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  1. R

    Help: Possibly Wounded Molly

    Thanks for all the help, I’ll be on the lookout for bigger tanks and try and get them in a more comfortable tank soon. I also have some questions about the Bolivian Ram, it is very quiet and he mainly stays in the bottom corner of the tank and doesn’t eat much, I bought cichlid pellets which he...
  2. R

    Help: Possibly Wounded Molly

    Hi there thanks for replying, the tank is 15 gallons and there is a Pearl gourami, a Honey gourami, a Bolivian ram, a Blue ram, 2 speckled coloured Mollies and 2 new black mollies. I'm really new to fish keeping and i bought 6 of the fish from the same place which seemed very well-informed but...
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  4. R

    Help: Possibly Wounded Molly

    The possible wounded fish is the orange molly. The other one is the black molly that might be pregnant, it’s not letting me attach a clearer picture so again I will attach it to a reply.
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  6. R

    Help: Possibly Wounded Molly

    Hi, whilst I was checking my tank and feeding the fish I noticed that one of my mollies had a red circle near her face ( it looks like a wound). I already had an idea of who it could’ve been as I had added two female black mollies the night before , one of which is particularly aggressive with...
  7. R

    Help: Pearl Gourami gender and health

    Thanks a lot, this forum has been really helpful
  8. R

    Help: Pearl Gourami gender and health

    Sorry, I’m a new member so I don’t know anything about editing profiles, hope you figure it out
  9. R

    Help: Pearl Gourami gender and health

    The tank is 61L / 13G, would it be safe to have more mollies in it?
  10. R

    Help: Pearl Gourami gender and health

    There is also a pair of Mollies in the tank which have been chasing each other (mainly the male chasing the female), would I need some more female mollies, I’m also unsure since there’s already 6 fish in the tank.
  11. R

    Help: Pearl Gourami gender and health

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions and help, I am looking for a store which sells plants to add to the tank because I’m just using some old fake plants, there is some cover although I know that I need to buy some. At first the pearl gourami was really quiet ( expected since it is new ) then...
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  13. R

    Help: Pearl Gourami gender and health

    Hi there, I’ve just got a pearl gourami which I don’t know the gender of, the normal dark straight line it has is quite curved and I’m just wondering if it’s cause for concern. It has also stuck to same area of the tank although it has been moving around for a couple of hours in between, I’m...
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  16. R

    Help: Are my Ram Cichlids Male or Female?

    I live in the UK so I guess I am just lucky, thanks for your help.
  17. R

    Help: Are my Ram Cichlids Male or Female?

    Thanks very much, they were sold as 2 rams at a regular pet supermarket, I’ll make sure I buy my future fish at a more educated place. Do you know what gender they are? Thanks again
  18. R

    Help: Are my Ram Cichlids Male or Female?

    Hi there, I have just got 2 Ram Cichlids together and I’m unsure what either of them are, they do look a bit different, so that’s why I’m confused. I’ve looked at pictures to try and figure it out but I think my Rams might be juveniles so it’s pretty hard to tell. Here are the pictures of them.
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  21. R

    Help: Gouramis and Guppies / Tank size

    Is there any slightly larger fish that would get on well, just maybe some that are 2 inches and would the guppies definitely be a bad idea?
  22. R

    Help: Gouramis and Guppies / Tank size

    Thanks for your help I will try and find a GH test on my water, and the fish that you’ve suggested do look very nice.
  23. R

    Help: Gouramis and Guppies / Tank size

    I will look out for the Water Sprite, although I can’t find any other data on my water suppliers’ website, I have been told that the GH of the water is soft. And I might be able to find a trio of honey gourami, would I be able to keep any other fish or do you think that it’s breaching the safe...
  24. R

    Help: Gouramis and Guppies / Tank size

    Hi, thanks for replying, I forgot to mention that they’re gonna be dwarf gouramis, I’ve been told that our tap water is soft but I have also attached a picture of what’s on my water providers website. I am buying some plants very soon to oxygenate the water, but i have got a pump in my tank...
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  26. R

    Help: Gouramis and Guppies / Tank size

    Hi, so basically I’m very new to having fish, I had them when I was younger but I didn’t understand all the responsibility. I’m getting fish again and I’m planning to get 2 gouramis and some guppies but I definitely need help. Originally, I knew I didn’t want 1 because they get really shy and...