the water, should the fresh water be as near to tank temp...
  32. jotto

    N00B In Cornwall

    Just took a few pics of the set up.... This evening, tank has started to produce lots of tiny micro bubbles.
  33. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    The tank was completely clear, the bubble have just started this evening which made me wonder if there was a problem. Ive read about cycling but Im obviously missing will I know when it has cycled? Just been looking at the tank and zipping across the front ( I was amazed at...
  34. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    No worries..that I have learnt! lol. If my water tests give similar readings for say the next week, would it be safe to add a few more small fish? Will pick another small hardy variety. Any recommendations? Ideally want something a little more colourful. TIA!
  35. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Thanks for that, any ideas about the bubbles?
  36. jotto

    New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

    Being a n00b and taking so called advice from our lfs, we set up our 75l tank, dechlorinated it, got it up to temperature ( 26 degrees ) waited a day or so before adding some stabiliser and a shoal of 7 Black Phantoms and a few plants. Then, we discovered this forum and got worried about what...
  37. jotto

    New To Keeping Fish, Some General Questions About Our Set Up.

    Hi all. We have an Aqua one 510 tropical set up that we bought second hand and have got it up and running with a small shoal of 7 Black Phantoms. Few questions.... The tank is currently running at about 25 degrees and has a pea gravel substrate. It has been planted out with various plants and...
  38. jotto

    N00B In Cornwall

    Thanks for the replies! that was quick. Just putting a short list together for my first
  39. jotto

    N00B In Cornwall

    Hi all. New to the tropical fish world. The wife and I have spoken about keeping fish for some time and just recently what seemed to be a good deal came up so we are now the proud owners of an Aqua one 510 tank, planted out a little with a small shoal of 7 Black Phantoms. Already just enjoying...